= PDF Reprint, = BibTeX entry, = Online Abstract
B. Nlong Zhao, Y. Xiao, J. Xu, X. Jiang, Y. Yang, D. Li, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Y. Ge, DreamDistribution: Prompt Distribution Learning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models, arXiv e-prints, pp. arXiv--2312, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint]
Y. Ge, Y. Li, S. Ni, J. Zhao, M. H. Yang, L. Itti, CLR: Channel-wise Lightweight Reprogramming for Continual Learning, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 18798--18808, 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 26.8%] (Cited by 8)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, N. Joshi, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Beyond generation: Harnessing text to image models for object detection and segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.05956, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, A. Gallagher, Y. Wang, M. H. Yang, H. Adam, L. Itti, B. Lakshminarayanan, J. Zhao, Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-modal Models, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 11093--11101, 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 25.78%] (Cited by 8)
A. M. Jones, G. Sahin, Z. W. Murdock, Y. Ge, A. Xu, Y. Li, D. Wu, S. Ni, P. H. Huang, K. Lekkala, L. Itti, USC-DCT: A Collection of Diverse Classification Tasks, Data, Vol. 8, No. 10, p. 153, MDPI, Oct 2023. [2022 impact factor: 2.6] (Cited by 7)
Y. Ge, H. X. Yu, C. Zhao, Y. Guo, X. Huang, L. Ren, L. Itti, J. Wu, 3D Copy-Paste: Physically Plausible Object Insertion for Monocular 3D Detection, In: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 26%]
Y. Ge, Y. Li, D. Wu, A. Xu, A. M. Jones, A. S. Rios, I. Fostiropoulos, P. H. Huang, Z. W. Murdock, G. Sahin, S. Ni, K. Lekkala, S. A. Sontakke, L. Itti, Lightweight Learner for Shared Knowledge Lifelong Learning, Transactions on Machine Learning Research, pp. 1--26, 2023. (Cited by 3)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, J. Zhao, K. Chen, A. Gallagher, L. Itti, B. Lakshminarayanan, Building One-class Detector for Anything: Open-vocabulary Zero-shot OOD Detection Using Text-image Models, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.17207, 2023. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, G. Xin, Y. Pang, L. Itti, Encouraging Disentangled and Convex Representation with Controllable Interpolation Regularization, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 4761--4769, Jan 2023. [2023 acceptance rate: 35%] (Cited by 2)
Y. Ge, Y. Xiao, Z. Xu, X. Wang, L. Itti, Contributions of Shape, Texture, and Color in Visual Recognition, In: European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 369--386, Oct 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 7)
Y. Ge, H. Behl, J. Xu, S. Gunasekar, N. Joshi, Y. Song, X. Wang, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Neural-Sim: Learning to Generate Training Data with NeRF, In: European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 477--493, Oct 2022. [2022 acceptance rate: 28%] (Cited by 15)
Y. Ge, J. Ren, Y. Wang, A. Gallagher, M. H. Yang, L. Itti, H. Adam, B. Lakshminarayanan, J. Zhao, Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-modal Models, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.01758, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 8)
Y. Ge, S. O. Arik, J. Yoon, A. Xu, L. Itti, T. Pfister, Invariant Structure Learning for Better Generalization and Causal Explainability, arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.06469, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, L. Itti, V. Vineet, Dall-e for detection: Language-driven context image synthesis for object detection, arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.09592, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
Y. Ge, J. Xu, B. N. Zhao, L. Itti, V. Vineet, EM-Paste: EM-guided Cut-Paste with DALL-E Augmentation for Image-level Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation, arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07629, 2022. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 1)
Y. Ge, S. Abu-El-Haija, G. Xin, L. Itti, Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning, In: International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'21), pp. 1-16, 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 28.7%] (Cited by 29)
Y. Ge, Y. Xiao, Z. Xu, M. Zheng, S. Karanam, T. Chen, L. Itti, Z. Wu, A Peek Into the Reasoning of Neural Networks: Interpreting with Structural Visual Concepts, In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 2195--2204, 2021. [2021 acceptance rate: 23.7%] (Cited by 38)
Y. Ge, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, G. Xin, Y. Pang, L. Itti, Encouraging Disentangled and Convex Representation with Controllable Interpolation Regularization, arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.03163, 2021. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
Y. Ge, Y. Pang, L. Li, L. Itti, Graph Autoencoder for Graph Compression and Representation Learning, In: Neural Compression: From Information Theory to Applications--Workshop of ICLR 2021, pp. 1-9, 2021. (Cited by 3)
S. Wen, A. Rios, Y. Ge, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbation Network for designing general adaptive artificial intelligence systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp. 1-14, IEEE, 2021. [2020 impact factor: 8.793] (Cited by 17)
Y. Ge, G. Xin, Z. Xu, Y. Xiao, Y. Pang, H. Yining, L. Itti, Generative Auto-Encoder: Controllable Synthesis with Disentangled Exploration, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 26)
Y. Ge, S. Abu-El-Haija, G. Xin, L. Itti, Zero-shot Synthesis with Group-Supervised Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06586, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 29)
S. Wen, A. Rios, Y. Ge, L. Itti, Beneficial Perturbation Network for designing general adaptive artificial intelligence systems, arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.13954, 2020. [ArXiv Preprint] (Cited by 17)
Y. Ge, J. Zhao, L. Itti, Pose Augmentation: Class-Agnostic Object Pose Transformation for Object Recognition, In: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'20, 2020.
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