V2 Member List

This is the complete list of members for V2, including all inherited members.
addSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc, const bool propagate_realm=true)ModelComponent
angle_diff(float a, float b) (defined in V2)V2
beta(Point2D< int > i, Point2D< int > j) (defined in V2)V2
CHANGE_ACCEPTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
CHANGE_REJECTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
ChangeStatus enum nameParamClient
cornerSymetryDetection(std::vector< LineSegment > &lines) (defined in V2)V2
dbg_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
dbg_weak_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count_no_delete() const nub::ref_counted
descriptiveName() const ModelComponent
doRequestOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt, const bool useMyVal=false, const bool recurse=true, const bool warn=true)ModelComponent
double_equal(double a, double b)V2 [inline, static]
evolve(Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img) (defined in V2)V2
evolve(Image< float > &img) (defined in V2)V2
evolve(TensorField &tensorField) (defined in V2)V2
evolve(SimEventQueue &q) (defined in V2)V2
evolve2() (defined in V2)V2
evolveBorderOwner() (defined in V2)V2
evolveContours() (defined in V2)V2
evolveLines() (defined in V2)V2
exportOptions(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
f_1(float d) (defined in V2)V2
f_2(float d) (defined in V2)V2
f_T(float d) (defined in V2)V2
findLines(const Image< float > &mag, const Image< float > &ori, Image< float > &retMag, Image< float > &retOri) (defined in V2)V2
findMostProbableLine(const LineSegment &line, float &prob) (defined in V2)V2
findNerestLines(std::list< LineSegment > &lines, std::stack< Point2D< float > > &endPoints) (defined in V2)V2
g_x(float x) (defined in V2)V2
g_y(float y) (defined in V2)V2
get_counts() const nub::ref_counted
get_theta(struct point *reg, int reg_size, float x, float y, Image< float > &modgrad, float reg_angle, float prec, float *elongation) (defined in V2)V2
getDebugImage() (defined in V2)V2
getManager() const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i) const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i)ModelComponent
getModelParamString(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
getModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent [inline]
getModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags) const ModelComponent
getNumModelParams() const ModelComponent
getParent() const ModelComponent
getRect(const Point2D< int > p1, const Point2D< int > p2, const int width) (defined in V2)V2
getRootObject() const ModelComponent
hasBeenExported() const ModelComponent [protected]
hasModelParam(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const nub::soft_ref< ModelComponent > &c, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hideOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt)ModelComponent
I_normalization(Point2D< int > i, int theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
id() const nub::object
incr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
ind2rad(int theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
init(Dims numCells) (defined in V2)V2
SimModule::init(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent [protected]
inter_hi(float x, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) (defined in V2)V2
inter_low(float x, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) (defined in V2)V2
is_not_shareable() const nub::ref_counted
is_shared() const nub::ref_counted
is_unshared() const nub::ref_counted
isaligned(Point2D< int > loc, const Image< float > &angles, float theta, float prec) (defined in V2)V2
itsContours (defined in V2)V2 [protected]
itsLines (defined in V2)V2 [protected]
itsShowDebugV2 [protected]
itsTrainNFAV2 [protected]
itsTrainNFAFile (defined in V2)V2 [protected]
J(Point2D< int > i, int i_theta_index, Point2D< int > j, int j_theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
lineSegmentDetection(Image< float > &img, float q=2.0, float d=8.0, double eps=0.0, int n_bins=16256, int max_grad=260100, float scale=1.0, float sigma_scale=0.6) (defined in V2)V2
lineSegmentDetection(const TensorField &tensorField, float q=2.0, float d=20, double eps=0.0, int n_bins=16256, int max_grad=260100) (defined in V2)V2
ll_angle(Image< float > &in, float threshold, std::vector< Point2D< int > > &list_p, void **mem_p, Image< float > &modgrad, int n_bins, int max_grad) (defined in V2)V2
ll_angle(const TensorField &tensorField, float threshold, std::vector< Point2D< int > > &list_p, Image< float > &modgrad, int n_bins, int max_grad) (defined in V2)V2
log_gamma_lanczos(double x) (defined in V2)V2
log_gamma_windschitl(double x) (defined in V2)V2
ModelComponent(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent(const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent()ModelComponent [protected]
nfa(int n, int k, double p, double logNT) (defined in V2)V2
numCallbacks() const SimCallbackClient
numReqHandlers() const SimReqHandlerClient
numSubComp() const ModelComponent
obj_typename() const nub::object [virtual]
object()nub::object [protected]
operator delete(void *space, size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
operator new(size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
paramChanged(ModelParamBase *param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus *status)ModelComponent [virtual]
phi(float x, float y) (defined in V2)V2
printout(std::ostream &s, const std::string &prefix="") const ModelComponent
proposeContours(std::vector< LineSegment > &lines) (defined in V2)V2
proposeContoursBO(std::vector< LineSegment > &lines) (defined in V2)V2
proposeLineSegments(ImageSet< float > &LGNInput) (defined in V2)V2
proposeLineSegments(V1::EdgesState &edgesState) (defined in V2)V2
psi(float theta) (defined in V2)V2
readParamsFrom(const ParamMap &pmap, const bool noerr=true)ModelComponent
real_typename() const nub::object
realm() const ModelComponent
rect_copy(struct rect *in, struct rect *out) (defined in V2)V2
rect_improve(struct rect *rec, Image< float > &angles, double logNT, double eps) (defined in V2)V2
rect_nfa(struct rect *rec, Image< float > &angles, double logNT) (defined in V2)V2
region2rect(struct point *reg, int reg_size, Image< float > &modgrad, float reg_angle, float prec, double p, struct rect *rec, float *sum_l, float *sum_w, int sum_offset, int sum_res) (defined in V2)V2
region_grow(Point2D< int > loc, Image< float > &angles, struct point *reg, int *reg_size, float *reg_angle, Image< byte > &used, float prec, int radius, Image< float > modgrad, double p, int min_reg_size) (defined in V2)V2
registerOptionedParam(OptionedModelParam *mp, const ParamFlag flags)ModelComponent [virtual]
registerParam(ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
registerSimCallback(SimCallbackBase *s)SimCallbackClient
registerSimReqHandler(SimReqHandlerBase *s)SimReqHandlerClient
removeSubComponent(const ModelComponent &subc, bool removeall=false)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const uint idx)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const std::string &tagname)ModelComponent
reset(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
reset1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
reset2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
ri_del(rect_iter *iter) (defined in V2)V2
ri_end(rect_iter *i) (defined in V2)V2
ri_end(rect_iter &itr) (defined in V2)V2
ri_inc(rect_iter *i) (defined in V2)V2
ri_inc(rect_iter &itr) (defined in V2)V2
ri_ini(struct rect *r) (defined in V2)V2
ri_ini(struct rect *r, rect_iter &iter) (defined in V2)V2
save(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo, const ModelFlag flags=MC_RECURSE)ModelComponent
save1(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save2(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
setDescriptiveName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setInput(vector< Image< float > > input) (defined in V2)V2
setManager(OptionManager &mgr)ModelComponent [protected]
setModelParamString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent
setModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const T &val, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent [inline]
setModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, const RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
setRealm(const std::string &crealm)ModelComponent
setTagName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
sign(float x) (defined in V2)V2
SIMCALLBACK_DECLARE(V2, SimEventV1Output)V2 [protected]
SIMCALLBACK_DECLARE(V2, SimEventSaveOutput)V2 [protected]
SIMCALLBACK_DECLARE(V2, SimEventUserInput)V2 [protected]
SimCallbackClient() (defined in SimCallbackClient)SimCallbackClient
SimModule(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName)SimModule
SimReqHandlerClient() (defined in SimReqHandlerClient)SimReqHandlerClient
start1()SimModule [protected, virtual]
start2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
started() const ModelComponent
step() (defined in V2)V2
stop1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
stop2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
subComponent(const uint idx) const ModelComponent
subComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
sumJGx(Point2D< int > i, int theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
sumPsiGy(Point2D< int > i, int theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
sumWGx(Point2D< int > i, int theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
tagName() const ModelComponent
tau() (defined in V2)V2
theta_a_b(float &theta_a, float &theta_b, Point2D< int > i, Point2D< int > j, int i_theta_index, int j_theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
theta_minus(float theta_a, float theta_b) (defined in V2)V2
theta_one(Point2D< int > i, int i_theta_index, Point2D< int > j) (defined in V2)V2
theta_one_prime(Point2D< int > i, int i_theta_index, Point2D< int > j) (defined in V2)V2
theta_plus(float theta_a, float theta_b) (defined in V2)V2
theta_two(Point2D< int > i, Point2D< int > j, int j_theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
theta_two_prime(Point2D< int > i, Point2D< int > j, int j_theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
trainNFA(V1::EdgesState &edgesState) (defined in V2)V2
unique_name() const nub::object
unregisterParam(const ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
V2(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="V2", const std::string &tagName="V2") (defined in V2)V2
V2(Dims size) (defined in V2)V2
W(Point2D< int > i, int i_theta_index, Point2D< int > j, int j_theta_index) (defined in V2)V2
writeParamsTo(ParamMap &pmap) const ModelComponent
~ModelComponent()ModelComponent [virtual]
~object() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::object [protected, virtual]
~ParamClient()ParamClient [virtual]
~ref_counted() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::ref_counted [virtual]
~SimCallbackClient()SimCallbackClient [virtual]
~SimModule()SimModule [virtual]
~SimReqHandlerClient()SimReqHandlerClient [virtual]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:26:26 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3