BeoMonkey Member List

This is the complete list of members for BeoMonkey, including all inherited members.
adcvalBeoChip [protected]
addEndSequence(std::deque< Position > pos) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
addEndSequence(std::deque< Position > sequence, std::deque< Position > pos) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
addSequence(const byte servo, std::deque< float > sequence) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
addSequence(std::deque< Position > pos) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
addSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc, const bool propagate_realm=true)ModelComponent
BeoChip(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="BeoChip", const std::string &tagName="BeoChip")BeoChip
BeoMonkey(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName="BeoMonkey", const std::string &tagName="BeoMonkey") (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
blend(std::deque< Position > p1, std::deque< Position > p2) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
blendSequence(std::deque< std::deque< Position > > elements) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
calibrateAnalog(const int whichone, const int neutralval, const int minval, const int maxval)BeoChip
calibratePulse(const int whichone, const int neutralval, const int minval, const int maxval)BeoChip
calibrateServo(const int servo, const byte neutralval, const byte minval, const byte maxval)BeoChip
calibToRaw(const float calibrated, const int zero, const int mini, const int maxi, const int bits=8) const BeoChip [protected]
captureAnalog(const int whichone, const bool on)BeoChip
captureKeyboard(const bool on)BeoChip
capturePulse(const int whichone, const bool on)BeoChip
CHANGE_ACCEPTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
CHANGE_REJECTED enum value (defined in ParamClient)ParamClient
ChangeStatus enum nameParamClient
clearQue() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
concatSequence(std::deque< std::deque< Position > >) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
dbg_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
dbg_weak_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
debounceKeyboard(const bool on)BeoChip
debugMode(const bool on)BeoChip
decr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
decr_ref_count_no_delete() const nub::ref_counted
descriptiveName() const ModelComponent
doRequestOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt, const bool useMyVal=false, const bool recurse=true, const bool warn=true)ModelComponent
exportOptions(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
EYEBROW (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYEBROW_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYEBROW_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYEBROW_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYELIDS (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYELIDS_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYELIDS_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
EYELIDS_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
get_counts() const nub::ref_counted
getAnalog(const int whichone)BeoChip
getAnalogRaw(const int whichone)BeoChip
getBlendSequence(std::deque< std::deque< Position > > elements) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getManager() const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i) const ModelComponent
getModelParam(size_t i)ModelComponent
getModelParamString(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
getModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent [inline]
getModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags) const ModelComponent
getNumModelParams() const ModelComponent
getParent() const ModelComponent
getPathEyeBrowPos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathEyeLidsPos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathHEyePos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathHHeadPos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathMouthPos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathMuzzlePos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathServo(const byte servo, const float pos, const int velocity, const float startpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathVEyePos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPathVHeadPos(const float position, const int velocity, const float starpos=-999) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getPulse(const int whichone)BeoChip
getPulseRaw(const int whichone)BeoChip
getQue() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getRootObject() const ModelComponent
getSequence(const byte servo, std::deque< float > sequence) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
getServo(const int servo) const BeoChip
getServoRaw(const int servo) const BeoChip
H_EYE (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_EYE_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_EYE_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_EYE_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_HEAD (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_HEAD_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_HEAD_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
H_HEAD_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
hasBeenExported() const ModelComponent [protected]
hasModelParam(const std::string &name, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hasSubComponent(const nub::soft_ref< ModelComponent > &c, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
hideOption(const ModelOptionDef *opt)ModelComponent
id() const nub::object
incr_ref_count() const nub::ref_counted
init(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent [protected]
initializeServos() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
is_not_shareable() const nub::ref_counted
is_shared() const nub::ref_counted
is_unshared() const nub::ref_counted
isQueEmpty() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
isServoInQue(byte servo) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
itsDevNameBeoChip [protected]
itsLCDcolsBeoChip [protected]
itsLCDrowsBeoChip [protected]
itsUseRTSCTSBeoChip [protected]
keyboardBeoChip [protected]
lcdGoto(const int i=0)BeoChip
lcdGotoXY(const int x=0, const int y=0)BeoChip
lcdLoadFont(const int font)BeoChip
lcdLoadFont(const byte data[64])BeoChip
lcdMoveCursorLeft(const int i=1)BeoChip
lcdMoveCursorRight(const int i=1)BeoChip
lcdPrintf(const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(__printf__BeoChip
lcdPrintf(const int x, const int y, const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(__printf__BeoChip
lcdScrollLeft(const int i=1)BeoChip
lcdScrollRight(const int i=1)BeoChip
lcdSendRaw(const byte val, const bool RS, const bool uselock=true)BeoChip
lcdSetAnimation(const int anim=0)BeoChip
maxABeoChip [protected]
maxPBeoChip [protected]
maxSBeoChip [protected]
minABeoChip [protected]
minPBeoChip [protected]
minSBeoChip [protected]
ModelComponent(OptionManager &mgr, const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent(const std::string &descrName, const std::string &tagName, const std::string &crealm="World")ModelComponent
ModelComponent()ModelComponent [protected]
MOUTH (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MOUTH_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MOUTH_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MOUTH_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MUZZLE (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MUZZLE_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MUZZLE_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
MUZZLE_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
nextTimeStep() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
numSubComp() const ModelComponent
obj_typename() const nub::object [virtual]
object()nub::object [protected]
operator delete(void *space, size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
operator new(size_t bytes)nub::ref_counted
paramChanged(ModelParamBase *param, const bool valueChanged, ParamClient::ChangeStatus *status)ModelComponent [virtual]
printout(std::ostream &s, const std::string &prefix="") const ModelComponent
printPath(std::deque< Position > p) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
pulsevalBeoChip [protected]
queSize() (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
rawToCalib(const int raw, const int zero, const int mini, const int maxi) const BeoChip [protected]
readParamsFrom(const ParamMap &pmap, const bool noerr=true)ModelComponent
real_typename() const nub::object
realm() const ModelComponent
registerOptionedParam(OptionedModelParam *mp, const ParamFlag flags)ModelComponent [virtual]
registerParam(ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
removeServo(const byte servo) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
removeSubComponent(const ModelComponent &subc, bool removeall=false)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const nub::ref< ModelComponent > &subc)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const uint idx)ModelComponent
removeSubComponent(const std::string &tagname)ModelComponent
reset(const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
reset1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
reset2()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo, const ModelFlag flags=MC_RECURSE)ModelComponent
save1(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
save2(const ModelComponentSaveInfo &sinfo)ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
servoposBeoChip [protected]
setDescriptiveName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setDigitalOut(const int outnum, const bool on)BeoChip
setEyeBrowPos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setEyeBrowPosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setEyeLidsPos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setEyeLidsRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setHEyePos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setHEyePosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setHHeadPos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setHHeadPosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setListener(rutz::shared_ptr< BeoChipListener > &listener)BeoChip
setManager(OptionManager &mgr)ModelComponent [protected]
setModelParamString(const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent
setModelParamVal(const std::string &name, const T &val, const ModelFlag flags=0)ModelComponent [inline]
setModelParamValAux(const std::string &name, const RefHolder &val, const ModelFlag flags)ModelComponent
setMouthPos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setMouthPosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setMuzzlePos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setMuzzlePosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setRealm(const std::string &crealm)ModelComponent
setServo(const byte servo, const float pos, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
BeoChip::setServo(const int servo, const float position)BeoChip
setServoRaw(const int servo, const byte val)BeoChip
setTagName(const std::string &name)ModelComponent
setVEyePos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setVEyePosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setVHeadPos(const float position, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
setVHeadPosRel(const float offset, const int velocity) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
shimServos(const byte shim)BeoChip
start1()BeoChip [protected, virtual]
start2()BeoMonkey [virtual]
started() const ModelComponent
stop1()ModelComponent [protected, virtual]
stop2()BeoChip [protected, virtual]
subComponent(const uint idx) const ModelComponent
subComponent(const std::string &tagname, const ModelFlag flags=0) const ModelComponent
surpriseFace(float surprise) (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey
tagName() const ModelComponent
unique_name() const nub::object
unregisterParam(const ModelParamBase *mp)ModelComponent [virtual]
V_EYE (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_EYE_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_EYE_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_EYE_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_HEAD (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_HEAD_MAX (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_HEAD_MID (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
V_HEAD_MIN (defined in BeoMonkey)BeoMonkey [static]
writeByte(const byte val, const bool uselock=true)BeoChip
writeParamsTo(ParamMap &pmap) const ModelComponent
zeroABeoChip [protected]
zeroPBeoChip [protected]
zeroSBeoChip [protected]
~ModelComponent()ModelComponent [virtual]
~object() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::object [protected, virtual]
~ParamClient()ParamClient [virtual]
~ref_counted() GVX_DTOR_NOTHROWnub::ref_counted [virtual]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:43:07 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3