Research opportunities at iLab for students and postdocs
We are always interested in talented individuals who share our
passion for basic research in computational neuroscience and
neuromorphic engineering.
Successful applicants are typically expected to have a strong
C++/Linux programming background, some computational neuroscience or
neural engineering experience, some independent research leadership
and publications, and some knowledge of the types of models which we
have developed and distributed in the past. Some iLab members have
joined the lab with a neuroscience/biology background, while others
have joined the lab with a computer science/engineering
background. All have become interdisciplinary experts in visual
processing, attention, and other aspects of vision. All iLab members
are expected to conduct research programs which include both an
experimental component (e.g., psychophysics, eye-tracking, fMRI,
single-unit electrophysiology, etc) and a computational component
(e.g., data modeling, neural networks, neurally-inspired artificial
intelligence, neuro-robotics, etc). All iLab members will develop an
intimate knowledge of the basic neuroscience literature as well as of
additional mathematical, computer science, and/or robotics
techniques. In the end the common trait is an intense passion for
computational neuroscience, an exceptional agility with all sorts of
programming, modeling, and data analysis, and an itching need to
understand how the brain works.
We welcome new members at the high-school, undergraduate, graduate, and
postdoctoral level. In most cases, short commitments (less than one
year) will not be possible because of the complex nature of our
Before you contact us, we would like to encourage you to go over
the research and publications areas of this site, to
familiarize yourself with our research focus.
Application procedure
Update December 2011: Because our lab is currently already quite full, we can currently only consider
applicants who have a proven C++11 programming background under
Linux (note that C or C++03 are not sufficient). Please do not apply unless you can show us example C++11 code and
projects which you have already completed.
- High School and Earlier: You may want to consider joining the USC robotics society and go from there. This
student organization is hosted in our lab. Please see uscrs.org. Please apply online
at the address below. You will need:
- Required: your up-to-date CV (resume),
- Required: a statement of purpose (description of what you want to do in iLab),
- Required: a weekly schedule of when you will be working in the lab,
- If you have: possible publications which you have authored or co-authored,
- If you have: possible sample C++ source code which you have written for previous projects.
- Undergraduate: You may want to consider joining the USC robotics society and go from there. This student
organization is hosted in our lab. Please see uscrs.org. Please apply online at the
address below. You will need:
- Required: your up-to-date CV (resume),
- Required: a statement of purpose (description of what you want to do in iLab),
- Required: a weekly schedule of when you will be working in the lab,
- If you have: possible publications which you have authored or co-authored,
- If you have: possible sample C++ source code which you have written for previous projects.
- Master's / Directed Research: If you are not yet a current M.S. student at USC, you should first apply to one
of the USC Master's programs. Please note that it is the current policy of the School of Engineering at USC to not allow
faculty to financially support M.S. students as Research Assistant (RA). Hence, typically M.S. students who join the lab
pursue Directed Research, except for a few rare exceptional cases. Once you are admitted and a current student, please
apply online at the address below. You will need:
- Required: your up-to-date CV (resume),
- Required: a statement of purpose (description of what you want to do in iLab),
- Required: a weekly schedule of when you will be working in the lab,
- If you have: possible publications which you have authored or co-authored,
- Required: sample C++ source code which you have written for previous projects.
- PhD: First, you should officially apply to one of the USC PhD programs (for example, computer science,
neuroscience, etc). You should complete an application package available on the USC web site. Usually, the deadline for
application is in December or January for admissions in the following fall semester (August). After a few months you
will hear back from USC admissions. If you are officially admitted, then it will be the right time to contact Prof. Itti
to discuss possible projects, funding, etc. Until we know that you are officially admitted, however, it is useless to
contact us as we cannot do anything for you. After you know that you have been admitted, please
apply online at the address below. You will need:
- Required: your up-to-date CV (resume),
- Required: a statement of purpose (description of what you want to do in iLab),
- Required: publications which you have authored or co-authored,
- Required: sample C++ source code which you have written for previous projects.
- Postdoc: Please apply online at the address below. You will need:
- Required: your up-to-date CV (resume),
- Required: intended dates of stay at iLab,
- Required: a statement of research purpose (description of what you want to do in iLab),
- Required: a statement of purpose regarding supervision of PhD students,
- Required: publications which you have authored or co-authored,
- Required: sample C++ source code which you have written for previous projects.
Follow this link to Apply Now! Remember that
a minimum 1-year commitment is expected.
Copyright © 2000 by the University of
Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent