BeoSubCanny Member List

This is the complete list of members for BeoSubCanny, including all inherited members.
addSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc, const bool propagate_realm=true)ModelComponent
angle_radians(double x, double y) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
angle_radians(double x, double y) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
BeoSubCanny(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="BeoSubCanny", const std::string &tagName="BeoSubCanny")BeoSubCanny
BeoSubCanny(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="BeoSubCanny", const std::string &tagName="BeoSubCanny")BeoSubCanny
brent(double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double *xmin, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
brent(double ax, double bx, double cx, double tol, double *xmin, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
canny(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, float tlow, float thigh, unsigned char **edge, char *fname) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
CHANGE_ACCEPTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
CHANGE_REJECTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
ChangeStatus enum nameParamClient
dbg_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
dbg_weak_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count_no_delete() const nub::ref_counted
derrivative_x_y(short int *smoothedim, int rows, int cols, short int **delta_x, short int **delta_y) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
derrivative_x_y(short int *smoothedim, int rows, int cols, short int **delta_x, short int **delta_y) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
descriptiveName() const ModelComponent
doRequestOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt, const bool useMyVal=false, const bool recurse=true, const bool warn=true)ModelComponent
exportOptions(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
f1dim(double x, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
f1dim(double x, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
free_nrVector(double *v, long nl, long nh) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
free_nrVector(double *v, long nl, long nh) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
gaussian_smooth(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, short int **smoothedim) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
gaussian_smooth(unsigned char *image, int rows, int cols, float sigma, short int **smoothedim) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
get_counts() const nub::ref_counted
getManager() const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i) const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i)ModelComponent
getModelParamString(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
getModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent [inline]
getModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags) const ModelComponent
getNumModelParams() const ModelComponent
getParent() const ModelComponent
getRootObject() const ModelComponent
grabImage(Image< PixRGB< byte > > *image) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
grabImage(Image< PixRGB< byte > > *image) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
hasBeenExported() const ModelComponent [protected]
hasModelParam(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const nub::soft_ref< ModelComponent > &c, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hideOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt)ModelComponent
id() const nub::object
incr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
init(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent [protected]
is_not_shareable() const nub::ref_counted
is_shared() const nub::ref_counted
is_unshared() const nub::ref_counted
linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double *fret, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &optimizee) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
linmin(double p[], double xi[], int n, double *fret, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &optimizee) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
magnitude_x_y(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, short int **magnitude) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
magnitude_x_y(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, short int **magnitude) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
make_gaussian_kernel(float sigma, float **kernel, int *windowsize) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
make_gaussian_kernel(float sigma, float **kernel, int *windowsize) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
mnbrak(double *ax, double *bx, double *cx, double *fa, double *fb, double *fc, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
mnbrak(double *ax, double *bx, double *cx, double *fa, double *fb, double *fc, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shape) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
ModelComponent(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent(const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent()ModelComponent [protected]
nrVector(long nl, long nh) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
nrVector(long nl, long nh) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
numSubComp() const ModelComponent
obj_typename() const nub::object [virtual]
object()nub::object [protected]
operator delete(void *space, size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
operator new(size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
paramChanged(ModelParamBase *param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus *status)ModelComponent [virtual]
powell(double p[], double **xi, int n, double ftol, int *iter, double *fret, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &optimizee) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
powell(double p[], double **xi, int n, double ftol, int *iter, double *fret, rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &optimizee) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
printout(std::ostream &s, const std::string &prefix="") const ModelComponent
radian_direction(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, float **dir_radians, int xdirtag, int ydirtag) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
radian_direction(short int *delta_x, short int *delta_y, int rows, int cols, float **dir_radians, int xdirtag, int ydirtag) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
readParamsFrom(const ParamMap &pmap, const bool noerr=true)ModelComponent
real_typename() const nub::object
realm() const ModelComponent
registerOptionedParam(OptionedModelParam *mp, const ParamFlag flags)ModelComponent [virtual]
registerParam(ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
removeSubComponent(const ModelComponent &subc, bool removeall=false)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const uint idx)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const std::string &tagname)ModelComponent
reset(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
reset1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
reset2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
runCanny(rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shapeArg) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
runCanny(rutz::shared_ptr< ShapeModel > &shapeArg) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
save(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo, const ModelFlag flags=MC_RECURSE)ModelComponent
save1(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save2(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
setDescriptiveName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setManager(OptionManager &mgr)ModelComponent [protected]
setModelParamString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent
setModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const T &val, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent [inline]
setModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, const RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
setRealm(const std::string &crealm)ModelComponent
setTagName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setupCanny(const char *colorArg, Image< PixRGB< byte > > image, bool debug)BeoSubCanny
setupCanny(const char *colorArg, Image< PixRGB< byte > > image, bool debug) (defined in BeoSubCanny)BeoSubCanny
start1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
start2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
started() const ModelComponent
stop1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
stop2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
subComponent(const uint idx) const ModelComponent
subComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
tagName() const ModelComponent
unique_name() const nub::object
unregisterParam(const ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
writeParamsTo(ParamMap &pmap) const ModelComponent
~ModelComponent()ModelComponent [virtual]
~object() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::object [protected, virtual]
~ParamClient()ParamClient [virtual]
~ref_counted() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::ref_counted [virtual]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:07 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3