ScaleSpace Member List

This is the complete list of members for ScaleSpace, including all inherited members.
BY_CHANNEL enum value (defined in ScaleSpace)ScaleSpace
ChannlesDef enum name (defined in ScaleSpace)ScaleSpace
findKeypoints(std::vector< rutz::shared_ptr< Keypoint > > &keypoints)ScaleSpace
getBlurredImage(const uint idx) const ScaleSpace
getDoGImage(const uint idx) const ScaleSpace
getGridKeypoints(std::vector< rutz::shared_ptr< Keypoint > > &keypoints)ScaleSpace
getKeypointImage(std::vector< rutz::shared_ptr< Keypoint > > &keypoints)ScaleSpace
getNumBlurredImages() const ScaleSpace
getNumDoGImages() const ScaleSpace
getTwoSigmaImage(int channel) const ScaleSpace
LUM_CHANNEL enum value (defined in ScaleSpace)ScaleSpace
RG_CHANNEL enum value (defined in ScaleSpace)ScaleSpace
ScaleSpace(const ImageSet< float > &in, const float octscale, const int s=3, const float sigma=1.6F, bool useColor=false)ScaleSpace
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:47 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3