
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Devices/IEEE1394grabber.C Interface with a FireWire digital camera */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: IEEE1394grabber.C 10345 2008-10-15 17:27:10Z icore $
00036 //
00038 #include "Devices/IEEE1394grabber.H"
00040 #include "Component/OptionManager.H" // for option alias requests
00041 #include "Devices/DeviceOpts.H"
00042 #include "Image/Image.H"
00043 #include "Image/Pixels.H"
00044 #include "Raster/GenericFrame.H"
00045 #include "Util/Assert.H"
00046 #include "Util/SimTime.H"
00047 #include "Util/sformat.H"
00048 #include "Video/VideoFrame.H"
00050 #ifdef HAVE_IEEE1394
00051 #include <libraw1394/raw1394.h>
00052 #endif
00053 #include <unistd.h>
00055 // wait when polling for a frame (in us):
00056 #define IEEE1394WAIT 1
00058 // This code is somewhat inspired from the grab_gray_image.c example
00059 // code provided with the libdc1394 distribution by Gord Peters, and
00060 // from the Coriander source code.
00062 namespace
00063 {
00065 #ifdef HAVE_IEEE1394
00067   struct CameraModeInfo
00068   {
00069     VideoFormat vidfmt;
00070     int w;
00071     int h;
00072     int dc1394mode;
00073     int dc1394format;
00074   };
00076   // Figure out which of the IEEE1394 grab modes to use. We don't
00077   // support the various IEEE1394 MONO16 modes.
00078   void find1394mode(const VideoFormat vidfmt, const Dims& dims,
00079                     int* dc1394mode, int* dc1394format)
00080   {
00081     static const CameraModeInfo modes[] =
00082       {
00083         { VIDFMT_YUV444,  160,  120, MODE_160x120_YUV444   , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00084         { VIDFMT_YUV422,  320,  240, MODE_320x240_YUV422   , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00085         { VIDFMT_YUV411,  640,  480, MODE_640x480_YUV411   , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00086         { VIDFMT_YUV422,  640,  480, MODE_640x480_YUV422   , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00087         { VIDFMT_RGB24,   640,  480, MODE_640x480_RGB      , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00088         { VIDFMT_GREY,    640,  480, MODE_640x480_MONO     , FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED },
00089         { VIDFMT_YUV422,  800,  600, MODE_800x600_YUV422   , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00090         { VIDFMT_RGB24,   800,  600, MODE_800x600_RGB      , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00091         { VIDFMT_GREY,    800,  600, MODE_800x600_MONO     , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00092         { VIDFMT_YUV422, 1024,  768, MODE_1024x768_YUV422  , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00093         { VIDFMT_RGB24,  1024,  768, MODE_1024x768_RGB     , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00094         { VIDFMT_GREY,   1024,  768, MODE_1024x768_MONO    , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 },
00095         { VIDFMT_YUV422, 1280,  960, MODE_1280x960_YUV422  , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 },
00096         { VIDFMT_RGB24,  1280,  960, MODE_1280x960_RGB     , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 },
00097         { VIDFMT_GREY,   1280,  960, MODE_1280x960_MONO    , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 },
00098         { VIDFMT_YUV422, 1600, 1200, MODE_1600x1200_YUV422 , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 },
00099         { VIDFMT_RGB24,  1600, 1200, MODE_1600x1200_RGB    , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 },
00100         { VIDFMT_GREY,   1600, 1200, MODE_1600x1200_MONO   , FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 }
00101       };
00103     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(CameraModeInfo); ++i)
00104       {
00105         if (modes[i].vidfmt == vidfmt
00106             && modes[i].w == dims.w()
00107             && modes[i].h == dims.h())
00108           {
00109             *dc1394mode = modes[i].dc1394mode;
00110             *dc1394format = modes[i].dc1394format;
00111             return;
00112           }
00113       }
00115     std::string msg =
00116       sformat("Unsupported resolution/format combination %s @ %dx%d"
00117               "\nSupported combinations are:",
00118               convertToString(vidfmt).c_str(), dims.w(), dims.h());
00119     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(modes) / sizeof(CameraModeInfo); ++i)
00120       {
00121         msg += sformat("\n\t%7s @ %dx%d",
00122                        convertToString(modes[i].vidfmt).c_str(),
00123                        modes[i].w, modes[i].h);
00124       }
00126     LFATAL("%s", msg.c_str());
00127   }
00129   struct FramerateInfo
00130   {
00131     float fps;
00132     int dc1394framerate;
00133   };
00135   // Figure out which framerate to use
00136   int find1394framerate(const float fps)
00137   {
00138     static const FramerateInfo framerates[] =
00139       {
00140         { 1.875F, FRAMERATE_1_875 },
00141         { 3.75F, FRAMERATE_3_75 },
00142         { 7.5F, FRAMERATE_7_5 },
00143         { 15.0F, FRAMERATE_15 },
00144         { 30.0F, FRAMERATE_30 },
00145         { 60.0F, FRAMERATE_60 }
00146       };
00148     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(framerates) / sizeof(FramerateInfo); ++i)
00149       if (framerates[i].fps == fps)
00150         return framerates[i].dc1394framerate;
00152     std::string msg =
00153       sformat("Unsupported framerate %f fps"
00154               "\nSupported framerates are:", fps);
00155     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(framerates) / sizeof(FramerateInfo); ++i)
00156       msg += sformat("\n\t%.3f fps", framerates[i].fps);
00158     LFATAL("%s", msg.c_str());
00159     /* can't happen */ return -1;
00160   }
00162 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00164 }
00166 // ######################################################################
00167 IEEE1394grabber::IEEE1394grabber(OptionManager& mgr,
00168                                  const std::string& descrName,
00169                                  const std::string& tagName,
00170                                  const ParamFlag flags) :
00171   FrameIstream(mgr, descrName, tagName),
00172   // NOTE that contrary to the common case, we may give (by default
00173   // value of the 'flags' param) USE_MY_VAL here when we construct the
00174   // OModelParam objects; that means that we push our values into the
00175   // ModelManager as the new default values, rather than having our
00176   // param take its value from the ModelManager's default
00177   itsDevName(&OPT_FrameGrabberDevice, this, "/dev/video1394/0", flags), // device
00178   itsChannel(&OPT_FrameGrabberChannel, this, 0, flags), // first firewire card
00179   itsSubChan(&OPT_FrameGrabberSubChan, this, 0, flags),
00180   itsDims(&OPT_FrameGrabberDims, this, Dims(320, 240), flags),
00181   itsGrabMode(&OPT_FrameGrabberMode, this, VIDFMT_YUV422, flags), // grab mode
00182   itsByteSwap(&OPT_FrameGrabberByteSwap, this, false, flags), // no byte-swapping
00183   itsFPS(&OPT_FrameGrabberFPS, this, 30.0, flags),
00184   itsNbuf(&OPT_FrameGrabberNbuf, this, 4, flags), // number of grab buffers
00185   itsBrightness(&OPT_FrameGrabberBrightness, this, 32768, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00186   itsHue(&OPT_FrameGrabberHue, this, 32768, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00187   itsSaturation(&OPT_FrameGrabberSaturation, this, 90, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00188   itsExposure(&OPT_FrameGrabberExposure, this, 511, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00189   itsSharpness(&OPT_FrameGrabberSharpness, this, 80, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00190   itsWhiteBalBU(&OPT_FrameGrabberWhiteBalBU, this, 95, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00191   itsWhiteBalRV(&OPT_FrameGrabberWhiteBalRV, this, 87, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00192   itsGamma(&OPT_FrameGrabberGamma, this, 1, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00193   itsShutter(&OPT_FrameGrabberShutter, this, 6, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES),
00194   itsGain(&OPT_FrameGrabberGain, this, 87, flags | ALLOW_ONLINE_CHANGES)
00195 #ifdef HAVE_IEEE1394
00196   ,itsCameraOk(false), itsHandle(NULL)
00197 #endif
00198 {
00199   // request a bunch of camera aliases which work with IEEE1394:
00200   mgr.requestOptionAlias(&OPT_ALIAScamiSight);
00201 }
00203 // ######################################################################
00204 void IEEE1394grabber::start1()
00205 {
00206 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00207   LFATAL("you must have ieee1394 (firewire) support and the libdc1394 "
00208          "library in order to use IEEE1394grabber");
00209 #else
00210   int ieeegrabmode, ieeegrabformat;
00211   find1394mode(itsGrabMode.getVal(), itsDims.getVal(),
00212                &ieeegrabmode, &ieeegrabformat);
00214   const int framerate = find1394framerate(itsFPS.getVal());
00216   // create raw1394 handle:
00217   itsHandle = dc1394_create_handle(itsChannel.getVal());
00218   if (itsHandle == 0) LFATAL("Cannot create raw1394 handle");
00220   // list camera nodes available on bus:
00221   int nb = raw1394_get_nodecount(itsHandle);
00222   LDEBUG("Found %d nodes on port %d", nb, itsChannel.getVal());
00223   int nc;  // parameter 1 below is to provide terminal debug info
00224   nodeid_t *node = dc1394_get_camera_nodes(itsHandle, &nc, 1);
00225   fflush(stdout);
00226   int subchan = itsSubChan.getVal();
00227   if (nc < 1) LFATAL("No camera on bus?");
00228   else LDEBUG("Found %d camera(s)", nc);
00229   if (subchan < 0 || subchan >= nc)
00230     LFATAL("Invalid camera number %d", subchan);
00232   // check if camera is the highest node (see iso transfer bug):
00233   if (node[subchan] == nb - 1)
00234     LFATAL("You need to insmod ohci1394 attempt_root=1");
00236 #ifdef IEEE1394NEW
00237   // newer versions have an extra arg do_extra_buffering (here set to 0):
00238   if (dc1394_dma_setup_capture(itsHandle, node[subchan], subchan,
00239                                ieeegrabformat, ieeegrabmode,
00240                                IEEE1394GRABSPEED, framerate,
00241                                itsNbuf.getVal(), 0, 1,
00242                                itsDevName.getVal().c_str(), &itsCam) !=
00243       DC1394_SUCCESS)
00244     LFATAL("Camera setup failed; see preceding error message from libdc1394.");
00245 #else
00246   // old syntax:
00247   if (dc1394_dma_setup_capture(itsHandle, node[subchan], subchan,
00248                                ieeegrabformat, ieeegrabmode,
00249                                IEEE1394GRABSPEED, framerate,
00250                                itsNbuf.getVal(), 1,
00251                                itsDevName.getVal().c_str(), &itsCam) !=
00252       DC1394_SUCCESS)
00253     LFATAL("Camera setup failed; see preceding error message from libdc1394.");
00254 #endif
00255   itsCameraOk = true;
00257   // set features based on ModelParam values
00259   if( dc1394_set_brightness( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00260                              itsBrightness.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00261     LERROR("Unable to set brightness");
00262   if( dc1394_set_exposure( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00263                            itsExposure.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00264     LERROR("Unable to set exposure");
00265   if( dc1394_set_sharpness( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00266                             itsSharpness.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00267     LERROR("Unable to set sharpness");
00268   if( dc1394_set_white_balance( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00269                                 itsWhiteBalBU.getVal(),
00270                                 itsWhiteBalRV.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00271     LERROR("Unable to set white balance");
00272   if( dc1394_set_hue( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00273                       itsHue.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00274     LERROR("Unable to set hue");
00275   if( dc1394_set_saturation( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00276                              itsSaturation.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00277     LERROR("Unable to set saturation");
00278   if( dc1394_set_gamma( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00279                         itsGamma.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00280     LERROR("Unable to set gamma");
00281   if( dc1394_set_shutter( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00282                           itsShutter.getVal() ) != DC1394_SUCCESS )
00283     LERROR("Unable to set shutter");
00284   if( dc1394_set_gain( itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00285                        itsGain.getVal() != DC1394_SUCCESS ) )
00286     LERROR("Unable to set gain");
00288   // report camera features:
00289   dc1394_feature_set features;
00290   if (dc1394_get_camera_feature_set(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &features)
00291       != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00292     LDEBUG("Unable to get camera feature set");
00293   else
00294     dc1394_print_feature_set(&features);
00296   // report additional features such as supported modes:
00297   quadlet_t val;
00298   if (dc1394_query_supported_formats(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &val) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00299     LERROR("Cannot query supported formats");
00300   else
00301     LDEBUG("Supported formats: %lx", (unsigned long) val);
00303   if (dc1394_query_supported_modes(itsHandle, itsCam.node, ieeegrabformat, &val)
00304       != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00305     LERROR("Cannot query supported modes");
00306   else
00307     LDEBUG("Supported modes for format %d: %lx",
00308            ieeegrabformat, (unsigned long) val);
00310   if (dc1394_query_supported_framerates(itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00311                                         ieeegrabformat, ieeegrabmode, &val)
00312       != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00313     LERROR("Cannot query supported framerates");
00314   else
00315     LDEBUG("Supported framerates for format %d, mode %d: %lx",
00316            ieeegrabformat, ieeegrabmode, (unsigned long) val);
00318   // start data transfers:
00319   if (dc1394_start_iso_transmission(itsHandle, itsCam.node) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00320     LFATAL("Cannot start data transmission");
00322   // just double-checking that all settings are correct:
00323   unsigned int ret;
00324   if (dc1394_get_video_format(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &ret) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00325     LERROR("Cannot get video format");
00326   else
00327     LDEBUG("Current video format: %x", ret);
00329   if (dc1394_get_video_mode(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &ret) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00330     LERROR("Cannot get video mode");
00331   else
00332     LDEBUG("Current video mode: %x", ret);
00334   if (dc1394_get_video_framerate(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &ret) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00335     LERROR("Cannot get video framerate");
00336   else
00337     LDEBUG("Current video framerate: %x", ret);
00339   unsigned int ret2;
00340   if (dc1394_get_iso_channel_and_speed(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &ret, &ret2)
00341       != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00342     LERROR("Cannot get ISO channel and speed");
00343   else
00344     LDEBUG("Current ISO channel: %x, speed: %x", ret, ret2);
00346   dc1394bool_t ison;
00347   if (dc1394_get_iso_status(itsHandle, itsCam.node, &ison) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00348     LERROR("Cannot check whether ISO transmission on");
00349   else
00350     LDEBUG("ISO transmission on: %d", ison);
00352   LINFO("Initialization complete and ISO transmission under way...");
00353 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00354 }
00356 // ######################################################################
00357 void IEEE1394grabber::stop2()
00358 {
00359 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00360   // don't LFATAL() in stop() since it may be called in a destructor chain
00361   LERROR("you must have ieee1394 (firewire) support and the libdc1394 "
00362          "library in order to use IEEE1394grabber");
00363 #else
00364   if (itsCameraOk)
00365     {
00366       dc1394_dma_unlisten(itsHandle, &itsCam);
00367       dc1394_dma_release_camera(itsHandle, &itsCam);
00368       itsCameraOk = false;
00369     }
00370   if (itsHandle) { raw1394_destroy_handle(itsHandle); itsHandle = NULL; }
00371 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00372 }
00374 // ######################################################################
00375 IEEE1394grabber::~IEEE1394grabber()
00376 {  }
00378 // ######################################################################
00379 GenericFrameSpec IEEE1394grabber::peekFrameSpec()
00380 {
00381   GenericFrameSpec result;
00383   result.nativeType = GenericFrame::VIDEO;
00384   result.videoFormat = itsGrabMode.getVal();
00385   result.videoByteSwap = itsByteSwap.getVal();
00386   result.dims = itsDims.getVal();
00387   result.floatFlags = 0;
00389   return result;
00390 }
00392 // ######################################################################
00393 SimTime IEEE1394grabber::getNaturalFrameTime() const
00394 {
00395   return SimTime::HERTZ(itsFPS.getVal());
00396 }
00398 // ######################################################################
00399 void IEEE1394grabber::grabPrealloc(Image< PixRGB<byte> >& image,
00400                                    pthread_mutex_t *lock, int *count)
00401 {
00402 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00403   LFATAL("you must have ieee1394 (firewire) support and the libdc1394 "
00404          "library in order to use IEEE1394grabber");
00405 #else
00406   ASSERT(itsHandle); ASSERT(itsCameraOk);
00407   ASSERT(image.getWidth() == itsDims.getVal().w() &&
00408          image.getHeight() == itsDims.getVal().h());
00409   ASSERT(itsGrabMode.getVal() == VIDFMT_YUV444);
00411   // capture next frame:
00412   while (dc1394_dma_single_capture(&itsCam) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00413     {
00414       LINFO("Grab not ready...");
00415       usleep(IEEE1394WAIT);
00416     }
00418   // Convert grabbed buffer to RGB (code same as in fromVideoYUV444()
00419   // of Image_ColorOps.H):
00420   byte *data = (byte *)itsCam.dma_ring_buffer + itsCam.dma_frame_size *
00421     itsCam.dma_last_buffer;
00422   Image<PixRGB<byte> >::iterator aptr = image.beginw();
00423   Image<PixRGB<byte> >::iterator stop = image.endw();
00425   if (lock) pthread_mutex_lock(lock);
00426   while(aptr != stop)
00427     {
00428       // data stored as: u0, y0, v0, u1, y1, v1
00429       (*aptr++) = PixRGB<byte>(PixVideoYUV<double>(data[1], data[0], data[2]));
00430       (*aptr++) = PixRGB<byte>(PixVideoYUV<double>(data[4], data[3], data[5]));
00431       data += 6;
00432     }
00433   if (count) *count += 1;
00434   if (lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(lock);
00436   // free that buffer:
00437   if (dc1394_dma_done_with_buffer(&itsCam) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00438     LERROR("Error releasing dma frame buffer");
00439 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00440 }
00442 // ######################################################################
00443 GenericFrame IEEE1394grabber::readFrame()
00444 {
00445   return GenericFrame(this->grabRaw());
00446 }
00448 // ######################################################################
00449 VideoFrame IEEE1394grabber::grabRaw()
00450 {
00451 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00452   LFATAL("you must have ieee1394 (firewire) support and the libdc1394 "
00453          "library in order to use IEEE1394grabber");
00454   /* can't happen */ return VideoFrame();
00455 #else
00456   ASSERT(itsHandle); ASSERT(itsCameraOk);
00458   // capture next frame:
00459   while (dc1394_dma_single_capture(&itsCam) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00460     {
00461       LINFO("Grab not ready...");
00462       usleep(IEEE1394WAIT);
00463     }
00465   // get the buffer:
00466   const byte* data = itsCam.dma_ring_buffer +
00467     itsCam.dma_frame_size * itsCam.dma_last_buffer;
00469   // free that buffer:
00470   if (dc1394_dma_done_with_buffer(&itsCam) != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00471     LERROR("Error releasing dma frame buffer");
00473   return VideoFrame(data, itsCam.dma_frame_size, itsDims.getVal(),
00474                     itsGrabMode.getVal(), itsByteSwap.getVal(), false);
00475 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00476 }
00478 // ######################################################################
00479 void IEEE1394grabber::paramChanged(ModelParamBase* const param,
00480                                    const bool valueChanged,
00481                                    ParamClient::ChangeStatus* status)
00482 {
00483 #ifndef HAVE_IEEE1394
00484   LFATAL("you must have ieee1394 (firewire) support and the libdc1394 "
00485          "library in order to use IEEE1394grabber");
00486 #else
00488   FrameIstream::paramChanged(param, valueChanged, status);
00490   // just handle online changes here (i.e. changes that come while we
00491   // are already started); if the change happens before start() then
00492   // we will pick up the proper dc1394 settings in start() so we don't
00493   // need to handle the change here
00495 #define HANDLE_PARAM(MODELPARAM, DC1394NAME)                    \
00496       if (itsHandle && valueChanged && param == &MODELPARAM)    \
00497         {                                                       \
00498           LDEBUG("online change of " #DC1394NAME " from %s",    \
00499                  MODELPARAM.getName().c_str());                 \
00500           if (dc1394_set_ ## DC1394NAME(itsHandle, itsCam.node, \
00501                                         MODELPARAM.getVal())    \
00502               != DC1394_SUCCESS)                                \
00503             {                                                   \
00504               *status = ParamClient::CHANGE_REJECTED;           \
00505               LERROR("Unable to set " #DC1394NAME);             \
00506             }                                                   \
00507         }
00509   HANDLE_PARAM(itsBrightness, brightness);
00510   HANDLE_PARAM(itsExposure, exposure);
00511   HANDLE_PARAM(itsSharpness, sharpness);
00512   HANDLE_PARAM(itsHue, hue);
00513   HANDLE_PARAM(itsSaturation, saturation);
00514   HANDLE_PARAM(itsGamma, gamma);
00515   HANDLE_PARAM(itsShutter, shutter);
00516   HANDLE_PARAM(itsGain, gain);
00518 #undef HANDLE_PARAM
00520   if (itsHandle && valueChanged
00521       && (param == &itsWhiteBalBU || param == &itsWhiteBalRV))
00522     {
00523       LDEBUG("online change of white balance from %s",
00524              param->getName().c_str());
00526       if (dc1394_set_white_balance(itsHandle, itsCam.node,
00527                                    itsWhiteBalBU.getVal(),
00528                                    itsWhiteBalRV.getVal())
00529           != DC1394_SUCCESS)
00530         {
00531           *status = ParamClient::CHANGE_REJECTED;
00532           LERROR("Unable to set white balance");
00533         }
00534     }
00536 #endif // HAVE_IEEE1394
00537 }
00539 // ######################################################################
00540 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00541 /* Local Variables: */
00542 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00543 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:04:45 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3