f77lapack.H File Reference

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typedef long int f77_integer


void dpotrf_ (char *UPLO, f77_integer *n, double *a, f77_integer *lda, f77_integer *info)
 double-precision Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric
void dgetrf_ (f77_integer *m, f77_integer *n, double *a, f77_integer *lda, f77_integer *ipiv, f77_integer *info)
 computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
BLAS level 2 functions (matrix-vector operations)

void dgemv_ (char *trans, f77_integer *M, f77_integer *N, double *alpha, const double *A, f77_integer *lda, const double *dx, f77_integer *incx, double *beta, double *dy, f77_integer *incy)
 Double-precision GEneral Matrix Vector multiply (DGEMV).
void sgemv_ (char *trans, f77_integer *M, f77_integer *N, float *alpha, const float *A, f77_integer *lda, const float *dx, f77_integer *incx, float *beta, float *dy, f77_integer *incy)
 Single-precision GEneral Matrix Vector multiply (SGEMV).
BLAS level 3 functions (matrix-matrix operations)

void dgemm_ (char *transa, char *transb, f77_integer *m, f77_integer *n, f77_integer *k, double *alpha, const double *a, f77_integer *lda, const double *b, f77_integer *ldb, double *beta, double *c, f77_integer *ldc)
 Double-precision GEneral Matrix Matrix multiply (DGEMM).
void sgemm_ (char *transa, char *transb, f77_integer *m, f77_integer *n, f77_integer *k, float *alpha, const float *a, f77_integer *lda, const float *b, f77_integer *ldb, float *beta, float *c, f77_integer *ldc)
 Single-precision GEneral Matrix Matrix multiply (SGEMM).
LAPACK functions (linear algebra operations)

void dgesdd_ (char *jobz, f77_integer *m, f77_integer *n, double *a, f77_integer *lda, double *s, double *u, f77_integer *ldu, double *vt, f77_integer *ldvt, double *work, f77_integer *lwork, f77_integer *iwork, f77_integer *info)
 Double-precision GEneral matrix Singular value Decomposition using Divide-and-conquer (DGESDD).
void sgesdd_ (char *jobz, f77_integer *m, f77_integer *n, float *a, f77_integer *lda, float *s, float *u, f77_integer *ldu, float *vt, f77_integer *ldvt, float *work, f77_integer *lwork, f77_integer *iwork, f77_integer *info)
 Single-precision GEneral matrix Singular value Decomposition using Divide-and-conquer (SGESDD).

Detailed Description

forward declarations of fortran-77 functions from lapack

Definition in file f77lapack.H.

Function Documentation

void dgemm_ ( char *  transa,
char *  transb,
f77_integer *  m,
f77_integer *  n,
f77_integer *  k,
double *  alpha,
const double *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
const double *  b,
f77_integer *  ldb,
double *  beta,
double *  c,
f77_integer *  ldc 

Double-precision GEneral Matrix Matrix multiply (DGEMM).

See http://www.netlib.org/blas/dgemm.f

void dgemv_ ( char *  trans,
f77_integer *  M,
f77_integer *  N,
double *  alpha,
const double *  A,
f77_integer *  lda,
const double *  dx,
f77_integer *  incx,
double *  beta,
double *  dy,
f77_integer *  incy 

Double-precision GEneral Matrix Vector multiply (DGEMV).

See http://www.netlib.org/blas/dgemv.f

void dgesdd_ ( char *  jobz,
f77_integer *  m,
f77_integer *  n,
double *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
double *  s,
double *  u,
f77_integer *  ldu,
double *  vt,
f77_integer *  ldvt,
double *  work,
f77_integer *  lwork,
f77_integer *  iwork,
f77_integer *  info 

Double-precision GEneral matrix Singular value Decomposition using Divide-and-conquer (DGESDD).

See http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/dgesdd.f

Note that this algorithm, based on divide-and-conquer, is expected to be substantially faster than the older DGESVD, which is based on QR-decomposition (see http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~demmel/DOE2000/Report0100.html).

void dgetrf_ ( f77_integer *  m,
f77_integer *  n,
double *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
f77_integer *  ipiv,
f77_integer *  info 

computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges.

See http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/dgetrf.f

void dpotrf_ ( char *  UPLO,
f77_integer *  n,
double *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
f77_integer *  info 

double-precision Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric

See http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/sgesdd.f

void sgemm_ ( char *  transa,
char *  transb,
f77_integer *  m,
f77_integer *  n,
f77_integer *  k,
float *  alpha,
const float *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
const float *  b,
f77_integer *  ldb,
float *  beta,
float *  c,
f77_integer *  ldc 

Single-precision GEneral Matrix Matrix multiply (SGEMM).

See http://www.netlib.org/blas/sgemm.f

void sgemv_ ( char *  trans,
f77_integer *  M,
f77_integer *  N,
float *  alpha,
const float *  A,
f77_integer *  lda,
const float *  dx,
f77_integer *  incx,
float *  beta,
float *  dy,
f77_integer *  incy 

Single-precision GEneral Matrix Vector multiply (SGEMV).

See http://www.netlib.org/blas/sgemv.f

void sgesdd_ ( char *  jobz,
f77_integer *  m,
f77_integer *  n,
float *  a,
f77_integer *  lda,
float *  s,
float *  u,
f77_integer *  ldu,
float *  vt,
f77_integer *  ldvt,
float *  work,
f77_integer *  lwork,
f77_integer *  iwork,
f77_integer *  info 

Single-precision GEneral matrix Singular value Decomposition using Divide-and-conquer (SGESDD).

See http://www.netlib.org/lapack/double/sgesdd.f

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