
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Psycho/HandData.H Struct for hand(joystick/steering wheel) data with a wrapped ParamMap */
00002 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00003 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2005   //
00004 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00005 // See http://iLab.usc.edu for information about this project.          //
00006 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00007 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00008 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00009 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00010 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00011 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00012 // http://pair.uspto.gov/cgi-bin/final/home.pl for current status).     //
00013 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00014 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00015 //                                                                      //
00016 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00017 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00018 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00019 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00020 //                                                                      //
00021 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00022 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00023 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00024 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00025 //                                                                      //
00026 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00027 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00028 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00029 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00030 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00031 //
00032 // Primary maintainer for this file: Dicky Nauli Sihite <sihite@usc.edu>
00033 // $HeadURL:
00034 // $Id:
00038 #include <iostream>
00040 #include "Image/Point2D.H"
00041 //#include "Psycho/SaccadeState.H"
00042 #include "Util/Types.H"
00043 #include "Util/StringUtil.H"
00044 #include "Util/log.H"
00045 #include "rutz/compat_cmath.h" // for isnan()
00046 #include "rutz/shared_ptr.h"
00047 #include "Component/ParamMap.H"
00048 #include <cmath>
00050 //! Simple struct for hand movement data
00051 /*! Different joystick/steering wheel trackers may or may not fill all data
00052     members. Members that should always be filled are x and y. Note that this
00053     class is costly in terms of storage, so typically one would want to use it
00054     only to pass data samples around, but not to store a long series of samples
00055     in memory. For example, Psycho/HandTrace.H uses a more compact format to
00056     internally store eye data, and uses HandData objects to deliver that data
00057     to whoever wants it. 
00058     Originally this function is for joystick only, therefore to maintain code
00059     consistency, the naming without mouse or keyboard will refer to joystick
00060 */
00061 class HandData 
00062 {
00063 public:
00064   /*! HandData Constructors & Destructors */
00065   //{@
00066   //!!! Fully initialized constructor, no extra data
00068   // Joystick only
00069   HandData(const int x_, const int y_, const std::vector<bool> b_);
00070   // Mouse only
00071   HandData(const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00072            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_);
00073   // Keyboard only
00074   HandData(const char* kbch_);
00076   // Keyboard + Mouse
00077   HandData(const char* kbch_,
00078            const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00079            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_);
00080   // Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick = impossible?
00081   HandData(const char* kbch_,
00082            const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00083            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00084            const int x_, const int y_, const std::vector<bool> b_);
00086   //!!! Fully initialized constructor, extra data in ParamMap
00087   // Joystick only
00088   HandData(const int x_, const int y_, const std::vector<bool> b_,
00089            rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat);
00090   // Mouse only
00091   HandData(const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00092            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00093            rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat);
00094   // Keyboard only
00095   HandData(const char* kbch_, rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat);
00096   // Keyboard + Mouse
00097   HandData(const char* kbch_,
00098            const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00099            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00100            rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat);
00101   // Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick = impossible?
00102   HandData(const char* kbch_,
00103            const int mx_, const int my_, const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00104            const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00105            const int x_, const int y_, const std::vector<bool> b_,
00106            rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat);
00109   //! Destructor
00110   ~HandData();
00112   //@}
00113   // ######################################################################
00114   /*! @name Helper functions */
00115   //@{
00117   // _ ____ _   _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
00118   // | |  |  \_/  [__   |  | |    |_/  
00119   //_| |__|   |   ___]  |  | |___ | \_ 
00120   //
00122   //! Is the n-th button is pressed?
00123   bool isPressed(uint& b_) const;
00125   //! Is there any pressed button?
00126   bool isAnyPressed() const;
00128   //! Do we have buttons?
00129   bool isButtonEmpty() const;
00131   //! Do we have valid (x,y) coordinates?
00132   bool isValid() const;
00134   //! Are our coordinates within some dims?
00135   bool isWithin(const Dims& dims) const;
00137   /* _  _ ____ _  _ ____ ____ 
00138   ** |\/| |  | |  | [__  |___ 
00139   ** |  | |__| |__| ___] |___ 
00140   */
00142   //! Is mouse position valid?
00143   bool isMouseValid() const;
00145   //! Is there any pressed mouse button?
00146   bool isMouseAnyPressed() const;
00148   /* _  _ ____ _   _ ___  ____ ____ ____ ___  
00149   ** |_/  |___  \_/  |__] |  | |__| |__/ |  \ 
00150   ** | \_ |___   |   |__] |__| |  | |  \ |__/ 
00151   */ 
00153   //! Is keyboard input empty?
00154   bool isKeyboardEmpty() const;
00156   /* _  _ ____ ___ ____ ___  ____ ___ ____ 
00157   ** |\/| |___  |  |__| |  \ |__|  |  |__| 
00158   ** |  | |___  |  |  | |__/ |  |  |  |  | 
00159   */
00161   //! Do we have valid extra metadata?
00162   /*! Only a very few samples in an eye trace have this extra data,
00163     possibly none. The data may be present at the onset of each
00164     event and contains information about each event. */
00165   bool hasMetaData(const std::string field) const;
00167   bool hasSpecialMetaData(const std::string field) const;
00169   //! Is this field name a special field?
00170   bool isSpecialField(std::string field) const;
00172   //@}
00174   // ######################################################################
00175   /*! @name Access functions */
00176   //@{
00178   //!-> If these features are not needed, consider removing them
00180   /*  _ ____ _   _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
00181   **  | |  |  \_/  [__   |  | |    |_/  
00182   ** _| |__|   |   ___]  |  | |___ | \_ 
00183   */
00185   //! Check number of buttons
00186   size_t numButton() const;
00188   /*! These are for single value of wheel's accl,brake,left,right */
00189   //! Get Accelerator value 
00190   int getAccelerator() const;    // (   0 ~ 127 )
00191   float getAcceleratorF() const; // ( 0.0 ~ 1.0 )
00193   //! Get Brake value
00194   int getBrake() const;    // (   0 ~ 128 )
00195   float getBrakeF() const; // ( 0.0 ~ 1.0 )
00197   //! Get Wheel Left value 
00198   int getWheelLeft() const;   // (   0 ~ 127 )
00199   float getWheelLeftF() const;// ( 0.0 ~ 1.0 )
00201   //! Get Wheel Right value 
00202   int getWheelRight() const;   // (   0 ~ 128 )
00203   float getWheelRightF() const;// ( 0.0 ~ 1.0 )
00206   /*! These are combined value of wheel's axises (accl-brake, left-right) */
00207   //! Get Wheel value 
00208   int getWheel() const;    // (    0 ~ 127 ~ 255 ) -->  127 left - 128 right
00209   float getWheelF() const; // ( -1.0 ~ 0.0 ~ 1.0 ) --> -1.0 left - 1.0 right
00210   int getX() const;        // Same as getWheel
00212   //! Get Both Accl & Brake value 
00213   int getAcclBrake() const;    // (    0 ~ 127 ~ 255 ) -->  127 accl - 128 brake
00214   float getAcclBrakeF() const; // ( -1.0 ~ 0.0 ~ 1.0 ) --> -1.0 left - 1.0 right
00215   int getY() const;            // Same as getAcclBrake
00217   /*! These are combined value of all wheel's axis */
00218   //! Get All joystick/wheel position 
00219   Point2D<int> getPosition() const; // ( 0 ~ 255 ) for all axis
00220   Point2D<float> getPositionF() const; // ( -1.0 ~ 1.0 ) for all axis
00222   /* _  _ ____ _  _ ____ ____ 
00223   ** |\/| |  | |  | [__  |___ 
00224   ** |  | |__| |__| ___] |___ 
00225   */
00227   //! Get raw data
00228   int getMouseX() const;
00229   int getMouseY() const;
00230   int getNativeX() const;
00231   int getNativeY() const;
00232   bool getMouseBL() const;
00233   bool getMouseBM() const;
00234   bool getMouseBR() const;
00236   /* _  _ ____ _   _ ___  ____ ____ ____ ___  
00237   ** |_/  |___  \_/  |__] |  | |__| |__/ |  \ 
00238   ** | \_ |___   |   |__] |__| |  | |  \ |__/ 
00239   */ 
00241   //! Get raw data
00242   char *getKeyboard() const;
00244   //@}
00246   // ######################################################################
00247   /*! @name Extra data management */
00248   //{@
00249   //! Get all metadata
00250   rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> getMetaData() const;
00252   //! Get list of metadata fields
00253   std::vector<std::string> getMetaDataList() const;
00255   //! Get one field of metadata
00256   double getMetaDataField(std::string field) const;
00258   //@}
00259   // ######################################################################
00260   /*! Misc */
00261   //! Get text output report
00262   void outputData(std::ostream &out) const;
00265   // ######################################################################
00267 private:
00268   //! Joystick
00269   const int x, y;             // Joystick/steering wheel position
00270                               // for steering wheel, it has the following:
00271                               // x= 127, 0 left, 255 right
00272                               // y= 127, 0 accl, 255 brake
00273   const std::vector<bool> b;  // buttons of joystick/steering wheel
00275   //! Mouse
00276   const int mx, my; // Mouse X & Y
00277   const int nmx, nmy; // Native resolution
00278   const bool mlb, mmb, mrb; // The 3 mouse buttons
00280   //! Keyboard
00281   const char* kbch; // Stores the character inputted
00283   //Optional data in tree of ParamMaps
00284   const rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> itsExtraData;
00286   //! To add/remove special field
00287   std::string special(std::string field) const;
00288   std::string unspecial(std::string field) const;
00289 };
00291 // ######################################################################
00292 // ######################################################################
00293 // ##########               inlined functions                ############
00294 // ######################################################################
00295 // ######################################################################
00298 // ######################################################################
00299 /*! Constructors and Destructors*/
00301 //!!! Without Param Map
00303 // Joystick only
00304 inline HandData::HandData(const int x_, const int y_,
00305                           const std::vector<bool> b_) :
00306   x(x_), y(y_), b(b_),
00307   mx(-1), my(-1), nmx(-1), nmy(-1), mlb(false), mmb(false), mrb(false),
00308   kbch("")
00309 { }
00311 // Mouse only
00312 inline HandData::HandData(const int mx_, const int my_,
00313                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00314                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_) :
00315   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00316   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00317   kbch("")
00318 { }
00320 // Keyboard only
00321 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_) :
00322   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00323   mx(-1), my(-1), nmx(-1), nmy(-1), mlb(false), mmb(false), mrb(false),
00324   kbch(kbch_)
00325 { }
00327 // Keyboard + Mouse
00328 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_,
00329                           const int mx_, const int my_,
00330                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00331                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_) :
00332   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00333   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00334   kbch(kbch_)
00335 { }
00336 // Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick = impossible?
00337 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_,
00338                           const int mx_, const int my_,
00339                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00340                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00341                           const int x_, const int y_,
00342                           const std::vector<bool> b_) :
00343   x(x_), y(y_), b(b_),
00344   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00345   kbch(kbch_)
00346 { }
00348 //!!! With param map
00350 // Joystick only
00351 inline HandData::HandData(const int x_, const int y_,
00352                           const std::vector<bool> b_,
00353                           rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat) :
00354   x(x_), y(y_), b(b_),
00355   mx(-1), my(-1), nmx(-1), nmy(-1), mlb(false), mmb(false), mrb(false),
00356   kbch("")
00357 { }
00359 // Mouse only
00360 inline HandData::HandData(const int mx_, const int my_,
00361                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00362                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00363                           rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat) :
00364   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00365   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00366   kbch("")
00367 { }
00369 // Keyboard only
00370 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_, rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat) :
00371   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00372   mx(-1), my(-1), nmx(-1), nmy(-1), mlb(false), mmb(false), mrb(false),
00373   kbch(kbch_)
00374 { }
00376 // Keyboard + Mouse
00377 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_,
00378                           const int mx_, const int my_,
00379                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00380                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00381                           rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat) :
00382   x(-1), y(-1), b(),
00383   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00384   kbch(kbch_)
00385 { }
00386 // Keyboard + Mouse + Joystick = impossible?
00387 inline HandData::HandData(const char* kbch_,
00388                           const int mx_, const int my_,
00389                           const int nmx_, const int nmy_,
00390                           const bool mlb_, const bool mmb_, const bool mrb_,
00391                           const int x_, const int y_,
00392                           const std::vector<bool> b_,
00393                           rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> dat) :
00394   x(x_), y(y_), b(b_),
00395   mx(mx_), my(my_), nmx(nmx_), nmy(nmy_), mlb(mlb_), mmb(mmb_), mrb(mrb_),
00396   kbch(kbch_)
00397 { }
00400 inline HandData::~HandData()
00401 { }
00403 // ######################################################################
00404 /*! @name Helper Functions */
00406 //! Joystick
00408 inline bool HandData::isPressed(uint& b_) const
00409 {
00410   try { // Check if the data is available and return it
00411     return b[b_];}
00412   catch (char *str) { // invalid data, just return false 
00413     // Should be LFATAL instead?
00414     LERROR("Data %d is out of range, we only have %d buttons",
00415            b_, int(b.size()));
00416     return false;}
00417 }
00419 inline bool HandData::isAnyPressed() const {
00420   for (uint i=0; i<b.size(); i++)
00421     if (b[i]) return true;
00422   return false;
00423 }
00425 inline bool HandData::isButtonEmpty() const {
00426   return b.empty(); }
00428 inline bool HandData::isValid() const {
00429   return !(isnan(x) || isnan(y)) && x > -1 && y > -1; }
00431 inline bool HandData::isWithin(const Dims& dims) const {
00432   if (isValid() == false) return false;
00433   return (x >= 0 && x < dims.w() && y >= 0 && y < dims.h());
00434 }
00436 //! Mouse
00438 inline bool HandData::isMouseValid() const {
00439   return !(isnan(mx) || isnan(my)) && mx > -1 && my > -1;
00440 }
00442 inline bool HandData::isMouseAnyPressed() const {
00443   return (mlb || mmb || mrb);
00444 }
00446 //! Keyboard
00448 inline bool HandData::isKeyboardEmpty() const {
00449   return (std::string(kbch).empty());
00450 }
00452 //! Metadata
00454 inline bool HandData::hasMetaData(const std::string field = "any") const
00455 { if(field.compare("any") == 0) return itsExtraData.is_valid();
00456   else return (itsExtraData.is_valid() && 
00457                (itsExtraData->hasParam(field) ||
00458                 itsExtraData->hasParam(special(field)) )); }
00460 inline bool HandData::hasSpecialMetaData(const std::string field) const
00461 { 
00462   return (hasMetaData("any") && itsExtraData->hasParam(special(field)));    
00463 }
00466 inline bool HandData::isSpecialField(std::string field) const
00467 {
00468    return field[0]=='*';
00469 }
00471 // ######################################################################
00472 /*! Access Functions */
00474 /* _ ____ _   _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
00475 ** | |  |  \_/  [__   |  | |    |_/  
00476 **_| |__|   |   ___]  |  | |___ | \_ 
00477 */
00479 inline size_t HandData::numButton() const {
00480   return b.size(); }
00482 inline int HandData::getAccelerator() const {
00483   return (y<127)?(127-y):0; }
00484 inline float HandData::getAcceleratorF() const {
00485   return (y<127)?(127-y)/127.0:0.0; }
00487 inline int HandData::getBrake() const {
00488   return (y>127)?(y-127):0; }
00489 inline float HandData::getBrakeF() const {
00490   return (y>127)?(y-127)/128.0:0; }
00492 inline int HandData::getWheelLeft() const {
00493   return (x<127)?(127-x):0; }
00494 inline float HandData::getWheelLeftF() const {
00495   return (x<127)?(127-x)/127.0:0.0; }
00497 inline int HandData::getWheelRight() const {
00498   return (x>127)?(x-127):0; }
00499 inline float HandData::getWheelRightF() const {
00500   return (x>127)?(x-127)/128.0:0; }
00502 inline int HandData::getWheel() const {
00503   return x; }
00504 inline float HandData::getWheelF() const {
00505   return (x*2.0/255.0) - 1.0; }
00506 inline int HandData::getX() const {
00507   return x; }
00509 inline int HandData::getAcclBrake() const {
00510   return y; }
00511 inline float HandData::getAcclBrakeF() const {
00512   return (y*2.0/255.0) - 1.0; }
00513 inline int HandData::getY() const {
00514   return y; }
00516 inline Point2D<int> HandData::getPosition() const {
00517   return Point2D<int> (x,y); }
00518 inline Point2D<float> HandData::getPositionF() const {
00519   return Point2D<float> (getWheelF(),getAcclBrakeF()); }
00521 /* _  _ ____ _  _ ____ ____ 
00522 ** |\/| |  | |  | [__  |___ 
00523 ** |  | |__| |__| ___] |___ 
00524 */
00526 inline int HandData::getMouseX() const {
00527   return mx;}
00528 inline int HandData::getMouseY() const {
00529   return my;}
00530 inline int HandData::getNativeX() const {
00531   return nmx;}
00532 inline int HandData::getNativeY() const {
00533   return nmy;}
00534 inline bool HandData::getMouseBL() const {
00535   return mlb;}
00536 inline bool HandData::getMouseBM() const {
00537   return mmb;}
00538 inline bool HandData::getMouseBR() const {
00539   return mrb;}
00541 /* _  _ ____ _   _ ___  ____ ____ ____ ___  
00542 ** |_/  |___  \_/  |__] |  | |__| |__/ |  \ 
00543 ** | \_ |___   |   |__] |__| |  | |  \ |__/ 
00544 */ 
00546 inline char * HandData::getKeyboard() const {
00547   return (char*)kbch;}
00551 // ######################################################################
00552 /*! Extra Data Management */
00553 inline rutz::shared_ptr<ParamMap> HandData::getMetaData() const
00554 { return itsExtraData; }
00556 inline std::vector<std::string> HandData::getMetaDataList() const 
00557 {
00558   std::vector<std::string> argList;
00559   if(hasMetaData()) 
00560     for (ParamMap::key_iterator iter = getMetaData()->keys_begin();
00561          iter != getMetaData()->keys_end();
00562          ++iter)
00563       argList.push_back(*iter);
00565   return argList; }
00567 inline double HandData::getMetaDataField(std::string field) const
00568 { 
00569   if (hasSpecialMetaData(field)) 
00570     return itsExtraData->getDoubleParam(special(field));
00571   else if(hasMetaData(field)) 
00572     return itsExtraData->getDoubleParam(field);
00573   else LFATAL("No data field %s in HandData",field.c_str());
00574   return -1;
00575 }
00577 inline void HandData::outputData(std::ostream &out) const
00578 { 
00579   out << "(x,y) = (" << x << "," << y << ")\t"<< "buttons =";
00580   for (uint i = 0; i < b.size(); i++)
00581     out << " " << b[i];
00582   out << "\n";
00583   if(hasMetaData())
00584     {
00585       std::vector<std::string> metaFields = getMetaDataList();
00586       for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = metaFields.begin();
00587           iter != metaFields.end();
00588           ++iter) 
00589         out << *iter << " = " << getMetaDataField(*iter) << "\n";
00590     }
00591 };
00593 inline std::string HandData::special(std::string field) const
00594 {
00595   if(field[0]=='*') return field;
00596   else return "*"+field;
00597 }
00599 inline std::string HandData::unspecial(std::string field) const
00600 {
00601   if(field[0]=='*') return field.erase(0,1);
00602   else return field;
00603 }
00605 // ######################################################################
00606 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00607 /* Local Variables: */
00608 /* mode: c++ */
00609 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00610 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:05:32 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3