#!/usr/bin/perl use Text::BibTeX; ##### Put your thematic keys in a "type" BibTeX tag (see below); the ##### URL of the pDF reprint goes in a "file" tag; and the URL of a ##### www version in the "URL" tag. ##### If you use "in-press" as the year, the publication will be ##### assumed to have several pages (and hence will go to the "long ##### conference papers" section of your LaTeX CV); if you instead use ##### "in press" it is assumed that the publication is a short ##### abstract. ##### The URLs below are relative to where the HTML pages will be ##### finally setup (not used during execution of bibTOhtml). $destdir ##### tells bibTOhtml where to put the .html files relative to the current path $style = "/style.css"; # URL of a style sheet to be included $picdir = "/i"; # URL of where the images and icons are $verbose = 0; # show file open/close info during parsing $bibmaster = "src/ilab.bib"; # URL of master bibtexfile $destdir = '/lab/html/publications'; # PATH where to write HTML $dops = 0; # show PS files $dowww = 0; # show WWW files $scholar = '/lab/html/publications/src/scholarcites.txt'; ##### You Lab's Information & your Copyright: $title = "iLab Publications - University of Southern California"; $copy = "Copyright © 2000-2007 by the University of Southern ". "California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti."; ##### Colors: $ticol = 'navy'; # color for titles $jocol = 'red'; # color for journal names $dacol = 'navy'; # color for year $xxcol = 'blue'; # for the words: Abstract, Note, Keywords ##### Images and Icons: $bannerPic = $picdir."/ilab5.gif"; # a banner at top of page (or comment out) $titlePic = $picdir."/publi1.gif"; # a title just below banner (or comment out) $ICONps = $picdir."/ICONps.gif"; $ICONpdf = $picdir."/ICONpdf.gif"; $ICONhtml = $picdir."/ICONhtml.gif"; $ICONabs = $picdir."/ICONabs.gif"; $ICONblank = $picdir."/ICONblank.gif"; $ICONbib = $picdir."/ICONbib.gif"; ##### The real BibTeX entry types plus a couple of fake ones: ##### In particular, the "press" entry here follows the "article" format ##### but if for press releases rather than articles we wrote %types = ( 'article' => 'Journal Articles', 'incollection' => 'Book Chapters', 'inproceedings' => 'Proceedings from International Conferences', 'book' => 'Books', 'phdthesis' => 'Ph.D. Theses', 'mastersthesis' => 'Master Theses', 'techreport' => 'Technical Reports', 'booklet' => 'Booklets', 'manual' => 'Technical Documentations', 'proceedings' => 'Edited Conference Proceedings', 'unpublished' => 'Unpublished Documents', 'patent' => 'Patents and Copyrights', 'arxiv' => 'ArXiv Preprints', 'press' => 'Press Coverage', 'misc' => 'Miscellaneous', 'invited' => 'Selected Plenary and Invited Talks', 'submitted' => 'Publications Submitted to Review', 'in-press' => 'Publications in Press', 'all' => 'All Publications', ); @origtypes = keys(%types); $toda = `date`; $types{'index'} = 'Welcome to the iLab Publication Server!'; ##### The thematic categories: They should be stored in a "type" BibTeX tag, ##### separated by | or ; if there are several: $types{'bu'} = 'Model of Bottom-Up Saliency-Based Visual Attention'; $types{'td'} = 'Model of Top-Down Attentional Modulation'; $types{'psy'} = 'Human Psychophysics'; $types{'mod'} = 'Computational Modeling'; $types{'mip'} = 'Medical Image Processing'; $types{'fmri'} = 'Functional Neuroimaging'; $types{'med'} = 'Medical Research'; $types{'cv'} = 'Computer Vision'; $types{'rev'} = 'Review Articles and Chapters'; $types{'bb'} = 'Beobots'; $types{'sc'} = 'Scene Understanding'; $types{'eye'} = 'Human Eye-Tracking Research'; $types{'su'} = 'Bayesian Theory of Surprise'; $types{'phy'} = 'Monkey Electrophysiology'; $types{'wm'} = 'Working Memory'; $types{'ml'} = 'Machine Learning'; ############################################################################## ##### This starts getting messy and should not be modified: ############################################################################## %info = ( 'phdthesis' => 'Ph.D. Thesis', 'mastersthesis' => 'Master Thesis', 'techreport' => 'Technical Report', 'manual' => 'Technical Documentation', 'unpublished' => 'Unpublished', 'patent' => 'Patent/Copyright', 'invited' => 'Invited/Plenary Talk', 'arxiv' => 'ArXiv Preprint', ); $HTMLstart = "". "$title". "\n"; if ($bannerPic) { $HTMLstart .= "

\n"; } if ($titlePic) { $HTMLstart .= "

\n"; } $HTMLend = "


". "This page generated by ". "bibTOhtml on $toda

\n"; $HTMLicons = "

"; if ($dowww) { $HTMLicons .= " = HTML Version, ". "    "; } if ($dops) { $HTMLicons .= " = PostScript Reprint, ". "   "; } $HTMLicons .= " = PDF Reprint,     ". " = BibTeX entry,     ". " = Online Abstract

". "
"; #### let's also build a latex list of publications for my CV: $ltxstart = ""; $ltx00 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Our 30 Most Cited Papers per Google Scholar}\n\n"; $ltx0 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Books". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx1 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Refereed Journal Articles}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx2a = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings from International ". "Conferences With Full Paper Review}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx2b = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings from Workshops ". "With Full Paper Review}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx2c = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf ArXiv Preprints}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx3a = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings from International ". "Conferences With Abstract Review}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx3b = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings from Workshops ". "With Abstract Review}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx4 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Other Publications}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx5 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Selected Press Coverage}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx6 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Book Chapters}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltx7 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Selected Plenary and Invited Talks}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ltxend = "\\end{enumerate}\n\n"; $ltxnote = "\\noindent{\\small\\fontfamily{cmss}\\selectfont [Publication ". "list automatically compiled: ".`date`."- Check http://iLab.usc.edu ". "for up-to-date information].}\n\n\\vspace{10pt}\n\n"; #### and here is for the French CV: $ftxstart = ""; $ftx00 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Nos 30 Papiers les plus Cit\\{'}es per Google Scholar}\n\n"; $ftx0 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Livres". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx1 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Articles dans journaux \\'a comit\\'e de lecture}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx2a = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings de conf\\'erences \\`a comit\\'e de lecture sur papier complet". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx2b = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings de workshops \\`a comit\\'e de lecture sur papier complet". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx2c = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf ArXiv pre-publications". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx3a = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings de conf\\'erences \\`a comit\\'e de lecture sur r\\'esum\\'e". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx3b = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Proceedings de workshops \\`a comit\\'e de lecture sur r\\'esum\\'e". "}\n\n\\begin{enumerate} ". "\\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx4 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Autres Publications}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx5 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf S\\'election de presse}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx6 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf Chapitres de livres}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftx7 = "\\noindent {\\large\\bf S\\'election de s\\'eminaires invit\\'es}\n\n". "\\begin{enumerate} \\parsep=3pt \\itemsep=0pt\n\n"; $ftxend = "\\end{enumerate}\n\n"; $ftxnote = "\\centerline{\\small\\fontfamily{cmss}\\selectfont [Liste de publication ". "compil\\'ee automatiquement: ".`date`."- Voir http://iLab.usc.edu ". "pour information \\`a jour].}\n\n\\vspace{10pt}\n\n"; ############################################################################## # Get google scholar citation information if available: if ( -f $scholar) { $totcites = 0; open SC, $scholar || die "Cannot open $scholar: "; while () { chomp; @x = split(/\s+/, $_); $scholarcit{$x[0]} = $x[1]; # store number of citations $scholarurl{$x[0]} = $x[2]; # store URL to paper $scholarurl{$x[0]} =~ s/\?num=1\&/?num=30&/; $x[0] =~ s/\_/\-/g; push(@scholarcount, "$x[1]/$x[0]"); $totcites = $totcites + $x[1]; } # compile most-cited list: $mclist = "\\vspace{10pt}\n\n\\noindent\\begin{center}{\\small\\fontfamily{cmss}\\selectfont\\begin{tabular}{cc|cc|cc}\n"; $mclist .= "{\\bf Reference} & {\\bf Cites} & {\\bf Reference} & "; $mclist .= "{\\bf Cites} & {\\bf Reference} & {\\bf Cites}\\\\ \\hline \n"; $i = 0; @scholarcount = reverse sort {$a <=> $b} @scholarcount; while ($i < 30) { ($count, $ref) = split(/\//, $scholarcount[int($i / 3) + ($i % 3) * 10]); $count = $count + 0; $mclist .= "$ref & $count"; $i ++; if ($i % 3 == 0) { $mclist .= "\\\\ \n"; } else { $mclist .= " & "; } } $mclist .= "\\end{tabular}\n\n\\vspace{10pt}{\\small[See details below"; #$mclist .= ". Total citations for all our papers: $totcites"; $mclist .= "]} }\\end{center} \n\n"; $ltx00 .= $mclist; $ftx00 .= $mclist; } else { $ltx00 = ""; $ftx00 = ""; } ############################################################################## $bibname = shift || die "USAGE: $0 \n"; $nps = 0; $nhtm = 0; $npdf = 0; $nabs = 0; $nb = 0; ##### start parsing the bibtex file: $bibfile = new Text::BibTeX::File $bibname; while ($entry = new Text::BibTeX::Entry $bibfile) { my ($lti, $ljo, $lvo, $lbt, $led, $ldat, $lin, $lim); next unless $entry->parse_ok; next unless $entry->metatype eq BTE_REGULAR; ##### parse entry: $type = $entry->type; $ye = $entry->get('year'); $ye = lc($ye); if ($ye =~ /^\d+$/ && $ye < 100) { $ye += 1900; } $key = $entry->key; # for authors, abbreviate first names if given in full: $au = getauthors($entry); $ti = $entry->get('title'); $jo = $entry->get('journal'); if (substr($ti, -1) eq '.') { chop $ti; } $vo = $entry->get('volume'); $nu = $entry->get('number'); $mo = $entry->get('month'); $pp = $entry->get('pages'); $se = $entry->get('series'); $pu = $entry->get('publisher'); $bt = $entry->get('booktitle'); $im = $entry->get('if'); $ed = join(', ', $entry->split('editor')); $ad = $entry->get('address'); $or = $entry->get('organization'); $in = $info{$type}; $review = $entry->get('review'); ($rev1, $rev2) = split(/\//, lc($review)); #print STDERR "$key, $jo$bt, $ye [$type]\n"; print STDERR "$key [$type]\n"; # check for duplicate keys: if ($knownkey{$key}) { die "##### Duplicate key $key -- ABORT #####\n"; } else { $knownkey{$key} = 1; } ##### format and colorize the various fields: if ($au) { $au = "$au, "; } if ($ti) { $lti = "``$ti,'' "; # for latex output $ti = "$ti, "; } # for html out if ($jo) { $ljo = "{\\it $jo,} "; $jo = "$jo, ";} if ($vo) { $lvo = "Vol. {\\bf $vo}, "; $vo = "Vol. $vo, "; } if ($nu) { $nu = "No. $nu, "; } if ($ye) { $ldat = "$mo $ye."; $dat = "$mo $ye."; } if ($pp) { $pp = "p. $pp, "; if ($pp =~ "-") { $pp = "p$pp"; } } if ($se) { $se = "[$se], "; } if ($pu) { $pu = "$pu, "; } if ($bt) { if ($type ne 'invited') { $lbt = "{\\bf In:} {\\it $bt,} "; $bt = "In: $bt, "; } else { $lbt = "{\\it $bt,} "; $bt = "$bt, "; } } if ($ed) { $led = " ($ed {\\bf Ed.}), "; $ed = " ($ed Ed.), "; } if ($ad && $pu) { $ad = "$ad:$pu"; $pu = ""; } else { $ad = ""; } if ($or) { $or = "$or, "; } if ($in) { $lin = " {\\bf [$in]}"; $in = " [$in]"; } if ($im) { $lim = " {\\sc [$im]}"; $im = " [$im]"; } if ($scholarcit{$key} > 0) { $sch = " (Cited by ". "$scholarcit{$key})"; $ff = '\fontfamily{cmss}\selectfont'; if ($scholarcit{$key} >= 50) { $schltx = " \{\\bf$ff [Cited by $scholarcit{$key}]\}"; } else { $schltx = " \{$ff [Cited by $scholarcit{$key}]\}"; } } else { $sch = ""; $schltx = ""; } ##### Build html and LaTeX representations of entry: $ref = "$au$ti$jo$bt$ed$vo$nu$or$pp$pu$ad$dat"; $lref = "\\item $au$lti$ljo$lbt$led$lvo$nu$or$pp$pu$ad$ldat"; if ($type eq "article" && $pp !~ /[0-9]/ && $ye !~ /submi/) { $ref .= " (in press)"; $lref .= " (in press)"; } if ($type ne "invited") { $ref .= $in; $lref .= $lin; } $lref =~ s/\. /.\\ /g; # avoid double spaces after periods. if ($im) { $ref .= $im; $lref .= $lim; } if ($sch) { $ref .= $sch; $lref .= $schltx; } $ref =~ s/\\//g; # eliminate any remaining backslash from the HTML ##### stop here if we have no entry next unless $ref; $txt = ""; ##### if we have an HTML version, add it: if ($dowww) { if ($entry->exists('url') && length($entry->get('url')) > 3) { $txt .= icon($ICONhtml, $entry->get('url'), 'Click to view web page'); $nhtm ++; } else { $txt .= icon($ICONblank); } } ##### if we have a PS version, add it: if ($dops) { if ($entry->exists('psurl') && length($entry->get('psurl')) > 3) { $txt .= icon($ICONps, $entry->get('psurl'), 'Click to download PostScript version'); $nps ++; } else { $txt .= icon($ICONblank); } } ##### if we have a PDF version, add it: if ($entry->exists('file') && length($entry->get('file')) > 3) { # make sure the file actually exists: my @tmp = split(/\//, $entry->get('file')); my $f = $destdir . '/doc/' . pop(@tmp); if (substr($f, -4) eq '.pdf' && ! -s "$f") { die "PDF file $f does not exist!\n"; } # create a link to it: $txt .= icon($ICONpdf, $entry->get('file'), 'Click to download PDF version'); $npdf ++; } else { $txt .= icon($ICONblank); } ##### create BibTeX entry and add link to it: $bname = "$key.bib"; $txt .= icon($ICONbib, $bname, 'Click to download BibTeX data'); open BRE, ">$destdir/$bname" || die "Cannot write $bname: "; print BRE $entry->print_s; close BRE; ##### if we have an abstract, add a link and create a page with it: $fname = "$key.html"; if ($entry->exists('abstract') && length($entry->get('abstract')) > 3) { $txt .= icon($ICONabs, $fname, 'Clik to view abstract'); $abs = $entry->get('abstract'); $nabs ++; $abs =~ s/\\+//g; # cleanup bogus \'s that remain... $abs = tohtml($abs); $abs = "

". "Abstract: $abs

\n"; } else { $txt .= icon($ICONblank, $fname); $abs = ""; } if ($entry->exists('keywords') && length($entry->get('keywords'))>3) { $kk = tohtml($entry->get('keywords')); $kw = "

Keywords:". " ".join("; ", split(/[\|;]/, $kk))."

\n"; } else { $kw = ""; } if ($entry->exists('note') && length($entry->get('note')) > 3) { $note = "

Note: ". "".tohtml($entry->get('note'))."

\n"; $lref .= " [".$entry->get('note')."]"; } else { $note = ""; } if ($entry->exists('type')) { $th = $entry->get('type'); $ttt = ""; $th =~ s/\s+/ /g; $th =~ s/\s*\|\s*/\|/g; $th =~ s/\s*;\s*/;/g; @the = split(/[\|;]/, $th); foreach $them (@the) { if (length($types{$them}) < 1) { die "### Invalid type '$them'"; } if (length($ttt) > 1) { $ttt .= ", "; } $ttt .= "$types{$them}"; } $ttt = "

Themes: ". "$ttt

\n"; } else { $ttt = ""; } out($key, "

$txt $ref

\n$abs$kw$note$ttt"); # close this one right away so that we don't have too many open files closeout($key); ##### concatenate entire citation: $txt = "

$txt $ref

\n"; $nb ++; ##### let's do the latex output: # only keep things where I am author/editor for my CV, unless it's # press or misc: if ($au =~ /Itti/ || $ed =~ /Itti/ || $type eq "press" || $type eq "misc") { $lref .= "\n\n"; if ($type eq "article") { if ($jo =~ m/arXiv/) { die "Is this arxiv? -- ABORT\n$lref"; } $ltx1 .= $lref; $ftx1 .= $lref; } elsif ($type eq "arxiv") { $ltx2c .= $lref; $ftx2c .= $lref; } elsif ($type eq "incollection") { $ltx6 .= $lref; $ftx6 .= $lref; } elsif ($type eq "inproceedings") { if ($review eq "") { print STDERR "##### WARNING: no 'review' entry for $key #####\n"; } if ($rev1 eq 'full' && $rev2 eq 'conf') { $ltx2a .= $lref; $ftx2a .= $lref; } elsif ($rev1 eq 'full' && $rev2 eq 'wkshp') { $ltx2b .= $lref; $ftx2b .= $lref; } elsif ($rev1 eq 'abs' && $rev2 eq 'conf') { $ltx3a .= $lref; $ftx3a .= $lref; } elsif ($rev1 eq 'abs' && $rev2 eq 'wkshp') { $ltx3b .= $lref; $ftx3b .= $lref; } else { print STDERR "##### BOGUS 'review' entry for $key #####\n"; } #if ($pp =~ "-" || $lbt =~ "ISMRM" || $lbt =~ "IEEE" || # $lbt =~ "SPIE" || $ye =~ "-press") { $ltx2 .= $lref; } #else { $ltx3 .= $lref; } } elsif ($type eq "book") { $ltx0 .= $lref; $ftx0 .= $lref; } elsif ($type eq "press") { $ltx5 .= $lref; $ftx5 .= $lref; } elsif ($type eq "invited") { $ltx7 .= $lref; $ftx7 .= $lref; } else { $ftx4 .= $lref; $ltx4 .= $lref; } } ##### write this entry to corresponding files, except that we ##### don't show submitted papers on the web site: if ($ye =~ /submi/) { $ye = 'submitted'; } elsif ($ye =~ /press/) { $ye = 'in-press'; } if ($ye ne 'submitted') { out($type, $txt); # put in file for that type category if ($type ne "invited") { # do by year and theme unless invited out($ye, $txt); # write in file for that year if ($entry->exists('type')) { $th = $entry->get('type'); $th =~ s/\s+/ /g; $th =~ s/\s*\|\s*/\|/g; $th =~ s/\s*;\s*/;/g; @the = split(/[\|;]/, $th); if ($#the < 0) { print STDERR " ===== Warning: empty theme field.\n"; } foreach $them (@the) { $themes{$them} = 1; out($them, $txt); # add this entry to each theme it covers } } else { print STDERR " ===== Warning: no theme field...\n"; } # write into the author files: @auth = split(/,\s*/, getauthors($entry)); # if no author, probably it's an edited book -> check out # the editor list instead: if ($#auth == -1) { @auth = $entry->split('editor'); } # write out the data: foreach $a (@auth) { $a =~ s/\s+//g; out($a, $txt); my @xxx = split(/\./, $a); my $lastname = pop(@xxx); my $k = "$lastname, ".join('. ', @xxx).'.'; $authors{$k} = $a; # add this paper to list for that author $authornb{$k} ++; # bump publication count for that author } } out('all', $txt); # write this entry to the 'all publis' page } $entry = 0; # avoid bogus xfer of keywords across entries } ##### let's write out the latex publication list for CV: open PU, ">$destdir/publications.tex" || die "Cannot write publications.tex: "; print PU "$ltxstart$ltxnote$ltx00$ltx0$ltxend$ltx1$ltxend$ltx6$ltxend$ltx2a$ltxend". "$ltx2b$ltxend$ltx2c$ltxend$ltx3a$ltxend$ltx3b$ltxend$ltx7$ltxend$ltx4$ltxend". "$ltx5$ltxend$ltxnote"; close PU; ##### also the french ones: open PUF, ">$destdir/publications-fr.tex" || die "Cannot write publications-fr.tex: "; print PUF "$ftxstart$ftxnote$ftx00$ftx0$ftxend$ftx1$ftxend$ftx6$ftxend$ftx2a$ftxend". "$ftx2b$ftxend$ftx2c$ftxend$ftx3a$ftxend$ftx3b$ftxend$ftx7$ftxend$ftx4$ftxend". "$ftx5$ftxend$ftxnote"; close PUF; ##### ok, now we can compile the general index: if ($out{'in-press'}) { push @years, 'in-press'; } if ($out{'submitted'}) { push @years, 'submitted'; } $summary = "

$nb publications, $nabs with abstract, ". "$npdf available as PDF"; if ($dops) { $summary .= ", $nps as PS"; } if ($dowww) { $summary .= ", $nhtm as HTML"; } $summary .= ".

\n"; out('index', $summary); out('index', '

Publications by Year

'); foreach $y (reverse sort @years) { out('index', "$y         "); } out('index', '

Publications by Type and by Theme

'); out('index', '
    '); foreach $y (sort @origtypes) { next unless $out{$y}; $tt = $types{$y}; $tt =~ s/\s+/\ /g; out('index', "
  • $tt
  • \n"); } out('index', '
    '); foreach $y (sort keys %themes) { next unless $out{$y}; out('index', "
  • $types{$y}
  • "); } out('index', '
'); # prepare the most-cited list: $mc = "
"; $mc .= "

From "; $mc .= "Google Scholar "; $mc .= localtime((stat($scholar))[9])."

"; $mc .= " "; $mc .= ""; $mc .= ""; $mc .= ""; $mc .= ""; $totcit = 0; foreach $k (keys %scholarcit) { push(@mostcit, sprintf('%06d', $scholarcit{$k}).' '.$k); $totcit += $scholarcit{$k}; } @mostcit = reverse sort @mostcit; $ii = 0; while ($ii < 11) { ($k1, $k2) = split(/\s+/, $mostcit[$ii]); $k1 = $k1 + 0; $mc .= ""; if ($ii < 10) { ($k1, $k2) = split(/\s+/, $mostcit[$ii + 11]); $k1 = $k1 + 0; $mc .= ""; } else { $mc .= ""; $mc .= ""; } $mc .="\n"; $ii ++; } $mc .= "
PDF ReprintCitations PDF ReprintCitations
"; $mc .= "${k2}.pdf"; $mc .= "$k1 "; $mc .= "${k2}.pdf"; $mc .= "$k1All iLab papers$totcit
\n"; out('index', '

Our most popular downloads and most cited papers

'); out('index', "

"); out('index', ""); out('index', ""); out('index', ""); out('index', "

"); out('index', '

Publications by Author (excluding plenary and '. 'invited talks)

'); out('index', ''); my $idx = 0; foreach $k (sort keys %authors) { if ($authornb{$k} >= 5) { out('index', "\n"); } else { out('index', "\n"); } if ($idx ++ >= 7) { $idx = 0; out('index', ''); } } out('index', "
  ". "$k [". "$authornb{$k}]    ". "$k [". "$authornb{$k}]  
\n"); out('index', "

Master BibTeX File

The master BibTeX ". "file used to create these pages can be found ". "here.

"); closeouts(); rename("$destdir/index.html", "$destdir/index.shtml"); exit(0); ############################################################################## ############################################################################## sub openout { # name my $k = $_[0]; local *FH; open FH, ">$destdir/$k.html" || die "Cannot write $k.html: "; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "##### Creating $k.html\n"; } $out{$k} = *FH; print FH $HTMLstart; if ($k =~ /^\d+$/) { # this file is a list by year push @years, $k; print FH "

Publications for Year $k

\n"; } elsif ($k =~ /\./) { # it's an author my $kk = $k; $kk =~ s/\./\. /g; print FH "

Publications for author $kk (excluding ". "plenary and invited talks)

\n"; } elsif ($types{$k}) { # this is a real category print FH "


\n"; } else { # it's an abstract print FH "


\n"; } if ($k ne "index") { print FH "$HTMLicons\n"; } } ############################################################################## sub out { my ($k, $txt) = @_; if (! defined($out{$k})) { openout($k); } local *F = $out{$k}; print F $txt; } ############################################################################## sub closeouts { foreach $k (keys %out) { local *FH = $out{$k}; print FH "\n$HTMLend\n"; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "##### Closing $k.html\n"; } close FH; } } ############################################################################## sub closeout { if ($out{$_[0]}) { local *FH = $out{$_[0]}; print FH "\n$HTMLend\n"; if ($verbose) { print STDERR "##### Closing $_[0].html\n"; } close FH; delete $out{$_[0]}; } } ############################################################################## sub icon { if ($_[1]) { return "". "\"$_[2]\" "; } else { return " "; } } ###################################################################### sub tohtml { # text my $txt = $_[0]; $txt =~ s/\s+/ /g; $txt =~ s/&/&\;/g; $txt =~ s//>\;/g; $txt =~ s/\"/"\;/g; return $txt; } ###################################################################### sub getauthors { # $entry my $entry = $_[0]; # for authors, abbreviate first names if given in full: my @auth = $entry->split('author'); my @cleanau; foreach my $a (@auth) { my @x = split(/,\s*/, $a); if ($#x > 0) { $a = ""; for (my $i = 1; $i <=$#x; $i ++) { my @y = split(/[ -]/, $x[$i]); foreach my $yy (@y) { my $initial = substr($yy, 0, 1); next if $initial eq ' '; $a .= "${initial}. "; } } $a .= $x[0]; # last name } push @cleanau, $a; } my $au = join(', ', @cleanau); return $au; }