Bayes Member List

This is the complete list of members for Bayes, including all inherited members.
addClass(const char *name)Bayes
Bayes(uint numFeatures, uint numClasses)Bayes
classify(const std::vector< double > &fv, double *prob=NULL)Bayes
classifyRange(std::vector< double > &fv, int &retCls, const bool sort=true)Bayes
gauss(const double x, const double mean, const double stdevSq) const Bayes [inline]
getClassFreq(const uint cls) const Bayes
getClassId(const char *name)Bayes
getClassName(const uint id)Bayes
getClassProb(const std::vector< double > &fv)Bayes
getClassProb(const uint cls) const Bayes
getFeatureName(const uint index) const Bayes
getMaxProb() const Bayes
getMean(const uint cls, const uint i) const Bayes
getNormProb() const Bayes
getNumClasses() const Bayes
getNumFeatures() const Bayes
getStatSig(const std::vector< double > &fv, const uint cls) const Bayes
getStdevSq(const uint cls, const uint i) const Bayes
import(const char *filename)Bayes
learn(const std::vector< double > &fv, const uint cls)Bayes
learn(const std::vector< double > &fv, const char *name)Bayes
load(const char *filename)Bayes
save(const char *filename)Bayes
setFeatureName(uint index, const char *name)Bayes
setMean(const uint cls, const uint i, const double val)Bayes
setStdevSq(const uint cls, const uint i, const double val)Bayes
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:07 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3