Making the Blackberry work with your IMAP email

by Laurent Itti, April 26, 2005

Blackberry users currently have two options for their email connectivity: the Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES), a software that needs to be installed on your company's server and enables full functionality of your Blackberry, or the Blackberry Web Client (BWC), a web-based interface that allows only restricted Blackberry functionality.

Current status with BWC

As many people do not have BES installed at their company, they rely instead on BWC. BWC, however, makes it difficult to keep your email synchronized between your main mail server and your Blackberry. In particular:

  • When you read/reply to/delete/file emails on your blackberry, these actions will not be reflected on your main server.
  • When you register your main email server (POP3 or IMAP) with BWC, all this achieves is that the BWC server will contact your server every 15 minutes, pull any new unread emails, and forward a copy of those to your Blackberry. So your Blackberry is always only dealing with copies, never with the real thing stored on your IMAP server. Anything you do on either your Blackberry or the BWC web page (e.g., nuke all emails) will have no effect onto your main server.
  • When you compose new emails from your Blackberry, you will not get a copy of those directly in the sent-mail folder on your server. BWC provides the option of specifying a default bcc: address to which every email sent from the blackberry will be carbon-copied, but unless you want those emails to later come back to your Blackberry in some infinite loop you would not want to use your main email address for that.

Thus, at present, BWC provides a rather poor level of integration between your Blackberry and your main email server. Most people seem to use their Blackberry just to rapidly scan incoming email and reply to a few urgent ones, knowing that next time they get to their desktop things will appear as if nothing had been done on the Blackberry.

A solution for more interactivity?

The solution proposed here achieves the following functionality:

Theory of operation

The main idea is pretty simple: Every email received by your main server will be carbon-copied to your blackberry for immediate consumption. To file from your Blackberry an email into an IMAP folder on your main server, you will forward that email back to your main email address, typing into the body of the forwarded message the name of the folder you want the email to be filed into. This can be achieved in very few wheel clicks and keystrokes on your Blackberry. In order to be able to mark an email as answered on your main server when you answer it from your Blackberry, and also to store on your main server the reply you have sent, you will bcc: your main email address on every email you send from the Blackberry. Given that bcc:, every email you send from your Blackberry (not only replies, but new composed messages as well) will also be stored as sent-mail on your main server.

For more details on operation, see below.

The main difficulty is to avoid infernal mail loops, whereby emails keep getting forwarded from your Blackberry to your main server, which then forwards a copy back to your Blackberry, and so on indefinitely.

The proposed setup which solves this difficulty relies on three components:

Caveats and limitations:

The code

Assume the following setup:

Based on this, our scheme works as follows:

The key is that you should normally never have to forward emails from your Blackberry to your main email address, as this kind of forwarding will now be reserved for IMAP filing actions. You can of course forward to anybody else you like, just not To ensure this, you need to make sure people never send email to your Blackberry email address ( directly; instead they should send all email to In these conditions, you will have a copy on your main server of every email you ever get on your Blackberry, obviating the need to ever forward an email from the Blackberry to the main server.

How to set it up

We again assume that your IMAP server is of Unix-type. Login onto your account, and setup the following.

.forward      (click icon to expand)

"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75 #you"

where you replace you at the end of the line by your login name. See man procmail for more details on this file, I just took it from there. This will basically feed every incoming email to procmail. Make sure your .forward is in your home directory and chmod 644, and that your home directory is world-readable and world-executable, otherwise it will not work.

.procmailrc      (click icon to expand)

##### procmail script for Blackberry interaction.
##### Copyright (c) by Laurent Itti, 2005. Public domain.

##### Make sure this file is accessible from your server, is in your
##### home directory, and is chmod 644 (world-readable)

##### Your definitions:
MAILROOT="mail"                     # mail root folder, from home
FEMAIL="YourName 00BBfiler"         # email used for filer program
BBEMAIL=""   # Blackberry email address
BBSENTMAIL="sent-mail-bb"           # sent-mail for our Blackberry
BACKUP="backup"                     # backup folder

##### Other definitions: should not normally have to change these
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin         # executable path
LOGFILE="$HOME/$MAILROOT/logs"      # our logs, comment out for no logs
FILERPROG="$HOME/bin/"    # our filer program
FWPREFIX="Fw:"                      # Blackberry forward prefix
REPREFIX="Re:"                      # Blackberry reply prefix
MROOT="${HOME}/${MAILROOT}"         # absolute path to mail root

#VERBOSE=yes                        # verbose output to LOGFILE

########## Safety net ##########
##### Keep a copy in backup/ (folder must exist):
:0 c

##### Limit number of backups to 64:
:0 ic
| cd ${MROOT}/${BACKUP} && /bin/rm -f dummy `/bin/ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,64d`

########## Blackberry email management ##########
##### Catch emails that are coming from our BlackBerry, checking on
##### the 'From' field (true from address) rather than on the 'From:'
##### field (user-declared from address):
* $^(From) ${BBEMAIL}
  ##### If forwarded to our filer program, let's launch it, ignoring
  ##### errors:
  :0 i
  * $^To: ${FEMAIL}
  * $^Subject: ${FWPREFIX}
  | formail -c -z | ${FILERPROG} file ${MAILROOT}/${SUBFOLDER}

  ##### Other emails coming from our blackberry must be bcc's, so let's
  ##### store them in our Blackberry's sent-mail folder:
  :0 cE:

  ##### In addition, if the message is a reply (subject starting with
  ##### 'Re:'), also call our filer program, but this time in the
  ##### 'mark as answered' mode:
  * $^Subject: ${REPREFIX}
  | formail -c -z | ${FILERPROG} ans ${MAILROOT}/${SUBFOLDER}

  ##### Otherwise, since we have already saved it into our
  ##### Blackberry's sent-mail folder, let's just trash it:
  :0 E

##### Otherwise, this is a new incoming email that is not coming from
##### our Blackberry, so let's carbon-copy it to our Blackberry:
:0 Ec

This should also be in your home directory and chmod 644. The value of FEMAIL above should be whatever you see in the To: field when you receive an email that was sent from your Blackberry and addressed to that special user you created in your Blackberry address book (see above). Depending on how you decided to order your address book, your results may vary. I order by last name and I show names as "first last", so my address book entry has first=YourName, last=00BBfiler,, which yields To: fields like in the FEMAIL definition above.      (click icon to expand)


# Blackberry email filer script for IMAP account.
# Copyright (c) by Laurent Itti, 2005. Public domain.

# USAGE: <action> [rootfolder]

# This program should be called by procmail, with an incoming email
# piped to STDIN. Note that here we will never try to store the
# message, rather we will mess with the mailbox depending on its
# contents. So you need to make sure that the calling procmail script
# handles storing. Based on the contents of the passed email, we will
# try to:
# <action> should be 'file' or 'ans'. See below.
# [rootfolder] is an optional prefix that will be applied to all
#   folder names.
# - if <action> is 'file', we assume that it is a command to file some
# message from our inbox into a given folder. Intended usage is that
# you would forward a message from your blackberry to the filer
# address, and indicate in the message body what action the filer
# should take.
# Thus we expect a body consisting of:
#    <folder>
#    -----Original Message-----
#    From: <somebody>
#    Date: <some date>
#    To: <our filer email address>
#    Subject: <some subject>
#    ...
# where 'folder' indicates in which folder we want to file it. To
# handle the blackberry auto-capitalization feature, folder name will
# be converted to lowercase and it is assumed that all folders have
# lowercase names. The action taken here will be to try to find the
# original message in our inbox (based on the from, date, and subject
# of the forwarded email), move it to the appropriate folder, and
# expunge it from our inbox. If the folder is not found then no action
# will be taken and an error exit code will be returned (the calling
# procmail is then expected to catch that and return an error message
# to the sender).
# - if <action> is 'ans', then we assume that it was bcc'd to us from
# the blackberry and that procmail has checkd that it's a reply
# (subject starting with 'Re:') before handing it off to us. In this
# case, the calling procmail is assumed to handle storing it into our
# sent-mail folder, and here the only thing we want to do is possibly
# mark the original email in our inbox as answered, if this indeed is
# a reply to one of the emails in our inbox. To achieve this:
#   - stripping the initial 'Re:', we attempt to find the subject line
#     in our inbox. If we cannot find it, no action is taken and we
#     terminate normally. So you have to be careful when you reply from
#     your blackberry to not alter the subject line.
#   - If only one subject match is found in our inbox, we mark that
#     matching inbox message as 'answered' and we terminate normally.
#   - otherwise we mark the first one (oldest)
# TODO:  not implemented yet!
#   - If more than one subject matches are found, we further parse our
#     message's body to look for an 'Original Message' block (like the
#     one above) and from there we get the date of the original. We then
#     try to find that date out of the several subject matches. If we
#     cannot find an 'Original Message' block or a matching date, there
#     is ambiguity, and we just ignore and terminate normally.
#   - if we find one or more inbox messages with matching date and
#     subject, we mark the first match as answered. So we here assume
#     that you are going to answer messages which have the same subject
#     and date in the order in which they were received. Having the same
#     subject and date is highly unlikely though (date includes also
#     time, with 1 second accuracy).

# add path to our module to perl's include path:
BEGIN{ push @INC, "/home/you/bin"; }  # change to where you have the module

use strict;
use Mail::IMAPTalk;  # interface to IMAP

my $username = 'you';              # our IMAP username
my $userpass = 'password';         # our IMAP password
my $hostname = 'localhost';        # our IMAP server host
my $logfile = '/home/you/mail/bbfiler.log'; # our log file

######## DO NOT EDIT BELOW ##############################################

# open our debug file:
my $IMAP; my $now = localtime;        # for our logs
open DBGFILE, ">>$logfile"; # ignore possible errors
dbgmsg("START - $now");

# parse command-line:
my $action = $ARGV[0] || diemsg('No action provided -- ABORT');
if ($action ne 'file' && $action ne 'ans')
  { diemsg("Invalid action: $action -- ABORT"); }
my $rootfolder = $ARGV[1]; # optional argument

dbgmsg("  Action: $action, rootfolder: $rootfolder");

# parse and discard the message, trying to assign values to:
# $subject the email's subject (used by ans)
# $folder  the folder (lowercased) to file into (used by file)
# $subj    first subject found in body past separator (used by both)
# $date    first date found in body past separator (used by both)
# $from    first from field found in body past separator (used by both)
# $date2   first date found in body past sep, alt format (used by both)
# $tim     time extracted from $date
# example:
#   ...              [start message header]
#   Subject: Fw: hello
#   ...              [end message header]
#   Misc
#   -----Original Message-----
#   From: Joe Cool <>
#   Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 01:42:16 -0700 (PDT)
#   To:
#   Subject: hello
#   how are you?
# Will yield:
# $subject = Fw: hello
# $folder  = misc
# $subj    = hello
# $date    = Sat, 23 Apr 2005 01:42:16 -0700 (PDT)
# $from    = Joe Cool <>
# $date2   = 23-Apr-2005
# $tim     = 01:42:16

my $subject = ""; my $folder = ""; my $subj = ""; my $date = "";
my $date2 = ""; my $from = ""; my $head = 1; my $sep = 0;
my $over = 0; my $tim = ""; my $gotsubject = 0; my $gotsubj = 0;
my $gotdate = 0; my $gotfrom = 0; my $loggedin = 0;

while($over == 0 && ($gotsubj == 0 || $gotdate == 0 || $gotfrom == 0)) {

    # get the line and strip extra whitespace out:
    my $line = <STDIN>; 
    if ($line eq "") { $over = 1; next; } # EOF
    $line =~ s/\s+/ /g; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//;
    # are we still in the header?
    if ($head == 1) {
	# yes, grab any 'Subject:' line:
	if ($line =~ /^Subject:/) {
	    # get the first line of the subject, removing the word
	    # 'Subject:' and possible subsequent whitespace:
	    $subject = getheader($line);

	    # note that we got it (even though it may be empty):
	    $gotsubject = 1;

	# otherwise, if the line is empty, that's the end of the header:
	if ($line eq "") { $head = 0; next; }
	# don't go any further until we are past the header:

    # we now are past the header, how about the folder (for 'file'
    # commands), if any?
    if ($folder eq "") {
	$folder = lc($line); chomp $folder; chomp $folder;

	# for it to be a folder, we require a letter as first char, no
	# ':' and no '-' and a single word (otherwise it may be some
	# MIME headers in case of messages with attachments):
	if ($folder =~ /^[a-z]/ && $folder !~ /[\-: ]/)
	{ $folder =~ s/\s+//g; } # clean whitespace
	else { $folder = ""; }   # not a folder, ignore
	# do not 'next' as there may be no folder and instead a separator

    # we now have the folder (if any), how about the separator?
    if ($sep == 0) {
	if ($line =~ /\-\-\-\-\-Original Message\-\-\-\-\-/) { $sep = 1; }

    # if we hit an empty line now that we have the separator, it's
    # over (we got past the end of the forwarded message's
    # header):
    if ($line eq "") { $over = 1; next; }

    # how about the subject?
    if ($gotsubj == 0) {
	# is that a subject field?
	if ($line =~ /^Subject:/) {
	    # get the first line of the subject, removing the word
	    # 'Subject:' and possible subsequent whitespace:
	    $subj = getheader($line);
	    # note that we got it (even though it may be empty):
	    $gotsubj = 1;
    # how about the date?
    if ($gotdate == 0) {
	# is that a date field?
	if ($line =~ /^Date:/ || $line =~ /^Sent:/) {
	    # get the first line of the date, removing the word
	    # 'Date:' or 'Sent:' and possible subsequent whitespace:
	    $date = getheader($line);
	    # simplify the date: only keep day, month, year and time, in
	    # a form suitable to IMAP searching:
	    my @x = split(/\s+/, $date);
	    my $day = ""; my $month = ""; my $year = "";
	    foreach my $y (@x) {
		if ($y =~ /:/)
		{ $tim = $y; }
		elsif ($y =~ /Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec/)
		{ $month = $y; }
		elsif ($y >= 1 && $y <= 31)
		{ $day = $y; }
		elsif ($y >= 2003 && $y < 3000)
		{ $year = $y; }
		$date2 = "$day-$month-$year";
	    # note that we got the date (even though it may be empty):
	    $gotdate = 1;
    if ($gotfrom == 0) {
	# is that a from field?
	if ($line =~ /^From:/) {
	    # get the first line of the from, removing the word
	    # 'From:' and possible subsequent whitespace:
	    $from = getheader($line);
	    # note that we got it (even though it may be empty):
	    $gotfrom = 1;

########## process the 'file' action: ##########
if ($action eq 'file') {

    dbgmsg("  filing-folder: $folder\n  From: $from\n".
	   "  Date: $date, Date2: $date2\n  Subj: $subj");

    # check that we have all the data we need:
    if ($folder eq "" || $gotsubj == 0 || $gotdate == 0 || $gotfrom == 0)
    { diemsg("Malformed filing message -- ABORT"); }

    # get a connection to our IMAP server:
    $IMAP = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(Server => $hostname,
				Username => $username,
				Password => $userpass,
				Uid => 1 )
	|| diemsg("Failed to connect/login to IMAP server: $@");
    $loggedin = 1;  # we will know to logout if we die

    # compute destination folder:
    my $fol;
    if ($rootfolder) { $fol = "$rootfolder/$folder"; }
    else { $fol = $folder; }

    # Select the destination folder to check that it exists:
    $IMAP->select($fol) ||
	diemsg("Error trying to select folder '$fol' -- ABORT");

    # Select the inbox folder:
    $IMAP->select('inbox') ||
	diemsg("Error trying to select folder 'inbox' -- ABORT");

    # find the message in the inbox:
    my $msgref = $IMAP->search("FROM", $from, "SUBJECT", $subj, "ON", $date2);
    my @msg; if ($msgref) { @msg = @$msgref; }
    if ($#msg == -1) { # did not find anything; try again without date
	$msgref = $IMAP->search("FROM", $from, "SUBJECT", $subj);
	@msg = @$msgref;

    dbgmsg("  Found ". ($#msg + 1) ." matching inbox messages.");

    if ($#msg == -1)
    { diemsg("Cannot find message in 'inbox' -- IGNORED"); }

    # if we have more than one matching messages, try to enforce the time:
    my $idx = 0; my $count = 0; # otherwise we will take the first
    if ($#msg > 0) {
	foreach my $m (reverse @msg) {
	    # get the message's envelope:
	    my $evlp = $IMAP->fetch($m, 'envelope')->{$m}->{envelope};

	    # get the date field from the envelope:
	    my $ddd = $evlp->{Date};

	    # check date:
	    if ($ddd =~ /$tim/) { $idx = $count; }

	    # ready for next check:
	    $count ++;

    # get the best matching message:
    my $mm = $msg[$idx];

    my $msgev = $IMAP->fetch($mm, 'envelope')->{$mm}->{envelope};
    dbgmsg("  Match: From: ".$msgev->{From}."\n".
	   "           To: ".$msgev->{To}."\n".
	   "      Subject: ".$msgev->{Subject}."\n".
	   "         Date: ".$msgev->{Date});

    # copy the message to the folder:
    $IMAP->copy($mm, $fol) ||
	diemsg("Error copying message to folder '$fol' -- ABORT");

    # remove the message from the inbox:
    $IMAP->store($mm, '+flags', '(\\deleted)') ||
	diemsg("Error deleting message from inbox -- ABORT");

    # expunge the inbox:

    dbgmsg("END - Message successfully moved to folder $fol -- DONE.\n");

    # disconnect:
} else {
    ########## process the 'ans' action: ##########

    dbgmsg("  Subject: $subject\n  From: $from\n".
	   "  Date: $date, Date2: $date2\n  Subj: $subj");

    # check that we have all the data we need:
    if ($gotsubject == 0)
    { diemsg("Malformed reply message -- ABORT"); }

    # get a connection to our IMAP server:
    $IMAP = Mail::IMAPTalk->new(Server => $hostname,
				Username => $username,
				Password => $userpass,
				Uid => 1 )
	|| diemsg("Failed to connect/login to IMAP server: $@");
    $loggedin = 1;  # we will know to logout if we die

    # Select the inbox folder:
    $IMAP->select('inbox') ||
	diemsg("Error trying to select folder 'inbox' -- ABORT");

    # try first to find the subject without the leading 'Re:'
    my $subject2 = substr($subject, 3); $subject2 =~ s/^\s+//;

    # find an unanswered message in the inbox with that subject:
    my $msgref = $IMAP->search("SUBJECT", $subject2, "UNANSWERED");
    my @msg; if ($msgref) { @msg = @$msgref; }
    if ($#msg == -1) { # did not find anything; try again with full subject:
	$msgref = $IMAP->search("SUBJECT", $subject, "UNANSWERED");
	@msg = @$msgref;
    dbgmsg("  Found ". ($#msg + 1) ." matching inbox messages.");
    if ($#msg == -1)
    { diemsg("Cannot find message in 'inbox' -- IGNORED"); }

    # TODO: could here use the other data ($from, $subj, $date) to try
    # to figure out which message to pick if we have more than one...

    # get the oldest matching message:
    my $mm = $msg[0];

    my $msgev = $IMAP->fetch($mm, 'envelope')->{$mm}->{envelope};
    dbgmsg("  Match: From: ".$msgev->{From}."\n".
	   "           To: ".$msgev->{To}."\n".
	   "      Subject: ".$msgev->{Subject}."\n".
	   "         Date: ".$msgev->{Date});

    # mark the message as read and answered in the inbox:
    $IMAP->store($mm, '+flags', '(\\read)') ||
	diemsg("Error marking message as read in inbox -- ABORT");
    $IMAP->store($mm, '+flags', '(\\answered)') ||
	diemsg("Error marking message as answered in inbox -- ABORT");

    dbgmsg("END - Message successfully marked as answered -- DONE.\n");

    # disconnect:

# close our logfile and exit:
close DBGFILE;

sub getheader { # string
    my @x = split(/:/, $_[0]); shift @x;  # remove leading keyword
    my $ret = join(':', @x); $ret =~ s/\s+/ /g; # cleanup whitespace
    $ret =~ s/^\s+//; $ret =~ s/\s+$//;
    return $ret;

sub dbgmsg { # string
    print DBGFILE $_[0]."\n";

sub diemsg { # string
    print DBGFILE $_[0]."\n";
    if ($loggedin) { $IMAP->logout(); $loggedin = 0; }
    close DBGFILE;
    die $_[0];

You need to change the username, password, etc towards the top of the file. Store this in your /home/you/bin directory. Caution: your password is stored in clear in this script! Make sure you do a chmod 700 on it and watch for possible editor backup files when you modify it. The script requires the Mail::IMAPTalk perl package by Rob Mueller, which you can find on CPAN. The version I used is 1.02, found here. A local copy is here. The way it is setup in the above script is that the file from the package was copied into a Mail/ subfolder in my bin/ home folder.

Remember that this is alpha code and setting it up may be tricky depending on how familiar you are with the tools used here. I recommend trying these out with a non-critical email account before attemting to use it in daily operation.


I get the following functionality:

Conclusion and links

It works well for me thus far. I am not losing email and I am able to file emails while I am on the go, so that I have a nice and clean inbox when I get back to my desktop.

This was developed over the first weekend after I got my Blackberry. It is unlikely that I will have more time to devote to it given that it works in most cases for me. But by all means feel free to tweak, improve, enhance and contribute your improvements.

Useful links:

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Copyright © 2005 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti