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beobot_2.0_system [2013/05/07 13:23]
beobot_2.0_system [2013/12/05 15:21] (current)
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 Past software accomplished deadlines can be found [[Beobot_2.0/Past_Software_Deadlines |here]].  Past software accomplished deadlines can be found [[Beobot_2.0/Past_Software_Deadlines |here]]. 
-^   ^ Tasks                                        ^ Date                                 ^  + 
-|1. | ICRA2014: BeoRoadFinder: vision & tilted LRF  | Sept 152013 | + 
-|2. | IEEE AR 2013 road recognition comparison paper | Oct 31, 2013 +^   ^ Tasks                                          ^ Date           ^  
-|3. | Implement Object search system  Dec 1, 2013 +|1. | IEEE AR 2013 road recognition comparison paper | Dec 31, 2013   | 
-|4. | RSS2014: Crowd navigation & understanding     | Feb1, 2014 | +|2. | IROS 2014: BeoRoadFinder: vision & tilted LRF  | Feb 12014    
-|5. | Implement Human-Robot Interaction system  | August 1, 2014 |+|3. | Implement Object search system                 Mar 1, 2014    
 +|4. | RSS 2014: Crowd navigation & understanding     | May 1, 2014    
 +|5. | Implement Human-Robot Interaction system       | August 1, 2014 |
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   * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionLocalization/RobotVisionLocalization.html|Biologically inspired Vision Localization system]]   * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionLocalization/RobotVisionLocalization.html|Biologically inspired Vision Localization system]]
   * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionNavigation/RobotVisionNavigation.html|vision navigation system]] using salient regions. [[Beobot_2.0/Software_System/GistSal_Localization_Navigation| work notes]].   * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionNavigation/RobotVisionNavigation.html|vision navigation system]] using salient regions. [[Beobot_2.0/Software_System/GistSal_Localization_Navigation| work notes]].
-  * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionLocalization/VisualRoadRecognition.html|road or lane following/recognition  and navigation system]]+  * [[http://ilab.usc.edu/siagian/Research/RobotVisionNavigation/VisualRoadRecognition.html|road or lane following/recognition  and navigation system]]
   * recognizing people and other target objects   * recognizing people and other target objects
   * approaching and following people and other target objects   * approaching and following people and other target objects
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 {{youtube>U5TFW-o7WJA?large}} {{youtube>U5TFW-o7WJA?large}}
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 ===== Software Tools, Operating Systems Issues ===== ===== Software Tools, Operating Systems Issues =====
-The software tools related discussions can be found [[Beobot_2.0/Software_Tools| here]]. It includes firmware level issues such as low level computer  +The software tools related discussions can be found [[Beobot_2.0/Software_Tools| here]].  
-communication.+It includes firmware level issues such as low level computer communication.
 Back to [[index|Beobot 2.0]] Back to [[index|Beobot 2.0]]

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