Homework Policy for CSCI 564

Special Note for hw3

Include concrete proofs in form of graphs, tables, nsl result screen captures, etc. to support your answer, reasoning, claim, etc. to the questions.  Lack of proof may give you no credit at all.
Submit all *.mod and readme files if any.  You do not need to submit Makefile.  Do not submit *.java, *.nlx, *.class and *.tmp files.  
In this assignment written part is based on working code.  If your code does not work, then document your trial and error with printouts and analytical reasoning associated with them, and try answering the problems.
You must online-submit your code of part c regardless of its working status.  If not, you will not get any credit at all.
Please use hw3 (no space; three characters) as the tag when you submit the code.

Submit Policy for the Homework



All the implementation or code must be compilable and runnable at your aludra or nunki account.
No exception.
Full off-line documentation must link the theory or concept with the high-level design of code!  For example, Minimum documentation must define what the code is about so that when you review your code ten years later, you may understand what you did.  It may be online documentation.  

Late Policy for the Homework

Maximum potential for an assignment is 10 points for on-time submission.
Being late by x days will reduce it by x.
For example,  if you submit late by 2 days, the maximum potential will be 8 points.
DEN time-stamps DEN students' written part.  The grader may consider it as the submission time.