VideoFrame Member List

This is the complete list of members for VideoFrame, including all inherited members.
deepCopyOf(const VideoFrame &original)VideoFrame [static]
diskDumpMmap(const char *fstem, bool flush=false) const VideoFrame
diskDumpStdio(const char *fstem, bool flush=false) const VideoFrame
fromFile(const char *fname, const Dims &dims, const VideoFormat mode, const bool byteswap, const bool strictLength=false)VideoFrame [static]
fromStream(std::istream &strm, const Dims &dims, const VideoFormat mode, const bool byteswap, const bool fail_is_fatal=true)VideoFrame [static]
getBuffer() const VideoFrame [inline]
getBufSize() const VideoFrame
getByteSwap() const VideoFrame [inline]
getDims() const VideoFrame [inline]
getFlippedHoriz() const VideoFrame
getMode() const VideoFrame [inline]
initialized() const VideoFrame [inline]
makeBobDeinterlaced(int in_bottom_field) const VideoFrame
operator=(const VideoFrame &that)VideoFrame
toRgb() const VideoFrame
toRgbU16() const (defined in VideoFrame)VideoFrame
toYuvComponents(Image< byte > &y, Image< byte > &u, Image< byte > &v) const VideoFrame
VideoFrame(const byte *data, const size_t length, const Dims &dims, const VideoFormat mode, const bool byteswap, const bool strictLength)VideoFrame
VideoFrame(const ArrayHandle< byte > &hdl, const Dims &dims, const VideoFormat mode, const bool byteswap)VideoFrame
VideoFrame(const Image< byte > &gray)VideoFrame [explicit]
VideoFrame(const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &rgb)VideoFrame [explicit]
VideoFrame(const Image< PixVideoYUV< byte > > &yuv)VideoFrame [explicit]
VideoFrame(const VideoFrame &that)VideoFrame
Generated on Sun May 8 08:44:00 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3