Response Member List

This is the complete list of members for Response, including all inherited members.

ALWAYS_CORRECT (defined in Response)Response [static]
get_string() const rutz::value
IGNOREResponse [static]
INVALID_VALUE (defined in Response)Response [static]
is_valid() const (defined in Response)Response [inline]
matchesCorrectValue(int cval) const (defined in Response)Response [inline]
msec() const (defined in Response)Response [inline]
print_to(std::ostream &os) const Response [virtual]
Response(int v=INVALID_VALUE, int m=-1) (defined in Response)Response [inline]
scan_from(std::istream &is)Response [virtual]
set_string(rutz::fstring val)rutz::value
setMsec(int new_val) (defined in Response)Response [inline]
setVal(int new_val) (defined in Response)Response [inline]
shouldIgnore() const (defined in Response)Response [inline]
val() const (defined in Response)Response [inline]
value_typename() const Response [virtual]
~Response() (defined in Response)Response [virtual]
~value()rutz::value [virtual]

The software described here is Copyright (c) 1998-2005, Rob Peters.
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