
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Neuro/VisualCortexConfigurator.C Class to select a VisualCortex at
00002   runtime */
00004 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00005 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2003   //
00006 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00007 // See for information about this project.          //
00008 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00009 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00010 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00011 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00012 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00013 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00014 // for current status).     //
00015 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00016 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00017 //                                                                      //
00018 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00019 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00020 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00021 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00022 //                                                                      //
00023 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00024 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00025 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00026 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00027 //                                                                      //
00028 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00029 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00030 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00031 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00032 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00033 //
00034 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00035 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00036 // $Id: VisualCortexConfigurator.C 11580 2009-08-11 00:54:51Z itti $
00037 //
00039 #include "Neuro/VisualCortexConfigurator.H"
00041 #include "Beowulf/Beowulf.H"
00042 #include "Channels/RawVisualCortex.H"
00043 #include "Channels/IntegerRawVisualCortex.H"
00044 #include "Channels/ChannelOpts.H"
00045 #include "Channels/ChannelVisitor.H"
00046 #include "Channels/EntropyChannel.H"
00047 #include "Channels/InformationChannel.H"
00048 #include "Channels/InputHandlerThreaded.H"
00049 #include "Channels/MichelsonChannel.H"
00050 #include "Channels/MultiSpectralResidualChannel.H"
00051 #include "Channels/PN03contrastChannel.H"
00052 #include "Channels/ScorrChannel.H"
00053 #include "Channels/SpectralResidualChannel.H"
00054 #include "Channels/TcorrChannel.H"
00055 #include "Channels/VarianceChannel.H"
00056 #include "Component/OptionManager.H"
00057 #include "Neuro/NeuroOpts.H"
00058 #include "Neuro/VisualCortex.H"
00059 #include "Neuro/VisualCortexBeo.H"
00060 #include "Neuro/VisualCortexEyeMvt.H"
00061 #include "Neuro/VisualCortexSurprise.H"
00062 #include "Beowulf/BeowulfOpts.H"
00063 #include "Util/StringUtil.H"
00065 namespace
00066 {
00067   class ThreadInstaller : public ChannelVisitor
00068   {
00069   public:
00070     ThreadInstaller()
00071     {}
00073     virtual ~ThreadInstaller()
00074     {}
00076     virtual void visitChannelBase(ChannelBase& chan)
00077     {
00078       LFATAL("I don't know how to configure channel '%s' for Threaded use",
00079              chan.descriptiveName().c_str());
00080     }
00082     virtual void visitSingleChannel(SingleChannel& chan)
00083     {
00084       chan.setInputHandler
00085         (rutz::make_shared(new InputHandlerThreaded));
00086     }
00088     virtual void visitComplexChannel(ComplexChannel& chan)
00089     {
00090       chan.setSubchanVisitor
00091         (rutz::make_shared(new ThreadInstaller));
00093       // now iterate over the subchannels:
00094       for (uint i = 0; i < chan.numChans(); ++i)
00095         chan.subChan(i)->accept(*this);
00096     }
00097   };
00098 }
00100 // ######################################################################
00101 VisualCortexConfigurator::
00102 VisualCortexConfigurator(OptionManager& mgr,
00103                          const std::string& descrName,
00104                          const std::string& tagName) :
00105   ModelComponent(mgr, descrName, tagName),
00106   itsVCtype(&OPT_VisualCortexType, this),
00107   itsVC(new VisualCortex(mgr)), // initialize with an empty VisualCortex
00108   itsBeo()
00109 {
00110   addSubComponent(itsVC);
00111 }
00113 // ######################################################################
00114 VisualCortexConfigurator::~VisualCortexConfigurator()
00115 {  }
00117 // ######################################################################
00118 nub::ref<VisualCortex> VisualCortexConfigurator::getVC() const
00119 { return itsVC; }
00121 // ######################################################################
00122 nub::soft_ref<Beowulf> VisualCortexConfigurator::getBeo() const
00123 { return itsBeo; }
00125 // ######################################################################
00126 void VisualCortexConfigurator::paramChanged(ModelParamBase* const param,
00127                                             const bool valueChanged,
00128                                             ParamClient::ChangeStatus* status)
00129 {
00130   ModelComponent::paramChanged(param, valueChanged, status);
00132   // was that a change of our baby's name?
00133   if (param == &itsVCtype) {
00134     // some info message:
00135     LINFO("Configuring VC of type %s", itsVCtype.getVal().c_str());
00136     OptionManager& mgr = this->getManager();
00138     // if we had one, let's unregister it (when we later reset() the
00139     // nub::ref, the current VisualCortex will unexport its
00140     // command-line options). NOTE: here we explicitly reset itsVC to
00141     // a placeholder dummy (base class) VisualCortex, to make sure all
00142     // options get unexported right now, as otherwise some conflict
00143     // will occur between the int definition of --vc-chans and the std
00144     // one, when switching from an Std VisualCortex to an Int one:
00145     LINFO("Resetting VisualCortex...");
00146     removeSubComponent(*itsVC);
00147     itsVC.reset(new VisualCortex(mgr));
00149     if (itsBeo.isValid()) {
00150       LINFO("Resetting VisualCortex Beowulf...");
00151       removeSubComponent(*itsBeo); itsBeo.reset(NULL);
00152     }
00154     // Look for modifiers, like "Thread:"
00155     std::vector<std::string> tok;
00156     split(itsVCtype.getVal(), ":", std::back_inserter(tok));
00157     bool threaded = false; const std::string vct = tok.back(); tok.pop_back();
00158     for (size_t i = 0; i < tok.size(); ++i)
00159       if (tok[i].compare("Thread") == 0) threaded = true;
00160       else LFATAL("Unknown vc-type modifier: %s", tok[i].c_str());
00162     // instantiate a VC of the appropriate type:
00164     // #################### Empty "Stub" visual cortex:
00165     if ("None") == 0 ||"Stub") == 0)
00166       itsVC.reset(new VisualCortex(mgr));
00168     // #################### Standard channels:
00169     else if ("Std") == 0)
00170       {
00171         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr, "Visual Cortex", "VisualCortex"));
00172         if (threaded) {
00173           vcx->itsVCX->setSubchanVisitor(rutz::make_shared(new ThreadInstaller));
00174           vcx->itsVCX->sortChannelsByNumSubmaps(true);
00175         }
00176         itsVC = vcx;
00177       }
00178     // #################### Human eye movement fake cortex:
00179     else if ("EyeMvt") == 0)
00180       itsVC.reset(new VisualCortexEyeMvt(mgr));
00182     // #################### Entropy model:
00183     else if ("Entrop") == 0) // entropy
00184       {
00185         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00186         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00187         nub::soft_ref<EntropyChannel> channel(new EntropyChannel(mgr));
00188         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00189         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00190         itsVC = vcx;
00191       }
00193     // #################### Variance model:
00194     else if ("Variance") == 0)
00195       {
00196         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00197         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00198         nub::soft_ref<VarianceChannel> channel(new VarianceChannel(mgr));
00199         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00200         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00201         itsVC = vcx;
00202       }
00204     // #################### Michelson contrast model:
00205     else if ("Michelson") == 0)
00206       {
00207         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00208         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00209         nub::soft_ref<MichelsonChannel> channel(new MichelsonChannel(mgr));
00210         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00211         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00212         itsVC = vcx;
00213       }
00215     // #################### Tcorr model:
00216     else if ("Tcorr") == 0)
00217       {
00218         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00219         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00220         nub::soft_ref<TcorrChannel> channel(new TcorrChannel(mgr));
00221         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00222         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00223         itsVC = vcx;
00224       }
00226     // #################### Scorr model:
00227     else if ("Scorr") == 0)
00228       {
00229         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00230         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00231         nub::soft_ref<ScorrChannel> channel(new ScorrChannel(mgr));
00232         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00233         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00234         itsVC = vcx;
00235       }
00237     // #################### Information model:
00238     else if ("Info") == 0)
00239       {
00240         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00241         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00242         nub::soft_ref<InformationChannel> channel(new InformationChannel(mgr));
00243         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00244         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00245         itsVC = vcx;
00246       }
00248     // #################### PN03contrast model:
00249     else if ("PN03contrast") == 0)
00250       {
00251         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00252         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00253         nub::soft_ref<PN03contrastChannel> channel(new PN03contrastChannel(mgr));
00254         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00255         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00256         itsVC = vcx;
00257       }
00259     // #################### Spectral Residual model:
00260     else if ("SpectralResidual") == 0)
00261       {
00262         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00263         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00264         nub::soft_ref<SpectralResidualChannel> channel(new SpectralResidualChannel(mgr));
00265         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00266         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00267         itsVC = vcx;
00268       }
00270     // #################### Multi Spectral Residual model:
00271     else if ("MultiSpectralResidual") == 0)
00272       {
00273         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr));
00274         vcx->itsVCX->removeAllSubChans(); vcx->itsVCX->hideOption(&OPT_RawVisualCortexChans);
00275         nub::soft_ref<MultiSpectralResidualChannel> channel(new MultiSpectralResidualChannel(mgr));
00276         vcx->itsVCX->addSubChan(channel);
00277         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_LevelSpec, "4-4,0-0,4");
00278         itsVC = vcx;
00279       }
00281     // #################### Standard beo-channels:
00282     else if ("Beo") == 0)
00283       {
00284         itsBeo.reset(new Beowulf(mgr, "Visual Cortex Beowulf", "VisualCortexBeowulf", true));
00285         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr, "Visual Cortex", "VisualCortex"));
00286         setupVisualCortexBeo(*(vcx->itsVCX), itsBeo);
00287         itsVC = vcx;
00288       }
00290     // #################### Standard surprise-channels:
00291     else if ("Surp") == 0)
00292       {
00293         nub::ref<VisualCortexSurprise> vcs(new VisualCortexSurprise(mgr));
00294         nub::ref<VisualCortexStd> vcx(new VisualCortexStd(mgr, "Visual Cortex", "VisualCortex", vcs));
00295         if (threaded) {
00296           vcx->itsVCX->setSubchanVisitor(rutz::make_shared(new ThreadInstaller));
00297           vcx->itsVCX->sortChannelsByNumSubmaps(true);
00298         }
00299         itsVC = vcx;
00300       }
00302     // #################### Standard int channels:
00303     else if ("Int") == 0)
00304       {
00305         nub::ref<VisualCortexInt> vcx(new VisualCortexInt(mgr, "Visual Cortex", "VisualCortex"));
00306         if (threaded) {
00307           vcx->itsVCX->setSubchanVisitor(rutz::make_shared(new ThreadInstaller));
00308           vcx->itsVCX->sortChannelsByNumSubmaps(true);
00309         }
00310         itsVC = vcx;
00311       }
00312     // #################### EnvVisualCortex
00313     else if ("Env") == 0)
00314       {
00315         nub::ref<VisualCortexEnv> vcx(new VisualCortexEnv(mgr, "Visual Cortex", "VisualCortex"));
00316         itsVC = vcx;
00317       }
00318     // #################### unknown
00319     else
00320       LFATAL("Unknown vc-type: %s", vct.c_str());
00322     // add our babies as a subcomponents of us so that they will
00323     // become linked to the manager through us (hopefully we are
00324     // registered with the manager), which in turn will allow them to
00325     // export their command-line options and get configured. Note: the
00326     // Beowulf needs to be start()'ed by the time the VC starts, so we
00327     // add it first here if we have one:
00328     if (itsBeo.isValid())
00329       {
00330         addSubComponent(itsBeo);
00332         // export options:
00333         itsBeo->exportOptions(MC_RECURSE);
00335         // make sure we are beowulf master:
00336         mgr.setOptionValString(&OPT_BeowulfMaster, "true");
00337       }
00339     // register our visual cortex as a subcomponent:
00340     addSubComponent(itsVC);
00342     // export its options:
00343     itsVC->exportOptions(MC_RECURSE);
00344   }
00345 }
00348 // ######################################################################
00349 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00350 /* Local Variables: */
00351 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00352 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:05:26 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3