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beobot_2.0_mechanical_system [2013/07/30 14:31]
beobot_2.0_mechanical_system [2013/07/30 14:31] (current)
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-{{:tatrc_full_nav_rec.jpg?200|}}The mechanical system consists of locomotion, battery, cooling, and computer protection system. It discusses the design decisions, part manufacturing, assembly, as well as testing. It also includes integration issues between mechanical and electrical systems pertaining aspects such as  making sure size (length, width, and height) of boards are accommodated, specifying connectors and their placements so that they are easily reachable, and cable placements.+The mechanical system consists of locomotion, battery, cooling, and computer protection system. It discusses the design decisions, part manufacturing, assembly, as well as testing. It also includes integration issues between mechanical and electrical systems pertaining aspects such as  making sure size (length, width, and height) of boards are accommodated, specifying connectors and their placements so that they are easily reachable, and cable placements.
 {{:beobo2mechineshop.jpg?900|}} {{:beobo2mechineshop.jpg?900|}}

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