CudaHmaxFLSal Member List

This is the complete list of members for CudaHmaxFLSal, including all inherited members.
angleFlagCudaHmax [protected]
c1PatchesCudaHmaxFL [protected]
c1PatchSizesCudaHmaxFL [protected]
c1SpaceOLCudaHmax [protected]
clearC1(CudaImage< float > **&c1Res) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
CudaHmax(MemoryPolicy mp, int dev, const int nori, const std::vector< int > &spacess, const std::vector< int > &scaless, const int c1spaceol=2, const bool angleflag=true, const float s2t=1.0F, const float s2s=1.0F, const float stdmin=1.75F, const float stdstep=0.5F, const int fsmin=3, const int fsstep=1)CudaHmax
CudaHmaxFL(MemoryPolicy mp, int dev, const int nori, const std::vector< int > &spacess, const std::vector< int > &scaless, const int c1spaceol=2, const bool angleflag=true, const float s2t=1.0F, const float s2s=1.0F, const float gamma=0.3F, const float divstart=4.05F, const float divstep=-0.05F, const int fsmin=5, const int fsstep=2)CudaHmaxFL
CudaHmaxFLSal(MemoryPolicy mp, int dev, nub::ref< CudaSaliency > sal_in)CudaHmaxFLSal
extractRandC1Patches(Image< float > *&posTrainingImages, int numPosTrainImages, std::vector< int > patchSizes, int nPatchesPerSize, int no)CudaHmaxFLSal
filterCudaHmax [protected]
freeC1Patches() (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
getC1(CudaImage< float > **&c1Res) (defined in CudaHmaxFLSal)CudaHmaxFLSal
getC1(const CudaImage< float > &input, CudaImage< float > **&c1Res) (defined in CudaHmaxFLSal)CudaHmaxFLSal
getC1PatchesPerSize() (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
getC1PatchSizes() (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
getC2(const CudaImage< float > &input, float **&c2Res)CudaHmaxFL
CudaHmax::getC2(const CudaImage< float > &input)CudaHmax
init(MemoryPolicy mp, int dev, const int nori, const std::vector< int > &spacess, const std::vector< int > &scaless, const int c1spaceol=2, const bool angleflag=true, const float s2t=1.0F, const float s2s=1.0F, const float gamma=0.3F, const float divstart=4.05F, const float divstep=-0.05F, const int fsmin=5, const int fsstep=2)CudaHmaxFL
CudaHmax::init(MemoryPolicy mp, int dev, const int nori, const std::vector< int > &spacess, const std::vector< int > &scaless, const int c1spaceol=2, const bool angleflag=true, const float s2t=1.0F, const float s2s=1.0F)CudaHmax
initC1(CudaImage< float > **&c1Res) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
initFilters(const float gamma, const float divstart, const float divstep, const int fsmin, const int fsstep) (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
initFilters(const float stdmin, const float stdstep, const int fsmin, const int fsstep) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
initializedCudaHmax [protected]
itsDev (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax [protected]
itsMp (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax [protected]
nC1PatchesPerSizeCudaHmaxFL [protected]
noCudaHmax [protected]
nsCudaHmax [protected]
nsbCudaHmax [protected]
nswbCudaHmaxFL [protected]
printCorners(const char name[], const CudaImage< float > &cim, bool cond) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
readDir(std::string dirName)CudaHmax
readInC1Patches(std::string fileName) (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
readList(std::string inName) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
s2SigmaCudaHmax [protected]
s2TargetCudaHmax [protected]
sal (defined in CudaHmaxFLSal)CudaHmaxFLSal [protected]
scaleSS (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax [protected]
setC1Patches(CudaImage< float > ***&patches, std::vector< int > patchSizes, int numPatchesPerSize)CudaHmaxFL
spaceSS (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax [protected]
sumFilter(const CudaImage< float > &image, const float radius, CudaImage< float > &newImage) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
sumFilter(const CudaImage< float > &image, const Rectangle &support, CudaImage< float > &newImage) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
sumPSq (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL [protected]
windowedPatchDistance(CudaImage< float > *&images, int nimages, CudaImage< float > *&patches, int npatches, CudaImage< float > &D, float sumSquaredPatch)CudaHmaxFL
writeOutC1Patches(std::string fileName) (defined in CudaHmaxFL)CudaHmaxFL
writeOutImage(const CudaImage< float > &cim, std::string &fName) (defined in CudaHmax)CudaHmax
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