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beobot_2.0_mechanical_system [2013/05/05 16:34]
beobot_2.0_mechanical_system [2013/07/30 14:31] (current)
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 ===== To Do ===== ===== To Do =====
-[[Beobot_2.0/Mechanical_To_Do_List | Mechanical to do list]], which also include fixed items. Note that there is also [[Beobot_2.0/Electrical_To_Do_List | one]] in the electrical section. +[[Beobot_2.0/Mechanical_To_Do_List | Mechanical to do list]], which also include fixed items. Note that there is also [[Beobot_2.0/Electrical_To_Do_List | one]] in the electrical section. In addition, in the future, we plan to fit Beobot 2.0 with a Scorbot Robot Arm to enable it to perform object manipulations.
 ===== Design and Implementation ===== ===== Design and Implementation =====

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