===== Future Additions =====
* Robotic arm ** FIXXXScorBot ** bought from ebay
* Design for Auxiliary power supply with a switch to change sources (with load balancing, etc).
* Relay controller for head/tail lights
==== Critical ====
* Camera selection (in the [[Beobot 2.0/Electrical System/Sensors|sensors]] section).
* Sturdier pole camera mount.
* Push all **SolidWorks/Altium files to SVN**
* **Take pictures for all the maintanance procedures**: charging batteries, etc.
* **Call Kontron** to return Board!!!
* Diagram module allocation in full system setup
==== Non Critical ====
* ATX [[Beobot 2.0/Electrical System/Prototype_1_PB|Power]] cable from:
* KVM to Sensor board
* Sensor board to motor board
* Touch Screen:
VGA-touch_screen connector: VGA, USB, Power (12V)
Make Touch Screen to work on Linux
* Firewire setup: card secure mounting
* wireless
open wrt get it up and running in old version and then upgrade to new version.
download new firmware.
* [[Beobot 2.0/Electrical System/Sensors|sensors]]:
* Compass
* **edge sensors** (figuring out that the robot is on the edge of a cliff)
* Microphone
* Bump Sensor
* Smell Sensor : )
* Request more [[COM Express Connector]]
==== Known Unfixed bug ====
The logs are written below, but this is the summary:
**Almost All signals work**, except for:
* **X5**: the PCI Express slot. Soldering error.
* **X1**: Bottom USB on (closest to) Baseboard (in RJ45 jack). Soldering error.
* **X2**: Top USB on (farther from back of robot) Back panel mount. Soldering error.
* **X2**: Top USB on (farther from USB4 adapter) Side panel mount. Soldering error.
* **X6**: Top USB on (farther from back of robot) Back panel mount. Soldering error.
* **X8**: Top USB on (farther from back of robot) Back panel mount. Soldering error.
* Side Panel mount connectors (on both sides) hit the Motor and Sensor Board, respectively. Design error. These boards has to be made smaller.