Gfx Namespace Reference


class  Bbox
 Computes a "shrink-wrapped" bounding box around a set of graphics primitives. More...
class  Canvas
class  LineStrip
 Helps to render line strips, with optional corner joining. More...
class  PSCanvas
 Gfx::PSCanvas implements Gfx::Canvas using PostScript commands. More...
class  RgbaColor
 RGBA (red/green/blue/alpha) color class. More...


typedef Canvas::Saver<&Canvas::pushMatrix,
&Canvas::popMatrix > 
typedef Canvas::Saver<&Canvas::pushAttribs,
&Canvas::popAttribs > 


 BLOCK_TYPEDEF (Triangles)
 BLOCK_TYPEDEF (TriangleStrip)
 BLOCK_TYPEDEF (TriangleFan)

Typedef Documentation

typedef Canvas::Saver<&Canvas::pushAttribs, &Canvas::popAttribs> Gfx::AttribSaver

MatrixSaver handles saving and restoring of all of the canvas attribs within a lexical scope.

Definition at line 438 of file canvas.h.

typedef Canvas::Saver<&Canvas::pushMatrix, &Canvas::popMatrix> Gfx::MatrixSaver

MatrixSaver handles saving and restoring of the matrix within a lexical scope.

Definition at line 433 of file canvas.h.

The software described here is Copyright (c) 1998-2005, Rob Peters.
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