As illustrated in figure above, the computing module along with the cooling system, is mounted on four 25mm diameter shock-absorbing standoffs to withstand violent collision in the rare event the robot goes out of control or something attacks it. Because the only sturdy connection (aside from the power cable) between the computing system and the robot are these standoffs, the shocks and vibrations are isolated through them, making it easier to properly evaluate the necessary precautions for the above abrupt events.
Note that the connecting part between the computing system and the robot are the cooling block and the shock absorbers, respectively. We need 7cm standoffs, enough height to clear the bottom of the cooling system skeleton. Placer secure by a nut on top (nice to have quick-release skewer).
When considering a damping solution, we need to know the basic relationship between shock and vibration. That is, our solution has to satisfy both requirements by being rigid enough so as to not cause too much vibration on the load but is flexible enough to absorb shocks. Here, however,we can focus more on shock because, normally, like laptops, the computers should be able to work despite vibration that comes from reasonably rough terrains. In addition, we are using Solid State hard drive (no moving parts), which can stand far more shock than its mechanical counterpart.
We selected the natural rubber cylindrical mount because of the compactness of the devices as opposed to other options:
* wire-rope isolators * rubber or silicone pads * suspension springs
In addition, we can easily adjust the height of these standoffs. This is because we can screw together the absorbers according to the needs. However, more importantly, we can easily adjust their shock absorption property by adding washers in between two mounts if we want to.
We have tested the robot to run both indoor and outdoor. Sudden stops, bumps, and vibration caused by rough terrain did not shut the computers down.