====== Developer Notes ====== * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/~rand/nrtdocs/|Autogenerated Doxygen Docs]]: Doxygen docs generated nightly from the latest source. * [[FeatureWishList|Roadmap]]: Development roadmap of features to be implemented. Check here if you have yet to be assigned to a project to see what needs to be implemented. * [[StyleGuide|Style Guide]]: The NRT Development Style Guide. Simple rules concerning how to write and organize your code so that the library stays consistent. * [[OpenQuestions|General Open Questions]]: Various high-level open questions about the design of the toolkit. * [[MinorIssues|Minor Issues]]: Various minor annoyances and inconsistencies in the NRT API * [[DifferenceINVT|INVT Difference]]: Code style difference between INVT and NRT