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= Online Abstract
A. Borji, M. N. Ahmadabadi, B. N. Araabi, Simultaneous Learning of Spatial Visual Attention and Physical Actions, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Oct 2010. [2010 acceptance rate: 58.2%] (Cited by 42)
Abstract: This paper introduces a new method for learning top-down and task-driven visual attention control along with physical actions in interactive environments. Our method is based on the Reinforcement Learning of Visual Classes(RLVC) algorithm and adapts it for learning spatial visual selection in order to reduce computational complexity. Proposed algorithm also addresses aliasings due to not knowing previous actions and perceptions. Continuing learning shows our method is robust to perturbations in perceptual information. Our method also allows object recognition when class labels are used instead of physical actions. We have tried to gain maximum generalization while performing local processing. Experiments over visual navigation and object recognition tasks show that our method is more efficient in terms of computational complexity and is biologically more plausible.
Themes: Beobots
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