FFTWWrapper.C File Reference

#include "Image/FFTWWrapper.H"
#include "Util/log.H"
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Detailed Description

-- Bare bones wrapper for freely dowloadable fftw fast Fourier transfom C libraries, which also come with lots of helpful documentation from fftw.com Basic idea is, assuming you've got a certain image size that you're going to be computing FTs for again and again, you pass in a pointer to the image memory location at initialization, and FFTW comes up with "a plan". Then you can call the compute fuction repeatedly as needed, passing in a memory location for it to put the FT. FFTW returns just a halfwidth+1 size image, because the rest is redundatnt, but I make the fullsize image here.

Christopher Ackerman 7/30/2003

Definition in file FFTWWrapper.C.

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