CSCI 597 Seminar in Computer Science Research

Mondays, 12:00-12:50pm, OHE-122

Professor Laurent Itti,

                TA: Christian Siagian,

CSCI 597 provides a series of expository lectures to introduce Ph.D. students to the breadth of research topics in CS (and, to some extent, beyond). The idea is to cycle through the subareas of USC research in CS each semester.

First-year Ph.D. Students are required to enroll for 1 unit of CSCI 597 for the first 2 semesters of the Ph.D. Program. (Applicable only to students enrolling in Summer of 2000 or later.)

Spring 2008SpeakerTitle of the talk
1/14Laurent Itti Introduction and advice on grants
1/21 Holiday No class
1/28Ulrich Neumann TBA
2/4Paul RosenbloomTBA
2/11Maja MataricTBA
2/18 Holiday No class
2/25Nenad Medvidovic TBA
3/3 Andrew GordonTBA
3/10 Ewa DeelmanTBA
3/17 Spring Break
3/24 Milind TambeTBA
3/31 Sven KoenigTBA
4/7 Dennis McLeodTBA
4/14Aiichiro NakanoTBA
4/21 David KempeTBA
4/28Stefan SchaalTBA