Building in OS X

Building in OS X is still currently unsupported, but this page will serve as a scratchpad for the hacks necessary to get it running.

First, you need to install gcc4.6 from macports.

Install zeroc ice using macports. Once installed, delete the /opt/local/lib/libICE.dylib symlink and create a /optlocal/lib/libIce.dylib symlink to point to your libZeroCIce.dylib

Download the cmake source, and edit all of the Modules/Platform/Darwin*.cmake files in the source directory to remove any reference to the flag -headerpad_max_install_names. Recompile cmake by running ./bootstrap; make; make install.

Update… It looks like we're out of luck for now because the macports version of libstdc++ that ships with their gcc4.6 doesn't support anything in <thread>. I tried some nasty hacks that can be seen in config.h, but this is undone by the fact that there is no boost::future. Bummer.

osxbuildinstructions.txt · Last modified: 2011/01/09 21:12 by rand