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L. Klein, L. Itti, B. A. Smith, M. Rosales, S. Nikolaidis, M. J. Mataric, Surprise! Predicting Infant Visual Attention in a Socially Assistive Robot Contingent Learning Paradigm, In: 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), IEEE, pp. 1-7, Oct 2019. (Cited by 4)
Abstract: Early intervention to address developmental disability in infants has the potential to promote improved outcomes in neurodevelopmental structure and function [1]. Researchers are starting to explore Socially Assistive Robotics (SAR) as a tool for delivering early interventions that are synergistic with and enhance human-administered therapy. For SAR to be effective, the robot must be able to consistently attract the attention of the infant in order to engage the infant in a desired activity. This work presents the analysis of eye gaze tracking data from five 6-8 month old infants interacting with a Nao robot that kicked its leg as a contingent reward for infant leg movement. We evaluate a Bayesian model of low-level surprise on video data from the infants’ head-mounted camera and on the timing of robot behaviors as a predictor of infant visual attention. The results demonstrate that over 67% of infant gaze locations were in areas the model evaluated to be more surprising than average. We also present an initial exploration using surprise to predict the extent to which the robot attracts infant visual attention during specific intervals in the study. This work is the first to validate the surprise model on infants; our results indicate the potential for using surprise to inform robot behaviors that attract infant attention during SAR interactions.
Themes: Bayesian Theory of Surprise
Copyright © 2000-2007 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti.
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