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L. Itti, R. Carmi, Eye-tracking data from human volunteers watching complex video stimuli, Dec 2009.
P. Tseng, R. Carmi, I. G. M. Cameron, D.P. Munoz, L. Itti, Quantifying center bias of observers in free viewing of dynamic natural scenes, Journal of Vision, Vol. 9, No. 7:4, pp. 1-16, July 2009. [2007 impact factor: 3.791] (Cited by 436)
R. Carmi, P. Tseng, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, The impact of maturation and aging on mechanisms of attentional selection, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
P. Tseng, R. Carmi, I. G. M. Cameron, D. P. Munoz, L. Itti, The impact of content-independent mechanisms on guiding attention, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS07), May 2007. (Cited by 1)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Visual Causes versus Correlates of Attentional Selection in Dynamic Scenes, Vision Research, Vol. 46, No. 26, pp. 4333-4345, Dec 2006. [2005 impact factor: 2.027] (Cited by 304)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Memory in Guiding Attention during Natural Vision, Journal of Vision, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 898-914, Aug 2006. [2005 impact factor: 3.469] (Cited by 97)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Spatial Memory in Guiding Attention During Natural Vision, In: Proc. Eye Tracking, Cognition and Communication Workshop of the Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science, Jun 2006. (Cited by 97)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, From Eye-tracking Data to Information: Lessons from Dynamic Scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS06), May 2006. (Cited by 1)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Causal Saliency Effects During Natural Vision, In: Proc. ACM Eye Tracking Research and Applications, pp. 11-18, Mar 2006. (Cited by 36)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, The Role of Memory in Guiding Attention During Natural Vision, In: Proc. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne), p. 105, Mar 2006. (Cited by 97)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Attention deployment in intermittently predictable environments - from amnesia to memory and back, In: Proc. ninth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC9), Pasadena, CA, Jun 2005. (Cited by 36)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Attention deployment in novel environments - from amnesia to memory and back, In: Proc. 12th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'05), Los Angeles, California, May 2005. (Cited by 36)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Why do we fail to perceive jump-cuts in motion pictures?, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS05), May 2005. (Cited by 1)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Disentangling topdown from bottom up influences on attentional allocation in dynamic scenes, In: Proc. 11th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (JSNC'04), Los Angeles, California, May 2004. (Cited by 4)
R. Carmi, L. Itti, Bottom-up and top-down influences on attentional allocation in natural dynamic scenes, In: Proc. Vision Science Society Annual Meeting (VSS04), p. 20, May 2004. (Cited by 1)
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