RT100ControlForm Class Reference

Collaboration diagram for RT100ControlForm:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Slots

virtual void initArm ()
virtual void homeArm ()
virtual void moveArm ()
virtual void moveZed (int val)
virtual void moveSholder (int val)
virtual void moveElbow (int val)
virtual void moveYaw (int val)
virtual void moveWrist1 (int val)
virtual void moveWrist2 (int val)
virtual void moveGripper (int val)
virtual void getCurrentJointPositions ()
virtual void wristRoll (int val)
virtual void wristTilt (int val)
virtual void doInterpolation ()

Public Member Functions

 RT100ControlForm (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=FALSE, WFlags fl=0)
virtual void init (ModelManager *mgr, nub::soft_ref< RT100 > rt100)

Public Attributes

QGroupBox * groupBox1
QLabel * textLabel1
QSpinBox * zedVal
QLabel * textLabel1_2
QSpinBox * sholderVal
QLabel * textLabel1_3
QSpinBox * elbowVal
QLabel * textLabel1_4
QSpinBox * yawVal
QLabel * textLabel1_5
QSpinBox * wrist1Val
QLabel * textLabel1_6
QSpinBox * wrist2Val
QLabel * textLabel1_6_2
QSpinBox * gripperVal
QLabel * textLabel1_7
QSpinBox * wristTiltVal
QLabel * textLabel2_2
QSpinBox * wristRollVal
QCheckBox * moveMode
QPushButton * moveArmButton
QPushButton * getJointsPositionButton
QGroupBox * groupBox2
QLabel * textLabel1_8
QSpinBox * zedInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_2_3
QSpinBox * sholderInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_3_3
QSpinBox * elbowInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_4_3
QSpinBox * yawInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_5_3
QSpinBox * wrist1Interpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_6_4
QSpinBox * wrist2Interpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_6_2_3
QSpinBox * gripperInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel1_7_3
QSpinBox * wristTiltInterpolation
QLabel * textLabel2_2_3
QSpinBox * wristRollInterpolation
QPushButton * doInterpolationButton
QGroupBox * groupBox7
QLabel * textLabel2_3
QLabel * textLabel2_3_2
QLabel * textLabel2_3_3
QLabel * textLabel2_3_4
QLabel * textLabel1_9
QRadioButton * radioButton40
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4
QLabel * textLabel1_9_2
QRadioButton * radioButton40_5
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_2
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_2
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_2
QLabel * textLabel1_9_3
QRadioButton * radioButton40_6
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_3
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_3
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_3
QLabel * textLabel1_9_4
QRadioButton * radioButton40_7
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_4
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_4
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_4
QLabel * textLabel1_9_5
QRadioButton * radioButton40_8
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_5
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_5
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_5
QLabel * textLabel1_9_6
QRadioButton * radioButton40_9
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_6
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_6
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_6
QLabel * textLabel1_9_7
QRadioButton * radioButton40_10
QRadioButton * radioButton40_2_7
QRadioButton * radioButton40_3_7
QRadioButton * radioButton40_4_7
QPushButton * manualMoveBtn
QPushButton * allStopBtn
QPushButton * initArmButton
QPushButton * homeArmButton
QPushButton * quitButton
QLabel * textLabel2
QLabel * armStatusMsg
QGroupBox * groupBox4
QLineEdit * parErr
QLineEdit * parCuPos
QLineEdit * parErrLimit
QLineEdit * parNewPos
QLineEdit * parSpeed
QLineEdit * parKP
QLineEdit * parKI
QLineEdit * parKD
QLineEdit * parDeadBand
QLineEdit * parOffset
QLineEdit * parMaxForce
QLineEdit * parCurrForce
QLineEdit * parAccTime
QLineEdit * parUserIO
QLabel * textLabel3
QLabel * textLabel3_2
QLabel * textLabel3_3
QLabel * textLabel3_4
QLabel * textLabel3_5
QLabel * textLabel3_6
QLabel * textLabel3_7
QLabel * textLabel3_8
QLabel * textLabel3_9
QLabel * textLabel1_10_3
QLabel * textLabel1_10_2
QLabel * textLabel1_10
QLabel * textLabel1_10_4
QLabel * textLabel1_10_5

Protected Slots

virtual void languageChange ()

Protected Attributes

nub::soft_ref< RT100itsRT100
QVBoxLayout * groupBox1Layout
QHBoxLayout * layout5
QHBoxLayout * layout6
QHBoxLayout * layout7
QHBoxLayout * layout8
QHBoxLayout * layout9
QHBoxLayout * layout10
QHBoxLayout * layout11
QHBoxLayout * layout12
QHBoxLayout * layout11_2
QVBoxLayout * groupBox2Layout
QHBoxLayout * layout22
QHBoxLayout * layout23
QHBoxLayout * layout24
QHBoxLayout * layout25
QHBoxLayout * layout26
QHBoxLayout * layout27
QHBoxLayout * layout28
QHBoxLayout * layout29
QHBoxLayout * layout30
QVBoxLayout * groupBox7Layout
QHBoxLayout * layout34
QSpacerItem * spacer3
QHBoxLayout * layout33
QHBoxLayout * layout35
QHBoxLayout * layout36
QHBoxLayout * layout37
QHBoxLayout * layout38
QHBoxLayout * layout39
QHBoxLayout * layout40
QHBoxLayout * layout41
QSpacerItem * spacer4
QHBoxLayout * layout11_3
QSpacerItem * spacer7
QHBoxLayout * layout12_2
QHBoxLayout * layout32
QHBoxLayout * layout31

Detailed Description

Definition at line 28 of file rt100controlForm.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:46 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3