= PDF Reprint,
= BibTeX entry,
= Online Abstract
L. Itti, L. Chang, T. Ernst, Coregistration for Neuroimaging Systems (C.N.S.), Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute, 1998. [Patent/Copyright]
Abstract: C.N.S. is a medical image processing software suite consisting of 300 processing modules and over 250 networks of such modules, developed at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center with Drs.~Chang and Ernst, as well as through a number of collaborations. The software includes, among others, custom automated algorithms for skull stripping, surface-based coregistration, segmentation of CSF, correction for partial volume effects in SPECT/PET/pMRI, coregistration of MRS to MRI allowing accurate MRS localization on follow-up scans, MRI morphometry and drawing of regions of interest, extraction of white-matter lesions, correction for MRI intensity decay with surface coils, correction for geometric distortions and patient motion in EPI-fMRI, sparse fusion of fMRI time series across sessions, computation of fMRI activation, computation of blood flow in Gd-pMRI, elimination of large vessels in pMRI, computation of diffusion tensor in dMRI, 3D surface mesh reconstruction and optimization, and various 2D and 3D visualization tools, classical image processing tools and image conversion tools. <P> The system can be simultaneously built and executed by an unrestricted number of users on various hardware platforms, can automatically generate restricted distributions and updates from the master system, and automatically generates LaTeX and HTML manuals from the online help pages. Copyright by Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute. <P> In addition to being a key component of our research at the Dept. of Neurology, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, our system or parts of it is being used at The National Institutes of Health, the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), the University of California, Los Angeles, Veterans Affairs Medical Center (UCLA-VAMC), Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, and the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.
Keywords: Medical Imaging ; Image Processing ; MRI ; SPECT ; Coregistration ; Software
Themes: Medical Image Processing, Functional Neuroimaging
Copyright © 2000-2007 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti.
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