= PDF Reprint, = BibTeX entry, = Online Abstract
L. Itti, Keynote lecture: Computational modeling of bottom-up and top-down visual attention in complex dynamic environments, European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2015), Vienna, Austria, Aug 2015.
L. Itti, Modeling task control of gaze, Gordon Research Conference on Eye Movements, Waltham, MA, Jul 2015.
L. Itti, Biologically-inspired attention and scene understanding algorithms for mobile robots, Sixth international cognitive vision workshop of IROS 2011, Sep 2011.
L. Itti, Visual attention: theories and models, Series of lectures for the CoSMo 2011 summer school in computational sensory-motor neuroscience, Kingston, ON, Canada, Aug 2011.
L. Itti, Modeling of bottom-up and top-down visual attention in natural environments, USC Discover Engineering guest lecture, Aug 2011.
L. Itti, Computational modelling of attention and visual behaviour, 25 years of research on saliency - state of the art and new directions, Jul 2011.
L. Itti, Bayesian modeling of bottom-up and top-down visual attention in natural environments, Grand Challenges in Neural Computation, Los Alamos, Feb 2011.
L. Itti, Bayesian modeling of bottom-up and top-down visual attention in natural environments, University of California, Irvine, Distinguished Lecture Series, Jan 2011.
L. Itti, Statistical modeling of surprise with applications to predicting attention andgaze, SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, Special session: attention and gaze in constructing the visual world, Jan 2011.
L. Itti, Neuromorphic visual system for intelligent unmanned sensors, DARPA Neural Engineering, Science and Technology Forum, San Diego, CA, Nov 2010.
L. Itti, Bayesian modeling of bottom-up and top-down visual attention in natural environments, Distinguished Lecture Series, Duke University, Durham, NC, Oct 2010.
L. Itti, Full-Day Tutorial: Visual attention - Bottom-up, top-down and applications, Sino-USA Summer School on Vision, Learning and Pattern-Recognition, Xi'an, China, Jul 2010.
L. Itti, Statistical modeling of surprise with applications to images and videos, Computational modelling of attention and visual behaviour, Jun 2010.
L. Itti, Statistical modeling of surprise with applications to images and videos, CIRM Workshop on Statistical Models for Images, Luminy, France, May 2010.
L. Itti, Biologically-inspired vision and attention for cognitive robots, Workshop on hybrid neuro-computer vision systems, Columbia University, NY, Apr 2010.
L. Itti, Computational models of visual attention and gaze in primates, University of Southern California Annual Vision Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, Apr 2010.
L. Itti, Biologically-inspired vision and attention for cognitive robots, Schloss Dagstuhl Seminar Series, Seminar 10081 on Cognitive Robotics, Germany, Feb 2010.
L. Itti, Modelinb Bottom-up and top-down visual attention in human and monkeys, Invited seminar, Aachen University, Germany, Feb 2010.
L. Itti, Exploiting bottom-up and top-down information in a Bayesian framework for vision, Mathematics Dept. Seminar, UCLA, Westwood, CA, Feb 2010.
L. Itti, Computational models of attention and eye movements in natural scenes, Cognitive Science 200: Visual salience: neurophysiology and models, invited lecture, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, Nov 2009.
D. J. Berg, L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down guidance of eye movements in humans and monkeys, European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Southampton, England, Aug 2009.
L. Itti, Untitled, Ernst Struengmann forum on Dynamic Coordination in the Brain: From Neurons to Mind, Frankfurt, Germany, Aug 2009.
L. Itti, Computational models of vision and scene understanding in humans and monkeys, USC Neurodinner, Los Angeles, CA, May 2009.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down control of gaze in natural viewing, Society for the Neural Control of Movement Annual Meeting, Waikoloa, HI, Apr 2009.
L. Itti, Integrating context to computational models of saliency-based attention, Cosyne Workshop: The role of spatial context in biological and computational vision, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar 2009.
L. Itti, Bottom up and top-down guidance of visual attention in natural environments, Symposium on Natural Scenes, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Jan 2009.
L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down visual attention in humans and monkeys, Harvard medical school weekly seminar, Cambridge, MA, Jan 2009.
L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down visual attention in humans and monkeys, Center for language and speech processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Jan 2009.
L. Itti, Computational models of attention and eye movements in natural scenes, Workshop on attention and motor control, Rovereto, Italy, Oct 2008.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down guidance of visual attention in health and disease, Harbor-UCLA Neurology Department Grand Rounds, Torrance, California, Sep 2008.
D. J. Berg, Modeling bottom-up visual attention in humans and monkeys, USC Neuroscience Retreat, Laguna Beach, CA, Sep 2008.
L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down visual attention and search in humans and monkeys, International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, Muntelier-Loewenberg, Switzerland, Jul 2008.
L. Itti, Bottom up and top-down guidance of visual attention in natural environments, International Conference of Psychology (ICP), Symposium on Current Views in Scene Perception, July 2008.
L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down visual attention in humans and monkeys, Cold Spring Harbor Swartz conference on theoretical and experimental adavnces in visual and auditory attention, Cold Spring Harbor Labs Banburry Center, New York, Apr 2008.
L. Itti, Quantitative analysis of perceptual salience at the point of gaze in humans and monkeys, Workshop on Natural Environments, Taska, and Intelligence (NETI), Austin, Texas, Mar 2008.
L. Itti, Quantitative analysis of perceptual salience at the point of gaze in humans and monkeys, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan, Jan 2008.
L. Itti, Neuromorphic vision and attention for mobile robots, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2007 Workshop: From sensors to human spatial concepts, San Diego, CA, Oct 2007.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down visual attention in humans and monkeys, USC Neuroscience Retreat, Laguna Beach, CA, Sep 2007.
L. Itti, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience and Its Applications, National Academy of Engineering, 2007 U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Redmond, WA, Sep 2007.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down visual attention in humans and monkeys, European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Potsdam, Germany, Aug 2007.
L. Itti, The role of attention as an enabler, DARPA URGENT meeting, San Diego, California, Jul 2007.
L. Itti, Human and monkey eye movements under natural free viewing, First NSF data sharing workshop, University of Maryland, MD, Jun 2007.
L. Itti, Characterizing bayesian surprise in humans and monkeys, NSF CRCNS annual meeting, University of Maryland, MD, Jun 2007.
L. Itti, Integrating low-level visual and high-level cognitive processing, International Symposium on Dynamics of Attentional Control, Munich, Germany, Jun 2007.
L. Itti, Building models that integrate low-level visual and high-level cognitive processing, International conference: Closing the gap between neurophysiology and behaviour: A computational modelling approach, Birmingham, U.K., Jun 2007.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down guidance of attention towards visually surprising stimuli, Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, Pasadena, CA, May 2007.
L. Itti, Combined top-down and bottom-up attentional guidance, Plenary lecture, ICVS workshop on computational attention and applications (WCAA), Bielefeld, Germany, Mar 2007.
L. Itti, What makes something visually interesting?, University of Paderborn, Germany, Mar 2007.
L. Itti, Combined bottom-up and top-down control of visual attention in humans and monkeys, International workshop on visual attention, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mar 2007.
L. Itti, Modeling bottom-up and top-down guidance of visual attention over natural scenes, Caltech NESS Annual Retreat, Oxnard, CA, Oct 2006.
L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down influences on visual attention during understanding of dynamic visual scenes, Gordon Research Conference on Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment, Big Sky, Montana, Aug 2006.
L. Itti, A Neurocomputational Model of ``Surprise'' in the Human Brain, Neurology Grand Rounds, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California, Aug 2006.
L. Itti, Modeling Human Processes of Complex Scene Understanding, DARPA/MTO Complex Systems Architecture Workshop, Arlington, VA, Jun 2006.
L. Itti, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, NSF CRCNS Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, Jun 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, Brain Mapping Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, May 2006.
L. Itti, Optimal Feature Biasing During Visual Search, Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, La Jolla, CA, May 2006.
L. Itti, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, Vision Science Society Symposium on Integrating Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention, Sarasota, FL, May 2006.
L. Itti, Identifying Regions of Interest and Surprise Theory Realization, DARPA Workshop on Artificial Vision Systems, Boston, MA, Apr 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, USC Annual Vision Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, Apr 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, Keck Vision Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, Apr 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, National Institute for Physiological Science, Okazaki, Japan, Apr 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, USC IMSC Student Council Event, Los Angeles, CA, Feb 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human and Monkey Attention, Important Scientific Questions for Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics Symposium, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland, Feb 2006.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite de Nantes, France, Oct 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian surprise attracts human attention, International Workshop on Bioinspired Information Processing: Cognitive modeling and gaze-based communication, Luebeck, Germany, Sep 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Computational Vision in Neural and Machine Systems, CVR Vision Conference, York University, Canada, Jun 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human Attention, University of California, Irvine, IMBS Seminar, May 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Early Attention, UCLA Computer Vision Group, Westwood, California, Apr 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, USC-IMSC Student Council Speaker Series, Apr 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, The salience map: a local surprise detector?, Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Workshop on the Saliency Map, New York, N.Y., Apr 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Neuroscience-Enabled Geospatial Intelligence Workshop, Washington, D.C., Mar 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, Mar 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Second Sight Inc., Sylmar, California, Mar 2005.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, Dec 2004.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprise Theory of Attention, Caltech Computations and Neural Systems Anniversary, Pasadena, California, Nov 2004.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprising Theory of Attention, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California, Sep 2004.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprising Theory of Attention, USC Research Activities Presentation Day, Los Angeles, California, Aug 2004.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprising Theory of Attention, Office of Naval Research Workshop, Reno, Nevada, Aug 2004.
L. Itti, Automatic Eye and Head Animation for Animats, From Animals to Animats 8, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Simulation of Autonomous Behavior, Santa Monica, California, Jul 2004.
L. Itti, Biological Models of Vision and Attention for Face Detection in Natural Scenes, First IEEE-CVPR International Workshop on Face Processing in Video, Washington, D.C., Jun 2004.
L. Itti, P. F. Baldi, A Surprising Theory of Attention, T.N.O. Human Factors Research Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Jun 2004.
L. Itti, From Attention to Scene Understanding?, Caltech Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering Industry Day, Pasadena, California, Nov 2003.
L. Itti, Learning Higher-Order Perceptual Saliency of Monochromatic Images: Psychophysics and Computational Modeling, NIMA Neuroscience-Enabled Computer Vision Workshop, Washington, D.C., Oct 2003.
L. Itti, Contribution of Low-Level Saliency to Human Eye Movements, Caltech Computation and Neural Systems Seminar, Pasadena, California, Oct 2003.
L. Itti, Attention-Based Video Compression, USC Research Activities Presentation Day, Los Angeles, California, Aug 2003.
L. Itti, Bottom-Up and Top-Down Guidance of Visual Attention in Natural Dynamic Scenes, Telluride Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, Telluride, Colorado, Jul 2003.
L. Itti, Modeling Saliency and Task Influences on Visual Search, Symposium on Visual Search, Munich, Germany, Jun 2003.
L. Itti, Exploiting Visual Information Using Biologically-Inspired Architectures, NBIC Convergence 2003, Los Angeles, California, Feb 2003.
L. Itti, Controlling Sensornets with Realistic Brain Models, Proc. Virtual Worlds and Simulation Conference, Orlando, Florida, Jan 2003.
L. Itti, Bottom-Up and Top-Down Guidance of Visual Attention, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Neurology Grand Rounds, Los Angeles, California, Nov 2002.
L. Itti, Computational Architectures in Biological Vision, USC Research Activities Presentation Day, Los Angeles, California, Aug 2002.
L. Itti, Biological Architectures for Imagery Analysis, National Imagery and Mapping Agency Workshop, Washington, D.C., Aug 2002.
L. Itti, Distributed Attention, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California, Apr 2002.
L. Itti, Attentional Modulation of Early Sensory Processing, Brookhaven National Laboratories, Uptown, New York, Feb 2002.
L. Itti, Computational Architecture for Goal-Oriented Attention, Institute for Creative Technologies, Marina del Rey, California, Dec 2001.
L. Itti, S. Schaal, Real-Time Motion Information Mining: Biological Approaches and Statistical Learning, NSF Motion Imagery Workshop, Washington, D.C., Nov 2001.
L. Itti, Where do you look in natural scenes?, USC Research Activities Presentation Day, Los Angeles, California, Sep 2001.
L. Itti, Computational Models of Visual Attention, Caltech Computation and Neural Systems Anniversary, Pasadena, California, Sep 2001.
L. Itti, Attentional Modulation of Early Vision, USC Vision Research Group, Los Angeles, California, Sep 2001.
L. Itti, Computational Models of Visual Attention, Caltech Center for Neuromorphic Systems Engineering, Pasadena, California, Nov 2000.
Copyright © 2000-2007 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti.
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