Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AglWrapperWraps the AGLContext mechanism
CheckedDataMemberFieldImpl< PM >CheckedDataMemberFieldImpl
col_index_rangeA range class for column ranges only
colmaj_iterator_base< T >Column-major iterator for mtx class
dash::addFunctor for "add x to argument" operation
dash::divFunctor for "divide argument by x" operation
dash::maxFunctor for "maximum of two values" operation
dash::minFunctor for "minimum of two values" operation
dash::mulFunctor for "multiply argument by x" operation
dash::setterFunctor for "set all elements to x" operation
dash::squareFunctor for "square of argument" operation
dash::subFunctor for "subtract x from argument" operation
dash::to_powerFunctor for "argument to power p" operation
data_blockBase class for holding ref-counted arrays of floating-point data
data_holderData_holder enforces the ref-counting semantics of data_block
data_ref_holderData_ref_holder acts like a reference to a data_holder
DataMemberFieldImpl< PM >DataMemberFieldImpl
ElementElement is an abstract base class for all experiment components
ElementContainerA base class for all composite visual experiment elements
EventResponseHdlrHandles responses by using Tk event bindings
FeedbackMapFeedbackMap associates feedbacks with different boolean conditions
Field::ValueTypeSymbol class for use with Field's constructors
FileWriteEventTrialEvent subclass to send a single byte to an output file
FuncMemberFieldImpl< C, T >FuncMemberFieldImpl
GaborArrayGaborArray represents an 2-D spatial array of gabor patches
GaborPatchManages a pixmap representation of a gabor patch
GbColorField class for RGBA colors
GbVec2< T >GbVec2 is a field class for holding 2-D vectors/points/distances
GbVec3< T >GbVec3 is a field class for holding 3-D vectors/points/distances
GenericEventTrialEvent subclass to call an arbitrary piece of Tcl code
geom::bezierGeom::bezier is a general class for evaluating Bezier curves
geom::bezier4For evaluating Bezier curves with four control points
geom::box< V >A 3-D rectangular box with sides parallel to the major axes
geom::rect< V >Geom::rect represents rectangles in two-dimensional space
geom::txformRepresents a 4x4 transformation matrix in homogenous coordinates
geom::vec2< V >Gfx::vec2 is a 2-D vector class for representing 2-D points or distances
geom::vec3< V >Gfx::vec3 is a 3-D vector class for representing 3-D points or distances
Gfx::BboxComputes a "shrink-wrapped" bounding box around a set of graphics primitives
Gfx::Canvas::Saver< doit, undoit >
Gfx::LineStripHelps to render line strips, with optional corner joining
Gfx::PSCanvasGfx::PSCanvas implements Gfx::Canvas using PostScript commands
Gfx::RgbaColorRGBA (red/green/blue/alpha) color class
GLCanvasGLCanvas implements Gfx::Canvas using OpenGL
GlWindowInterfaceAbstract base class that wraps the interface between OpenGL and a particular windowing system
GlxOptsSetup options for controlling the OpenGL-windowsystem interface
GlxWrapperWraps the GLXContext mechanism
GxAlignerControls where its child is drawn relative to the origin
GxBinGxBin is a GxNode subclass, and is a base class for single-item containers
GxBoundsA graphic object that draws a boundary around its child object
GxCacheA node for caching with OpenGL display lists
GxCameraGxCamera sets up an orthographic or perspective projection
GxColorGxColor is a graphics node class for RGBA colors
GxCylinderGxCylinder is a GxNode subclass for drawing cylinders (also cones)
GxDiskGxDisk is a GxNode subclass for drawing circles/rings/disks
GxDrawStyleGxDrawStyle is a graphics node class for line/polygon drawing styles
GxEmptyNodeGxEmptyNode is a totally empty GxNode subclass for use as "null object"
GxFactoryProvides factory functions to create platform-specific objects
GxFixedRectCameraCamera subclass that keeps a fixed rectangle visible at all times
GxFixedScaleCameraCamera that maintains a fixed world-to-screen scaling
GxFontAn abstract class for fonts
GxLightingGxLighting is a GxNode subclass for manipulating scene lighting
GxMaterialGxMaterial is a GxNode subclass for specifying material properties
GxMinRectCameraCamera that keeps at least a given rect visible at all times
GxPerspectiveCameraCamera subclass that generates a perspective projection
GxPixmapGxPixmap is a subclass of GxShapeKit for bitmap images
GxPointSetGxPointSet is a GxNode subclass for drawing sets pf points
GxPsyphyCameraCamera that maintains a fixed world-to-screen scaling
GxRasterFontBuilds an OpenGL raster font from an X11 font
GxScalerA graphics node that optionally rescales its child object
GxSceneManages a graphics "scene" for a window object
GxShapeKitImplImplementation class for GxShapeKit
GxShapeKitNodeGxBin wrapper for the GxShapeKit core
GxSphereGxSphere is a GxNode subclass for drawing spheres
GxVectorFontA basic "blocky" vector-graphics font
index_iterator_base< M, T >Index-based iterator for mtx class
index_rangeIndex_range class represents a half-open range of indices
io::const_proxy< C >Const_proxy is just like proxy except for const objects
io::legacy_readerImplements the io::reader interface using the "legacy" data format
io::legacy_writerImplements the io::writer interface using the "legacy" data format
io::proxy< C >Proxy makes a proxy serializable that behaves as if it were another type
io::write_id_mapTranslate nub::uid values into a repeatable id sequence for the XML file
JitterJitter is a GxTransform subclass that has randomness in its position
KbdResponseHdlrKbdResponseHdlr is just EventResponseHdlr with a default "keypress" event type
media::bmap_data::update_funcNested class in allows bmap_data objects to be updated lazily
media::dummy_sound_repDummy_sound_rep is a stub implementation of the sound_rep interface
media::esd_sound_repEsd_sound_rep implementats the Sound interface using the ESD API
media::hp_audio_sound_repHp_audio_sound_rep implements the Sound interface using HP's audio API
media::irix_audio_sound_repIrix_audio_sound_rep implements Sound using SGI's "dmedia" audio API
media::quicktime_sound_repQuicktime_sound_rep plays sound files synchronously using Apple's QuickTime
media::sound_repSound_rep is provides a trivial platform-independent sound interface
mtxMtx class
mtx_base< Data >Mtx_base class has shared infrastructure for mtx and sub_mtx_ref
mtx_policiesAggregation of initialization and storage policy enums
mtx_shapeMtx_shape class holds number-of-rows/number-of-columns info
mtx_specsMtx_specs class holds shape plus storage offset and rowstride info
MtxObjAdapter class for fitting mtx to the nub::object interface
MultiEventMultiEvent allows multiple events to be linked together in sequence
nub::call_data1< P1 >A one-argument call data wrapper
nub::detail::default_unref_policy< T >Policy class which unrefs objects by decrementing their ref count
nub::detail::handle< T, unref_policy >A shared implementation class for nub::floating_ref and nub::ref
nub::detail::no_delete_unref_policy< T >Policy class which decrements ref count without deletion
nub::detail::weak_handle< T >Internal helper class for soft_ref
nub::floating_ref< T >
nub::obj_factorySingleton wrapper for a nub::object factory
nub::objectdb::casting_iterator< T >A filtering iterator class; only exposes objects matching a given type
nub::ref< T >
nub::signal0A zero-argument signal
nub::Signal1< P1 >A one-argument signal
nub::signal_baseSignal_base provides basic implementation for Signal
nub::slot0A zero-argument slot class
nub::slot1< P1 >A slot with one argument
nub::slot_adapter_free_func0A mem-func adapter for zero-argument slots
nub::slot_adapter_free_func1< P1, FF >A free-func adapter for slots with one argument
nub::slot_adapter_mem_func0< C, MF >A mem-func adapter for zero-argument slots
nub::slot_adapter_mem_func1< P1, C, MF >A mem-func adapter for slots with one argument
nub::slot_baseThe base class for all slot classes
nub::soft_ref< T >
nub::timerWraps a signal/slot interface around a timer callback mechansim
nub::volatile_objectSubclass of nub::object for inherently un-shareable objects
NullResponseHdlrNullResponseHdlr implements ResponseHandler by ignoring all responses
NullTrialEventTrialEvent subclass that does nothing in its invoke() function
output_fileWraps a std::ofstream in an serializable
ResponseA rutz::value subclass for observers' responses in a experiment trials
row_index_rangeA range class for row ranges only
rowmaj_iterator_base< T >Row-major iterator for mtx class
rutz::array_value< T >A rutz::value subclass representing a variable-size set of homogeneous values
rutz::assoc_array< value_t >Rutz::assoc_array is a typesafe wrapper of rutz::assoc_array_base
rutz::assoc_array_baseA non-typesafe wrapper around std::map<string, void*>
rutz::backtraceRepresents an instantaneous state of the call stack
rutz::bidir_iter< T >Concrete bidirectional iterator class
rutz::bidir_iter_adapter< real_iter_t, T >Adapts bidirectional iterators to the bidir_iter_ifx interface
rutz::bidir_iter_ifx< T >Abstract interface class for bidirectional iterators
rutz::bidir_pipeAn exception-safe wrapper around a pipe-fork-exec sequence
rutz::bound_first< base_functor, bound_t >Bound_first wraps another functor type with a fixed first argument
rutz::bound_last< base_functor, bound_t >Bound_last wraps another functor type with a fixed last argument
rutz::child_processAn exception-safe wrapper around a child process from fork()
rutz::circular_queue< T >Circular fixed-size queue; T must have a default constructor
rutz::concrete_iter< T, ifx_t >A template base class for all concrete iterator classes
rutz::creator_base< T >Abstract interface for creating objects of a particular type
rutz::creator_from_func< base_t, derived_t >Implements rutz::creator_base by calling a function pointer
rutz::darwin_atomic_intAtomic integer operations implemented using Apple Darwin's OSAtomicAdd32Barrier()
rutz::dynamic_block< T >A dynamically-allocated array whose size may be changed at runtime
rutz::errorrutz::error is a basic exception class
rutz::error_contextDon't use this class directly; use the GVX_ERR_CONTEXT() macro instead
rutz::error_context_entryDon't use this class directly; use the GVX_ERR_CONTEXT() macro instead
rutz::exec_pipeAn exception-safe wrapper around a pipe-fork-exec sequence
rutz::factory< T >Create objects base on 'key' strings
rutz::factory_baseNon-template helper class for rutz::factory
rutz::factory_fallbackAbstract class for a fallback strategy when factory lookup fails
rutz::file_posRepresent a position (line number) within a source file
rutz::filename_errorAn exception class for invalid filenames or inaccessible files
rutz::fixed_block< T >A dynamically-allocated array whose size is fixed at construction
rutz::free_list< T >Typesafe wrapper of free_list_base for maintaining free-list memory pools
rutz::free_list_baseUn-typesafe base class for maintaining a free-list memory pool
rutz::func_args< R, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8 >Holds typedefs for the types of a function's arguments and return value
rutz::func_traits< func >A traits class for holding information about functions/functors
rutz::rutz::func_traits< bound_first< base_functor, bound_t > >Func_traits specialization for bound_first
rutz::rutz::func_traits< bound_last< base_functor, bound_t > >Func_traits specialization for bound_last
rutz::rutz::func_traits< mem_functor< MF > >Specialization of func_traits for mem_functor
rutz::rutz::func_traits< mem_functor_base< MF > >Func_traits specialization for mem_functor_base
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)()>Specialization for free functions with no arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1)>Specialization for free functions with 1 argument
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1, P2)>Specialization for free functions with 2 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1, P2, P3)>Specialization for free functions with 3 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4)>Specialization for free functions with 4 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)>Specialization for free functions with 5 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)>Specialization for free functions with 6 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)() const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 0 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)()>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 0 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 1 argument
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 1 argument
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 2 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 2 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 3 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 3 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 4 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 4 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 5 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 5 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) const >Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 6 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)>Specialization for member functions with "this" plus 6 arguments
rutz::rutz::func_traits< tcl::func_wrapper< N, F, Func > >Specialization of func_traits for tcl::func_wrapper
rutz::functor_of< fptr >Traits struct for specifying a "functor" type given a function pointer
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)() >Specialization for zero-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)() const >Specialization for zero-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1) >Specialization for one-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1) const >Specialization for one-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2) >Specialization for two-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2) const >Specialization for two-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3) >Specialization for three-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3) const >Specialization for three-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4) >Specialization for four-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4) const >Specialization for four-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) >Specialization for 5-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) const >Specialization for 5-arg const mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) >Specialization for 6-arg mem func
rutz::rutz::functor_of< R(C::*)(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) const >Specialization for 6-arg const mem func
rutz::fwd_iter< T >Concrete forward iterator class
rutz::fwd_iter_adapter< real_iter_t, T >Adapts forward iterators to the fwd_iter_ifx interface
rutz::fwd_iter_ifx< T >Abstract interface class for forward iterators
rutz::gzstreambufA std::streambuf implementation that handles gzip-encoded data
rutz::icstrstreamAn input stream class based on imembuf that makes a private copy
rutz::imembufAn input streambuf that reads from memory
rutz::imemstreamAn input stream class based on imembuf
rutz::is_class< T >Traits class to tell us whether T is a class type or not
rutz::is_polymorphic< T >Traits class to tell whether T is a polymorphic type (i.e. has virtual functions)
rutz::is_polymorphic_imp1< T >Helper struct for telling whether T is a polymorphic type or not
rutz::is_sub_super< sub, super >Determine whether sub derives from super
rutz::iter_end_tSymbol class for representing generic "end of iteration"
rutz::ix86_atomic_intAtomic integer class for ix86 CPUs
rutz::mapped_infileAn mmap()/munmap() wrapper class for fast input file reading
rutz::mem_functor< mem_func >Mem_functor extends mem_functor_base smart pointers for "this"
rutz::mem_functor_base< mem_func >Mem_functor_base adapts a member function to an ordinary operator()
rutz::multi_value< T >A rutz::value subclass representing a fixed-size set of homogeneous values
rutz::mutex_atomic_intHeavyweight atomic integer implementation using mutexes
rutz::mutex_lock_classQuick mutex locking class
rutz::out_of_rangeException class for range errors
rutz::pipe_fdsAn exception-safe wrapper around a pair of file descriptors from pipe()
rutz::profAccumulates profiling information for a given execution context
rutz::rxs_iter< T >Concrete random-access iterator class
rutz::rxs_iter_adapter< real_iter_t, T >Adapts random-access iterators to the rxs_iter_ifx interface
rutz::rxs_iter_ifx< T >Abstract interface class for random-access iterators
rutz::scoped_ptr< T >A smart-pointer for unshared objects
rutz::select_if< test, if_true, if_false >Select between two types based on a compile-time constant boolean expression
rutz::rutz::select_if< false, if_true, if_false >Specialization of select_if for 'false'
rutz::serial_portRutz::serial_port provides character-at-a-time access to a serial port
rutz::shared_array< T >A reference-counted smart pointer for arrays
rutz::shared_ptr< T >A thread-safe smart pointer with reference counted copy semantics
rutz::shell_pipeAdapts UNIX-style process pipes to a std::iostream interface
rutz::static_block< T, N >A simple wrapper around a C-style array
rutz::static_stack< T, N >STL-style class for fixed-size stacks whose size is known at compile time
rutz::stdiobufA C++ streambuf that wraps a standard posix file descriptor
rutz::stopwatchTracks elapsed wall-clock time
rutz::timeA simple wrapper around timeval
rutz::traceTimes and traces execution in and out of a lexical scope
rutz::tracerA class for dynamic toggling sets of trace statements
rutz::type_match< T >Helper class for is_sub_super
rutz::type_traits< T >Basic type traits class
rutz::rutz::type_traits< const T & >Specialization of type traits for const references
rutz::rutz::type_traits< nub::ref< T > >Type_traits specialization for nub::ref smart pointer
rutz::rutz::type_traits< nub::soft_ref< T > >Type_traits specialization for soft_ref smart pointer
rutz::rutz::type_traits< T & >Specialization of type traits for references
rutz::rutz::type_traits< T * >Specialization of type traits for pointers
rutz::unsafe_atomic_intThread-UNSAFE integer class
rutz::urandUniform random distribution
rutz::urand_frangeUniform distribution over a specified floating-point range
rutz::urand_irangeUniform distribution over a specified integer range
sliceRepresents a one dimensional sub-array of a matrix
SoundSound is a generic interface to playable sound snippets
stride_iterator_base< T >Generic stride-based array iterator
sub_mtx_refSub_mtx_ref class
tcl::arg_specSpecify how many args a command can take
tcl::ButtonPressEventA mouse button-press event
tcl::channel_bufA std::streambuf implementation that wraps a tcl channel
tcl::cobj_caster< C >Cobj_caster implements obj_caster with dynamic_cast
tcl::command_groupRepresents a set of overloaded tcl::command objects
tcl::event_loopSingleton class that operates the main Tcl event loop
tcl::func_wrapper< N, R, Func >Generic tcl::func_wrapper definition
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 0, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<0> -- zero arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 1, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<1> -- one argument
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 2, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<2> -- two arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 3, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<3> -- three arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 4, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<4> -- four arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 5, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<5> -- five arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 6, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<6> -- six arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 7, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<7> -- seven arguments
tcl::tcl::func_wrapper< 8, R, Func >Tcl::func_wrapper<8> -- eight arguments
tcl::functionAbstract interface for the core function to be embedded in a tcl::command
tcl::generic_function< R, func_wrapper >Generic_function implements tcl::command using a held functor
tcl::tcl::generic_function< void, func_wrapper >Specialization for functors with void return types
tcl::interpreterTcl::interpreter provides a wrapper around Tcl_Interp calls
tcl::KeyPressEventA keypress event
tcl::list::appenderA back-insert iterator for tcl::list
tcl::list::iterator< T >
tcl::obj_casterObj_caster class encapsulates casts to see if objects match a given type
tcl::ProcWrapperA serializable wrapper for Tcl script procedures
tcl::regexpRegular-expression class implemented with Tcl's regexp facilities
tcl::returnable< T >Trait class for extracting an appropriate return-type from T
tcl::tcl::returnable< const T & >Specialization of tcl::returnable for const T&
tcl::tcl::returnable< const T >Specialization of tcl::returnable for const T
tcl::script_appUse inside main() to initialize and run a scripting application
TimingHandlerA TimingHdlr subclass for an old "standard" trial sequence
TimingHdlrCollaborates to control a trial's timing sequence
TogletToglet is an OpenGL Tk widget
TrialTrial collaborates with ResponseHandler+TimingHdlr
TrialEventTrialEvent represents events scheduled to occur during a Trial
TrialMemFuncEventTrialEvent subclass that binds to an arbitrary Trial member function
ValueFieldImpl< C, V >ValueFieldImpl

The software described here is Copyright (c) 1998-2005, Rob Peters.
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