PsychoDisplay Member List

This is the complete list of members for PsychoDisplay, including all inherited members.
addSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc, const bool propagate_realm=true)ModelComponent
CHANGE_ACCEPTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
CHANGE_REJECTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
changeBackgroundColor(PixRGB< byte > c)PsychoDisplay
ChangeStatus enum nameParamClient
clearScreen(const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
SDLdisplay::clearScreen(const PixRGB< byte > col, const bool vsync=true)SDLdisplay
createVideoOverlay(const VideoFormat vidformat, const int w, const int h)SDLdisplay
createVideoOverlay(const VideoFormat vidformat)SDLdisplay
createYUVoverlay(const Uint32 format, const int w, const int h)SDLdisplay
createYUVoverlay(const Uint32 format)SDLdisplay
dbg_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
dbg_weak_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count_no_delete() const nub::ref_counted
DelayType enum nameSDLdisplay
descriptiveName() const ModelComponent
displayCircle(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int radius=10, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255), const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayColorDotFixation(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255), const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayColorDotFixationBlink(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int iter=5, const int delay=2, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255))PsychoDisplay
displayEyeTrackerCalibration(const int nptshoriz=7, const int nptsvertic=5, const int timefactor=1, const bool mouserespond=false)PsychoDisplay
displayFilledCircle(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int radius=10, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255), const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayFilledCircleBlink(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int radius=10, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255), const int iter=5, const int delay=2) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
displayFixation(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayFixationBlink(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int iter=5, const int delay=2)PsychoDisplay
displayFixationIcon(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &image, const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayFixationIconBlink(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &image, const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int iter=5, const int delay=2)PsychoDisplay
displayImage(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const bool resiz=false, const PixRGB< byte > bgcol=PixRGB< byte >(0, 0, 0), const int frame=-1, const bool vsync=true)SDLdisplay
displayImagePatch(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &image, const Point2D< int > &pos, const int frame=-1, const bool vsync=true, const bool flip=true)SDLdisplay
displayMovingDotBackground(SDL_Surface *img, const int startX=320, const int startY=240, const int endX=320, const int endY=100, const float speed=10.0, const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255))PsychoDisplay
displayMovingDotTrain(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, int location[][2], int num_loc, float speed[], int stay[], const PixRGB< byte > color=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255))PsychoDisplay
displayNumbers(const int targetRow=-1, const int targetCol=-1, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayRandomText(const int stringlength=8, const int fontsize=6, const bool vsync=true, int ind=0) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
displayRedDotFixation(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayRedDotFixationBlink(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int iter=5, const int delay=2)PsychoDisplay
displayRedDotFixationBlink(Image< PixRGB< byte > > img, const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const int iter=5, const int delay=2) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
displaySDLSurfacePatch(SDL_Surface *surf, SDL_Rect *offset, SDL_Rect *clip, const int frame=-2, const bool vsync=true, const bool flip=true)SDLdisplay
displaySmoothPursuitCalibration(const int startX=10, const int startY=10, const int endX=500, const int endY=500, const float speed=10.0, uint color=0)PsychoDisplay
displaySmoothPursuitFancyTrace(int location[][2], int num_loc, float speed[], int stay[], uint color)PsychoDisplay
displaySmoothPursuitGroupCalibration(int location[][2], int num_loc, float speed[], int num_speed)PsychoDisplay
displaySurface(SDL_Surface *img, const int frame=-1, const bool vsync=true)SDLdisplay
displayText(const std::string &msg, const bool vsync=true, int ind=0, const int fontsize=10)PsychoDisplay
displayText(const std::string &msg, const Point2D< int > &p, const PixRGB< byte > txtcol, const PixRGB< byte > bgcol, const bool vsync=true) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
SDLdisplay::displayText(const std::string &msg, const bool vsync, const PixRGB< byte > txtcol, const PixRGB< byte > bgcol, int ind=0, const int=10)SDLdisplay
SDLdisplay::displayText(const std::string &msg, Point2D< int > p, const PixRGB< byte > txtcol, const PixRGB< byte > bgcol, const bool vsync)SDLdisplay
displayVideoOverlay(const VideoFrame &buf, const int frame, const DelayType w)SDLdisplay
displayVideoOverlay_image(const VideoFrame &frame, const int framenum, const DelayType dly, const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const PixRGB< byte > &transpix, const uint threads=1)SDLdisplay
displayVideoOverlay_patch(const VideoFrame &frame, const int framenum, const DelayType dly, const uint x, const uint y, const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img)SDLdisplay
displayVideoOverlay_pos(const VideoFrame &buf, const int frame, const DelayType w, const int x, const int y, const int rw, const int rh)SDLdisplay
displayWhiteDotFixation(const int x=-1, const int y=-1, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
displayYUVoverlay(const int frame, const DelayType dly, const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h)SDLdisplay
displayYUVoverlay(const int frame, const DelayType w)SDLdisplay
doRequestOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt, const bool useMyVal=false, const bool recurse=true, const bool warn=true)ModelComponent
drawCalibPoint(const Point2D< int > thePoint) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
drawCloud(DOT *clouds, const int numDots=-1, const Uint8 r=0xff, const Uint8 g=0xff, const Uint8 b=0xff, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
drawClouds(DOT *newClouds, DOT *oldClouds, const int numDots=-1, const Uint8 r=0xff, const Uint8 g=0xff, const Uint8 b=0xff, const bool vsync=true)PsychoDisplay
drawPoint(const Point2D< int > thePoint) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
drawPointColor(const Point2D< int > thePoint, PixRGB< byte > color) (defined in PsychoDisplay)PsychoDisplay
exportOptions(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
get_counts() const nub::ref_counted
getBlackUint32() const PsychoDisplay [protected]
getBytesPerPixel() const SDLdisplay [inline]
getDims() const SDLdisplay [inline]
getGrey() const PsychoDisplay
getGreyUint32() const PsychoDisplay [protected]
getHeight() const SDLdisplay [inline]
getManager() const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i) const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i)ModelComponent
getModelParamString(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
getModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent [inline]
getModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags) const ModelComponent
getNumModelParams() const ModelComponent
getParent() const ModelComponent
getPixel32(const int x, const int y) const SDLdisplay
getRGBcolor(const Uint32 col) const SDLdisplay [inline]
getRootObject() const ModelComponent
getString(char terminator)SDLdisplay
getTimerValue() (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay
getUint32color(const PixRGB< byte > &col) const SDLdisplay [inline]
getWhiteUint32() const PsychoDisplay [protected]
getWidth() const SDLdisplay [inline]
hasBeenExported() const ModelComponent [protected]
hasModelParam(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const nub::soft_ref< ModelComponent > &c, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasYUVoverlay() const SDLdisplay
hideOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt)ModelComponent
id() const nub::object
incr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
init(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent [protected]
is_not_shareable() const nub::ref_counted
is_shared() const nub::ref_counted
is_unshared() const nub::ref_counted
itsBackgroundColorPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsBlackPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsDimsSDLdisplay [protected]
itsFixationIconPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsFixSizPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsFixThickPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsFullscreenSDLdisplay [protected]
itsLastOvlDisplay (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsLastSync (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsOverlay (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsPrioritySDLdisplay [protected]
itsRefreshDelaySDLdisplay [protected]
itsRefreshTolerance (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsScreen (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsSlaveModeSDLdisplay [protected]
itsSyncRectSDLdisplay [protected]
itsTextColorPsychoDisplay [protected]
itsTimer (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
itsVBlankKludgeSDLdisplay [protected]
itsWhitePsychoDisplay [protected]
lockScreen()SDLdisplay [inline]
makeBlittableSurface(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const bool resiz=false, const PixRGB< byte > bgcol=PixRGB< byte >(0, 0, 0))SDLdisplay
ModelComponent(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent(const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent()ModelComponent [protected]
NEXT_FRAMETIME enum valueSDLdisplay
NEXT_VSYNC enum valueSDLdisplay
NO_WAIT enum valueSDLdisplay
numSubComp() const ModelComponent
obj_typename() const nub::object [virtual]
object()nub::object [protected]
operator delete(void *space, size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
operator new(size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
paramChanged(ModelParamBase *param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus *status)ModelComponent [virtual]
printout(std::ostream &s, const std::string &prefix="") const ModelComponent
PsychoDisplay(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="Psycho Display", const std::string &tagName="PsychoDisplay")PsychoDisplay
pushEvent(const std::string &msg)SDLdisplay [inline]
pushEventBegin(const std::string &msg)SDLdisplay [inline]
pushEventEnd(const std::string &msg)SDLdisplay [inline]
putPixel32(const int x, const int y, const Uint32 pixel)SDLdisplay
readParamsFrom(const ParamMap &pmap, const bool noerr=true)ModelComponent
real_typename() const nub::object
realm() const ModelComponent
registerOptionedParam(OptionedModelParam *mp, const ParamFlag flags)ModelComponent [virtual]
registerParam(ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
removeSubComponent(const ModelComponent &subc, bool removeall=false)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const uint idx)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const std::string &tagname)ModelComponent
reset(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
reset1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
reset2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo, const ModelFlag flags=MC_RECURSE)ModelComponent
save1(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save2(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
SDLdisplay(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="SDL Display", const std::string &tagName="SDLdisplay")SDLdisplay
setDescriptiveName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setDesiredRefreshDelayUsec(float usec, float tol=0.05F)SDLdisplay
setEventLog(nub::soft_ref< EventLog > elog)SDLdisplay
setEyeTracker(nub::soft_ref< EyeTracker > e)PsychoDisplay
setFixationSize(const int size)PsychoDisplay
setManager(OptionManager &mgr)ModelComponent [protected]
setModelParamString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent
setModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const T &val, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent [inline]
setModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, const RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
setRealm(const std::string &crealm)ModelComponent
setTagName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
showCursor(const bool showit)SDLdisplay [inline]
start1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
start2()SDLdisplay [protected, virtual]
started() const ModelComponent
stop1()SDLdisplay [protected, virtual]
stop2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
subComponent(const uint idx) const ModelComponent
subComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
supportsVideoOverlay(const VideoFormat vidformat) const SDLdisplay
syncScreen(const bool vsync=true, const bool checkdelay=false, const bool quiet=false) (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
tagName() const ModelComponent
unique_name() const nub::object
unlockScreen()SDLdisplay [inline]
unregisterParam(const ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
videoOverlay (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay [protected]
waitForKey(bool doWait=true)SDLdisplay
waitForKeyTimeout(double timeout=1000, bool doWait=true)SDLdisplay
waitForMouseClick(bool doWait=true)SDLdisplay
waitForMouseWheelEvent(bool doWait=true) (defined in SDLdisplay)SDLdisplay
waitFrames(const int n)SDLdisplay
waitNextRequestedFrameTime(const int frame, const bool checkdelay=false, const bool quiet=true)SDLdisplay
waitNextRequestedVsync(const bool checkdelay=false, const bool quiet=true)SDLdisplay
writeParamsTo(ParamMap &pmap) const ModelComponent
~ModelComponent()ModelComponent [virtual]
~object() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::object [protected, virtual]
~ParamClient()ParamClient [virtual]
~ref_counted() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::ref_counted [virtual]
~SDLdisplay()SDLdisplay [virtual]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:44 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3