CS664 - Neural Basis of Visually-Guided Behavior

Course Syllabus

  1. 1/8

Introduction: The Mirror System in Monkey and Human; From the Mirror System for Grasping to Protospeech (Arbib)

  1. 1/10

From Protospeech to Language (Arbib)

  1. 1/15

Vision, Schemas and Minimal Subscenes (Itti)

  1. 1/17

An Overview of the Course Projects (Arbib, Itti and Billard)

  1. 1/22

Visual Attention: Bottom-up processes and the saliency map (Itti)

  1. 1/24

The MNS Model of the Mirror System for Action Recognition in Grasping (Oztop)

  1. 1/29

Visual Attention: Top-down Modulation (Itti)

  1. 1/31

Project discussion; Object Recognition and Attention(Itti)

  1. 2/5

Visual Attention: From Motion to Action (Itti)

  1. 2/7

Scene Understanding (Itti)

  1. 2/12

Brain imaging (PET, fMRI, etc.): A case study 1 (Arbib)

  1. 2/14

Brain imaging (PET, fMRI, etc.): A case study 2 (Arbib)

  1. 2/19

Brain imaging (PET, fMRI, etc.): A database (Arbib)

  1. 2/21

Cognitive Grammar 1 (Arbib)

  1. 2/26

Cognitive Grammar 2 (Arbib)

  1. 2/28

Cognitive Grammar 3 (Arbib)

  1. 3/5

Sign language as a bridge from action to speech (Arbib)

  1. 3/7

Human activity analysis 1: Computer vision for understanding complex dynamic scenes (Itti)


Spring Recess


Spring Recess

  1. 3/19x

Human activity analysis 2: From Computer Vision to Brain Models (Itti)

  1. 3/21x

Integrating attention and action recognition: the minimal subscene 1 (Itti)

  1. 3/26

Integrating attention and action recognition: the minimal subscene 2 (Itti)

  1. 3/28x

Sentence frames for scene descriptions and questions 1 (Itti)

  1. 4/2

Sentence frames for scene descriptions and questions 2 (Arbib)

  1. 4/4


  1. 4/9

The Dynamics of Language Acquisition in the Child 1 (Arbib)

  1. 4/11

The Dynamics of Language Acquisition in the Child 2 (Arbib)

  1. 4/16

Student reports on group projects 1

  1. 4/18

Student reports on group projects 2

  1. 4/23

Student reports on group projects 3

  1. 4/25

Conceptual Overview of our Progress (Arbib and Itti)

Copyright © 2002 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti