
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Psycho/EyeLinkAscParser.C EyeLink eye-tracker parses the
00002   *.asc eyetracking file. Usually this comes from the *.edf file that the
00003   eyetracker produces, then processed by EDF2ASC executable.            */
00004 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00005 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2000-2005   //
00006 // by the University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.  //
00007 // See http://iLab.usc.edu for information about this project.          //
00008 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00009 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00010 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00011 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00012 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00013 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00014 // http://pair.uspto.gov/cgi-bin/final/home.pl for current status).     //
00015 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00016 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00017 //                                                                      //
00018 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00019 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00020 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00021 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00022 //                                                                      //
00023 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00024 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00025 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00026 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00027 //                                                                      //
00028 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00029 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00030 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00031 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00032 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00033 //
00034 // Primary maintainer for this file: Christian Siagian <siagian@usc.edu>
00035 // $HeadURL: svn://isvn.usc.edu/software/invt/trunk/saliency/src/Psycho/EyeLinkAsc.C $
00036 // $Id: $
00037 //
00039 #include "Psycho/EyeLinkAscParser.H"
00040 #include "Util/Timer.H"
00041 #include "Raster/Raster.H"
00043 #include <cstdio>
00044 #include <math.h>
00046 #define trialLength     15.0
00047 #define frameRate       30.0
00049 #define D_WIDTH         1024.0
00050 #define D_HEIGHT        768.0
00051 #define IM_WIDTH        640
00052 #define IM_HEIGHT       480 
00054 #define CREATE_EYE_S    false
00056 // ######################################################################
00057 EyeLinkAscParser::EyeLinkAscParser(std::string fileName)
00058 {  
00059   std::string::size_type dpos = fileName.find_last_of('.');
00060   std::string::size_type spos = fileName.find_last_of('/');
00061   if(spos != std::string::npos) 
00062     itsSubjectName = fileName.substr(spos+1, dpos-spos-1);
00063   else
00064     itsSubjectName = fileName.substr(0, dpos);
00066   LDEBUG("<<%s>> -> <<%s>>", fileName.c_str(), itsSubjectName.c_str());
00068   parse(fileName);
00069 }
00071 // ######################################################################
00072 EyeLinkAscParser::~EyeLinkAscParser()
00073 {  }
00075 // ######################################################################
00076 void EyeLinkAscParser::parse(std::string fileName)
00077 {
00078   FILE *fp;  char inLine[200]; 
00079   FILE *eyesFile = 0;
00080   bool createEyeS = CREATE_EYE_S;
00081   // open the file
00082   LINFO("Parsing: %s", fileName.c_str());
00083   if((fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00084     { LINFO("not found"); return; }
00086   int ldpos = fileName.find_last_of('.');
00087   std::string eyeSfile_prefix = fileName.substr(0, ldpos);
00088   LINFO("string: %s", eyeSfile_prefix.c_str());
00090   // determine recorded eye
00091   // also skip the header information
00092   std::string recordedEye;
00093   while(fgets(inLine, 200, fp) != NULL)
00094     {
00095       // get the word tokens
00096       std::vector<std::string> currLine = tokenize(inLine);
00098       if(currLine.size() >= 4 && !currLine[0].compare("EVENTS"))
00099         {
00100           if(!currLine[2].compare("RIGHT"))
00101             recordedEye = std::string("RIGHT");
00102           else if (!currLine[2].compare("LEFT") && 
00103                    !currLine[3].compare("RIGHT"))
00104             recordedEye = std::string("BOTH");
00105           else
00106             recordedEye = std::string("LEFT");
00107           break;          
00108         }
00109     }
00110   fclose(fp);
00112   LINFO("Recorded Eye: %s", recordedEye.c_str());
00114   // start over and reread the file
00115   // read and store data
00116   if((fp = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00117     { LINFO("not found"); return; }
00119   uint iTrial  = 0;
00120   uint iTime   = 0;
00121   uint fTime   = 0;
00122   uint iSacc   = 0;
00123   //uint iBlink  = 0;
00124   uint iFix    = 0;
00125   bool isDriftCorrecting = false;
00126   bool isBlinking  = false;
00127   bool isSaccading = false;
00129   // this is for .eyeS file 
00130   float  targetx    = 0.0F;
00131   float  targety    = 0.0F;
00132   float  amp        = 0.0F;
00133   float  pvel       = 0.0F;
00134   double timeOn     = 0.0F;
00135   double timeOff    = 0.0F;
00136   float  interval   = 0.0F;   
00137   double startTime  = 0.0F;
00139   // get each line in the file
00140   while(fgets(inLine, 200, fp) != NULL)
00141     {
00142       // get the word tokens
00143       std::vector<std::string> currLine = tokenize(inLine);
00145       if(currLine.size() == 0) continue; 
00147       // skip calibration lines    
00148       if(currLine.size() == 3 && !currLine[2].compare("!CAL"))
00149         continue;
00151       // check the line first argument
00153       // events: MSG
00154       if(currLine.size() > 0 && !currLine[0].compare("MSG"))
00155         {
00156           // get rid of unnecessary MSG lines
00157           // if length(tmp2) < 5
00158           //   tmp2
00159           // continue
00160           // end
00162           // START of the current trial
00163           if(currLine.size() > 6 && 
00164              !currLine[4].compare("SESSION") && !currLine[5].compare("START"))
00165             {                     
00166               fTime   = 0; 
00167               iTime   = 0;
00168               iSacc   = 0;
00169               //iBlink  = 0;
00170               iFix    = 0;
00171               iTrial  = iTrial + 1; 
00172               itsTrialStart.push_back(atoi(currLine[1].c_str()));
00173               // for now to see if drift correction 
00174               // is in the middle of the trial
00175               itsTrialEnd.push_back(-1); 
00177               itsFlipTime.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00178               itsFlipFixations.push_back
00179                 (std::vector<std::vector<Point2D<float> > >());
00180               itsFlipFrame.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00182               itsSaccadeStart.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00183               itsSaccadeEnd.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00184               itsSaccadeDuration.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00185               itsSaccadeStartLocation.push_back(std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00186               itsSaccadeEndLocation.push_back(std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00187               itsSaccadeAmplitude.push_back(std::vector<float>()); 
00188               itsSaccadePeakVel.push_back(std::vector<float>());
00190               itsFixationStart.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00191               itsFixationEnd.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00192               itsFixationDuration.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00193               itsFixationAvgLocation.push_back(std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00194               itsFixationAvgPupilSize.push_back(std::vector<float>());
00196               itsGazeTime.push_back(std::vector<int>());
00197               itsLeftGaze.push_back(std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00198               itsLeftGazePupilSize.push_back(std::vector<float>());
00200               itsRightGaze.push_back(std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00201               itsRightGazePupilSize.push_back(std::vector<float>());
00203               if(iTrial != uint(atoi(currLine[6].c_str()))) 
00204                 LINFO("Trial Mismatch!");
00205               LDEBUG("%s",inLine);
00206               LDEBUG("Start trial %s", currLine[6].c_str());
00208               // print in the header
00209               if(createEyeS)
00210                 {
00211                   std::string fName = 
00212                     sformat("%s_%d.eyeS", eyeSfile_prefix.c_str(), iTrial);
00213                   eyesFile = fopen(fName.c_str(), "wt");
00215                   std::string period("period = 1000Hz\n");
00216                   fputs (period.c_str(), eyesFile);
00218                   std::string ppd("ppd = 36.3\n");
00219                   fputs (ppd.c_str(), eyesFile);
00221                   std::string trash("trash = 0\n");
00222                   fputs (trash.c_str(), eyesFile);
00224                   std::string header("cols = x y pd status *targetx *targety "
00225                                      "*amp *pvel *timeon *timeoff "
00226                                      "*interval *typenum\n");
00227                   fputs (header.c_str(), eyesFile);
00229                   LINFO("creating: %s", fName.c_str());
00230                 }
00231             }
00233           // Nothing to do until the start of the first trial is found
00234           if(iTrial == 0) continue;            
00236           // New Video Frame is just shown
00237           if(currLine.size() == 4 && 
00238              !currLine[2].compare("MARKERID") && !currLine[3].compare("Flip"))
00239             {
00240               itsFlipTime[iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[1].c_str()));
00242               if(fTime == 0)
00243                 itsFlipFrame[iTrial-1].push_back(0);
00244               else
00245                 {
00246                  if((itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][fTime] - itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][0]) 
00247                     > trialLength * 1000)
00248                    {
00249                      //LINFO("[%d][%"ZU"]", iTrial-1, itsFlipFrame[iTrial-1].size());
00250                      itsFlipFrame[iTrial-1].push_back(trialLength * frameRate);
00251                    }
00252                  else
00253                    {
00254                      int tDiff = 
00255                        itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][fTime] - itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][0];
00256                      float mspfr = 1000/frameRate;
00257                      int frNum = floor(tDiff/mspfr);
00258                      itsFlipFrame[iTrial-1].push_back(frNum);
00259                    }
00260                 }
00261               //LINFO("Flip at %d to frame %d\n", 
00262               //      itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][fTime], itsFlipFrame[iTrial-1][fTime]);  
00263               fTime = fTime + 1;
00264               itsFlipFixations[iTrial-1].push_back
00265                 (std::vector<Point2D<float> >());
00267               if(fTime == 1) startTime = atoi(currLine[1].c_str());  
00268             }
00270           // END of the current trial
00271           if (currLine.size() > 6 && 
00272              !currLine[4].compare("SESSION") && !currLine[5].compare("END"))
00273             {
00274               itsTrialEnd[iTrial-1] = atoi(currLine[1].c_str());
00275               if (iTrial != uint(atoi(currLine[6].c_str()))) 
00276                 LINFO("Trial Mismatch!");
00278               LDEBUG("%s",inLine);
00279               LDEBUG("trial: %d to %d",
00280                      itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][0], itsFlipTime[iTrial-1][fTime-1]);
00281               LDEBUG("there are %"ZU" saccades and %"ZU" fixations", 
00282                      itsSaccadeStart[iTrial-1].size(), 
00283                      itsFixationStart[iTrial-1].size());
00285               if(createEyeS)
00286                 fclose (eyesFile);
00287             }
00289           // Nothing to do if the ending of the trial is already found
00290           if (itsTrialEnd[iTrial-1] != -1.0) continue;            
00292           // drift correction
00293           if (currLine.size() > 4 && !currLine[4].compare("CORRECTION"))
00294             {
00295               LINFO("in between drifting: %s",inLine);
00296               //
00297               if(currLine.size() == 5 && !currLine[3].compare("DRIFT"))
00298                 {
00299                   isDriftCorrecting = 1;
00300                   itsDriftCorrectionStart.push_back(atoi(currLine[1].c_str()));
00301                   LINFO("Start in between drifting correction at: %d", 
00302                         itsDriftCorrectionStart[iTrial-1]);
00303                 }
00304               else if(currLine.size() == 6 && !currLine[5].compare("DONE"))
00305                 {  
00306                   isDriftCorrecting = 0;
00307                   itsDriftCorrectionDone.push_back(atoi(currLine[1].c_str()));
00308                   LINFO("End   in between drifting correction at: %d",
00309                         itsDriftCorrectionDone[iTrial-1]);
00310                 }
00311               else
00312                 LINFO("Wrong Drift Correction Message!");              
00313             }
00314         }
00316       //
00317       else if (currLine.size() > 0 && 
00318                (!currLine[0].compare("SSACC")  || 
00319                 !currLine[0].compare("ESACC")  || 
00320                 !currLine[0].compare("SFIX")   || 
00321                 !currLine[0].compare("EFIX")   || 
00322                 !currLine[0].compare("SBLINK") || 
00323                 !currLine[0].compare("EBLINK")   ))
00324         {
00325           // Nothing to do until the start of the first trial is found
00326           if (iTrial == 0) continue;            
00328           // Nothing to do if the ending of the trial is already found
00329           if (itsTrialEnd[iTrial-1] != -1.0) continue;            
00331           //LINFO("Saccading, etc: %s",inLine);
00333           // SACCADE of the current saccade
00334           if(!currLine[0].compare("SSACC")) 
00335             {
00336               isSaccading = true;
00337               iSacc = iSacc + 1;
00339               // we have to go move forward
00340               // that has the saccade information
00342               // get current position
00343               fpos_t pos;
00344               fgetpos(fp, &pos);
00345               char tline[200]; 
00346               bool foundESACC = false;
00347               while(!foundESACC && fgets(tline, 200, fp) != NULL)
00348                 {
00349                   // get the word tokens
00350                   std::vector<std::string> cLine = tokenize(tline);
00352                   // found ESACC
00353                   if(cLine.size() > 0 && !cLine[0].compare("ESACC"))
00354                     {
00355                       targetx    = atof(cLine[7].c_str())/D_WIDTH*IM_WIDTH;
00356                       targety    = atof(cLine[8].c_str())/D_HEIGHT*IM_HEIGHT;
00357                       amp        = atof(cLine[9].c_str());
00358                       pvel       = atof(cLine[10].c_str());
00359                       timeOn     = atof(cLine[2].c_str()) - startTime;
00360                       timeOff    = atof(cLine[3].c_str()) - startTime;
00361                       interval   = atof(cLine[4].c_str());
00362                       foundESACC = true;
00364                       LDEBUG("%.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %d", 
00365                              targetx, targety, amp, pvel, 
00366                              timeOn, timeOff, interval, iSacc);
00367                     }
00368                 }
00370               // then we move back to the original line
00371               fsetpos(fp, &pos);
00372             }
00374           // END of the current saccade
00375           if(!currLine[0].compare("ESACC")) 
00376             {
00377               itsSaccadeStart        [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[2].c_str()));
00378               itsSaccadeEnd          [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[3].c_str()));
00379               itsSaccadeDuration     [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[4].c_str()));
00380               itsSaccadeStartLocation[iTrial-1].push_back
00381                 (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[5].c_str()), atof(currLine[6].c_str())));
00382               itsSaccadeEndLocation  [iTrial-1].push_back
00383                 (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[7].c_str()), atof(currLine[8].c_str())));
00384               itsSaccadeAmplitude    [iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[9].c_str()));
00385               itsSaccadePeakVel      [iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[10].c_str()));
00386               //fprintf('Saccade %d\n', iSacc)
00388               isSaccading = false;
00389             }
00391           // we won't process: SFIX
00393           // END of the current fixation 
00394           else if(!currLine[0].compare("EFIX"))
00395             {
00396               iFix = iFix + 1;
00398               itsFixationStart       [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[2].c_str()));
00399               itsFixationEnd         [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[3].c_str()));
00400               itsFixationDuration    [iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[4].c_str()));
00401               itsFixationAvgLocation [iTrial-1].push_back
00402                 (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[5].c_str()), atof(currLine[6].c_str())));
00403               itsFixationAvgPupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[7].c_str()));
00404               //fprintf('Fixation %d:  at: (%7.2d %7.2d) for %f \n', iFix, iT(iTrial).FIX{iFix}.avg_x, iT(iTrial).FIX{iFix}.avg_y, iT(iTrial).FIX{iFix}.duration);
00405             }  
00406           else if(!currLine[0].compare("SBLINK"))
00407             isBlinking = true;
00408           else if(!currLine[0].compare("EBLINK"))
00409             isBlinking = false;                     
00410         }
00412       // not processing these commands    
00413       else if (currLine.size() > 0 && 
00414                (!currLine[0].compare("START")      || 
00415                 !currLine[0].compare("END")        || 
00416                 !currLine[0].compare("PRESCALER")  || 
00417                 !currLine[0].compare("VPRESCALER") || 
00418                 !currLine[0].compare("PUPIL")      || 
00419                 !currLine[0].compare("SAMPLES")    ||
00420                 !currLine[0].compare(">>>>>>>")      ))
00421         { continue; }
00423       else if (currLine.size() > 0 && !currLine[0].compare("EVENTS"))
00424         {         
00425           // if changing specs for which eye is being recorded
00426           if(!currLine[1].compare("GAZE"))
00427             {
00428               if(!currLine[2].compare("RIGHT"))
00429                 recordedEye = std::string("RIGHT");
00430               else if(!currLine[2].compare("LEFT") && !currLine[3].compare("RIGHT"))
00431                 recordedEye = std::string("BOTH");
00432               else
00433                 recordedEye = std::string("LEFT");                
00434               LDEBUG("Recorded Eye: %s", recordedEye.c_str());
00435             }
00436         }
00438      // skipping 'INPUT .... 120'
00439      // not sure who inserted this line
00440       else if (currLine.size() > 0 && !currLine[0].compare("INPUT"))
00441         { continue; }
00443       // first element exception
00444       else if(atoi(currLine[0].c_str()) == 0)
00445         {
00446           LDEBUG("First Element Exception: Skipped: %s", inLine);
00447           continue;
00448         }
00450       // otherwise it's gaze for current timeStamp         
00451       else
00452         {
00453           // Nothing to do until the start of the first trial is found
00454           if (iTrial == 0) continue;            
00456           // Nothing to do if the ending of the trial is already found
00457           if(itsTrialEnd[iTrial-1] != -1.0) continue;            
00459           // Nothing to do if currently correcting drift
00460           if (isDriftCorrecting) continue;
00462           // we record to eyeS file even on blinks
00463           // status:
00464           // 0: regular fixation
00465           // 1: saccade
00466           // 2: blink
00467           // 3: saccade + blink
00468           // 4: smooth pursuit: NOT IMPLEMENTED HERE
00469           // 5: invalid
00470           // 6: combined saccade: NOT IMPLEMENTED HERE
00471           if(fTime != 0)
00472             {
00473               uint status = 0;
00474               if(!isBlinking &&  isSaccading) status = 1;
00475               if( isBlinking && !isSaccading) status = 2;
00476               if( isBlinking &&  isSaccading) status = 3;
00478               uint freq = 0; if(targetx != 0.0F) freq = iSacc;
00479               std::string line = 
00480                 sformat("%.1f %.1f %.1f %d %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %d \n", 
00481                         atof(currLine[1].c_str())/D_WIDTH *IM_WIDTH, 
00482                         atof(currLine[2].c_str())/D_HEIGHT*IM_HEIGHT,
00483                         atof(currLine[3].c_str()), status, 
00484                         targetx, targety, amp, pvel, timeOn, timeOff, interval, freq);
00485               if(createEyeS)
00486                 fputs (line.c_str(), eyesFile);          
00488               if(targetx != 0.0F)
00489                 {
00490                   targetx    = 0.0F;
00491                   targety    = 0.0F;
00492                   amp        = 0.0F;
00493                   pvel       = 0.0F;
00494                   timeOn     = 0.0F;
00495                   timeOff    = 0.0F;
00496                   interval   = 0.0F;
00497                 }
00498             }
00500           // Nothing to do until stop blink
00501           if (isBlinking) continue;            
00503           // retrieve the data
00504           //LINFO("times: %s",inLine);
00505           iTime = iTime + 1;
00507           // get time stamp
00508           itsGazeTime[iTrial-1].push_back(atoi(currLine[0].c_str()));
00509           if(fTime != 0)
00510             {
00511               itsFlipFixations[iTrial-1][fTime-1].push_back
00512                 (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[1].c_str()), atof(currLine[2].c_str())));
00513             }
00514           LDEBUG("GAZE[%5d][%5d]: %s size: %"ZU, 
00515                 iTrial-1, fTime-1, inLine, itsGazeTime[iTrial-1].size());
00517           if(!recordedEye.compare("LEFT") || !recordedEye.compare("BOTH"))
00518             {
00519               // left eye X, Y 
00520               if (!currLine[1].compare(".") || !currLine[2].compare("."))
00521                 itsLeftGaze[iTrial-1].push_back(Point2D<float>(-1.0, -1.0));
00522               else
00523                 itsLeftGaze[iTrial-1].push_back
00524                   (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[1].c_str()), atof(currLine[2].c_str())));
00526               // left eye pupil
00527               if (!currLine[3].compare("."))
00528                 itsLeftGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(-1.0);
00529               else
00530                 itsLeftGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[3].c_str()));
00531             }
00533           if(!recordedEye.compare("BOTH"))
00534             {
00535               // right eye X, Y 
00536               if (!currLine[4].compare(".") || !currLine[5].compare("."))
00537                 itsRightGaze[iTrial-1].push_back(Point2D<float>(-1.0, -1.0));
00538               else
00539                 itsRightGaze[iTrial-1].push_back
00540                   (Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[4].c_str()), atof(currLine[5].c_str())));
00542               // right eye pupil
00543               if (!currLine[6].compare("."))
00544                 itsRightGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(-1.0);
00545               else
00546                 itsRightGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[6].c_str()));
00547             }
00549           if(!recordedEye.compare("RIGHT"))
00550             {
00551               // right eye X, Y 
00552               if (!currLine[1].compare(".") || !currLine[2].compare("."))
00553                 itsRightGaze[iTrial-1].push_back(Point2D<float>(-1.0, -1.0));
00554               else
00555                 itsRightGaze[iTrial-1].
00556                   push_back(Point2D<float>(atof(currLine[1].c_str()), atof(currLine[2].c_str())));
00558               // right eye pupil
00559               if (!currLine[3].compare("."))
00560                 itsRightGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(-1.0);
00561               else
00562                 itsRightGazePupilSize[iTrial-1].push_back(atof(currLine[3].c_str()));
00563             }
00564         }
00565     }
00566 }
00568 // ######################################################################
00569 std::vector<std::string> EyeLinkAscParser::tokenize(std::string line)
00570 {
00571   bool endOfLine = false;
00573   // take out the carriage return at the back of the line
00574   if(!line.substr(line.length()-1).compare(std::string("\n")))
00575     line = line.substr(0, line.length()-2);
00577   std::vector<std::string> currLine;
00578   while(!endOfLine)
00579     { 
00580       std::string token; std::string rest;
00581       std::string::size_type fspos = line.find_first_of(' ');
00582       std::string::size_type ftpos = line.find_first_of('\t');      
00583       if(ftpos != std::string::npos && ftpos < fspos) fspos = ftpos;
00585       if(fspos != std::string::npos)
00586         {
00587           token = line.substr(0,fspos);
00588           rest =  trim(line.substr(fspos));
00590           LDEBUG("[[%s]] [[%s]]", token.c_str(), rest.c_str());
00592           currLine.push_back(token);
00593           if(!rest.substr(0,1).compare(std::string("\t")))
00594             rest = trim(rest.substr(1));
00595           line = rest;
00596         }
00597       else
00598         {
00599           if(line.length() != 0)
00600             {
00601               currLine.push_back(line);
00602               LDEBUG("[[%s]]", line.c_str());
00603             }
00604           endOfLine = true;
00605         }
00606     }
00608   return currLine;
00609 }
00611 // ######################################################################
00612 std::string EyeLinkAscParser::trim(std::string str)
00613 {
00614   std::string::size_type pos = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
00616   if(pos != std::string::npos) {
00617     str.erase(pos + 1);
00618     pos = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
00619     if(pos != std::string::npos) str.erase(0, pos);
00620   }
00621   else str.erase(str.begin(), str.end());
00623   return str;
00624 }
00627 // ######################################################################
00628 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00629 /* Local Variables: */
00630 /* mode: c++ */
00631 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00632 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:41:12 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3