
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _CMT_MONOLITHIC
00002 /*! \file
00003         \brief        Contains the CMT Level 1 interface
00005         This level contains OS-dependent implementations of Serial and File 
00006         communication, as well as some other functionality like 'sleep'.
00008         \section FileCopyright Copyright Notice 
00009         Copyright (C) Xsens Technologies B.V., 2006.  All rights reserved.
00011         This source code is intended for use only by Xsens Technologies BV and
00012         those that have explicit written permission to use it from
00013         Xsens Technologies BV.
00019 */
00020 #endif
00021 #ifndef _CMT1_H_2006_04_12
00022 #define _CMT1_H_2006_04_12
00024 #ifndef _CMTDEF_H_2006_05_01
00025 #        include <cmtdef.h>
00026 #endif
00028 #ifdef _WIN32
00029 #        include <windows.h>
00030 //#        include <sys/types.h>
00031 #else
00032 #        include <termios.h>
00033 // these are not required by level 1, but to keep the higher levels platform-independent they are put here
00034 #        include <stdlib.h>
00035 #        include <string.h>
00036 #        include <stddef.h>
00037 #define _strnicmp        strncasecmp
00038 #endif
00040 #include <stdio.h>
00042 //! The namespace of all Xsens software since 2006.
00043 namespace xsens {
00045 #ifndef CMTLOG
00046 #        if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_LOG_ALWAYS)
00047                 void CMTLOG(const char *str, ...);
00048 #                define CMTEXITLOG(str)        JanitorFunc2<const char*,XsensResultValue> _cmtExitLog(CMTLOG,str " returns %u",m_lastResult);
00049 #        else
00050 #                define CMTLOG(...)
00051 #                define CMTEXITLOG(...)
00052 #        endif
00053 #endif
00055 #ifndef _WIN32
00056 int _wcsnicmp(const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2,int count);
00057 #endif
00059 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00060 ///////////////////////////////////////// Cmt1s  /////////////////////////////////////////
00061 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00063 /*! \brief The low-level serial communication class.
00064 */
00065 class Cmt1s {
00066 private:
00067         //! This object cannot be copied, so this function is not implemented.
00068         Cmt1s(const Cmt1s& ref);
00070         #ifdef _LOG_RX_TX
00071                 FILE* rx_log;
00072                 FILE* tx_log;
00073         #endif
00075         /*! \brief The bytes received function.
00077                 This function is automatically called every time binary data is read from the 
00078                 connected COM port.
00079         */
00080         CmtCallbackFunction m_onBytesReceived;
00081         //! Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnBytesReceived callback function, passed as the first argument
00082         int32_t m_onBytesReceivedInstance;
00083         //! Custom, user supplied parameter for the OnBytesReceived callback function, passed as the last argument
00084         void* m_onBytesReceivedParam;
00085 protected:
00086                 //! The baudrate that was last set to be used by the port
00087         uint32_t m_baudrate;
00088                 //! The time at which an operation will end in ms, used by several functions.
00089         uint32_t m_endTime;
00090                 //! Indicates if the port is open or not
00091         bool m_isOpen;
00092                 //! The last result of an operation
00093         mutable XsensResultValue m_lastResult;
00094                 //! The opened COM port nr
00095         uint16_t m_port;
00096         char m_portname[32];
00097         /*! The default timeout value to use during blocking operations.
00098                 A value of 0 means that all operations become non-blocking.
00099         */
00100         uint32_t m_timeout;
00102         #ifdef _WIN32
00103                 DCB                m_commState;                //!< Stored settings about the serial port
00104                 HANDLE        m_handle;                        //!< The serial port handle
00105         #else
00106                 termios        m_commState;                //!< Stored settings about the serial port
00107                 int32_t                m_handle;                        //!< The serial port handle
00108                 typedef int32_t HANDLE;
00109         #endif
00110 public:
00111                 //! Default constructor, initializes all members to their default values.
00112         Cmt1s();
00113                 //! Destructor, de-initializes, frees memory allocated for buffers, etc.
00114         ~Cmt1s();
00115                 //! \brief Close the serial communication port.
00116         XsensResultValue close (void);
00117         /*! \brief Manipulate the Serial control lines
00119                 The function manipulates the serial control lines that are indicated by the 
00120                 mask parameter. Note that only the DTR and RTS lines can be set by win32.
00121                 \param mask                Indicates which lines are to be manipulated and which should be
00122                                                 left alone.
00123                 \param state        Contains the new state of the control lines.
00124         */
00125         XsensResultValue escape (const CmtControlLine mask, const CmtControlLine state);
00126         /*! \brief Flush all data to be transmitted / received.
00128                 This function tries to send and receive any remaining data immediately 
00129                 and does not return until the buffers are empty.
00130         */
00131         XsensResultValue flushData (void);
00132                 //! Return the baudrate that is currently being used by the port
00133         uint32_t getBaudrate(void) const { return m_baudrate; }
00134                 //! Return the handle of the port
00135         HANDLE getHandle(void) const { return m_handle; }
00136                 //! Retrieve the port number that was last successfully opened.
00137         uint16_t getPortNr (void) const { return m_port; }
00138                 //! Retrieve the port name that was last successfully opened.
00139         void getPortName(char *portname) const { sprintf(portname, "%s", m_portname); }
00140                 //! Return the error code of the last operation.
00141         XsensResultValue getLastResult(void) const { return m_lastResult; }
00142                 //! Return the current timeout value
00143         uint32_t getTimeout (void) const { return m_timeout; }
00144                 //! Return whether the communication port is open or not.
00145         bool isOpen (void) const { return m_isOpen; }
00147         /*! \brief Open a communcation channel to the given serial port name.
00149                 The port is automatically initialized to the given baudrate.
00150                 If the baudrate is set to 0, the baud rate is automatically detected. If possible.
00151         */
00152         XsensResultValue open ( const char *portName,
00153                                                         const uint32_t baudRate = CMT_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE,
00154                                                         uint32_t readBufSize = CMT_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE,
00155                                                         uint32_t writeBufSize = CMT_DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE);
00157 #ifdef _WIN32
00158         /*! \brief Open a communication channel to the given COM port number.
00160                 The port is automatically initialized to the given baud rate.
00161                 If the baudrate is set to 0, the baud rate is automatically detected. If possible.
00162         */
00163         XsensResultValue open ( const uint32_t portNumber,
00164                                                         const uint32_t baudRate = CMT_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE,
00165                                                         uint32_t readBufSize = CMT_DEFAULT_READ_BUFFER_SIZE,
00166                                                         uint32_t writeBufSize = CMT_DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE);
00167 #endif
00168         /*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer.
00170                 This function reads as much data as possible from the com port (non-blocking) and 
00171                 put as much data as will fit into the data buffer. Any excess data is stored in 
00172                 the \c m_readBuffer member variable. If there was enough data in m_readBuffer to 
00173                 fulfill the request, the data parameter is first filled and the port is polled 
00174                 afterwards.
00175                 \param maxLength        The maximum amount of data read.
00176                 \param data                        Pointer to a buffer that will store the received data.
00177                 \param length                The number of bytes placed into \c data.
00178         */
00179         XsensResultValue readData (const uint32_t maxLength, uint8_t* data,
00180                                                                 uint32_t* length = NULL);
00181         //! Set the callback function for when bytes have been received
00182         XsensResultValue setCallbackFunction(CmtCallbackType tp, int32_t instance, CmtCallbackFunction func, void* param);
00183         /*! \brief Set the default timeout value to use in blocking operations.
00185                 This function sets the value of m_timeout. There is no infinity value. The value 0 
00186                 means that all blocking operations now become polling (non-blocking) operations. 
00187                 If the value is set to or from 0, the low-level serial port settings may be 
00188                 changed in addition to the m_timeout value.
00189         */
00190         XsensResultValue setTimeout (const uint32_t ms = CMT1_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
00191         /*! \brief Wait for data to arrive or a timeout to occur.
00193                 The function waits until \c maxLength data is available or until a timeout occurs.
00194                 The function returns success if data is available or XsensResultValue::TIMEOUT if a 
00195                 timeout occurred. A timeout value of 0 indicates that the default timeout stored
00196                 in the class should be used.
00197         */
00198         XsensResultValue waitForData (const uint32_t maxLength, uint8_t* data,
00199                                                                 uint32_t* length = NULL);
00200         /*! \brief Write the data to the serial port.
00202                 The function writes the given data to the connected COM port.
00203                 The default timeout is respected in this operation.
00204         */
00205         XsensResultValue writeData (const uint32_t length, const uint8_t* data,
00206                                                                 uint32_t* written);
00208 };
00210 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00211 ///////////////////////////////////////// Cmt1f  /////////////////////////////////////////
00212 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00214 /*! \brief The low-level file communication class.
00215 */
00216 class Cmt1f {
00217 private:
00218                 //! This object cannot be copied, so this function is not implemented.
00219         Cmt1f(const Cmt1f& ref);
00221 protected:
00222                 //! The file handle
00223         FILE* m_handle;
00224                 //! Contains the size of the file
00225         CmtFilePos m_fileSize;
00226                 //! The last read position in the file
00227         CmtFilePos m_readPos;
00228                 //! The last write position in the file
00229         CmtFilePos m_writePos;
00230                 //! The last result of an operation
00231         mutable XsensResultValue m_lastResult;
00232                 //! Contains the name of the file that was last successfully opened.
00233         char m_filename[CMT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
00234                 //! Contains the name of the file that was last successfully opened using unicode.
00235         wchar_t m_filename_w[CMT_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
00236                 //! Indicates if the file is open or not.
00237         bool m_isOpen;
00238                 //! Indicates if we're using the unicode filename or the regular filename
00239         bool m_unicode;
00240         /*! \brief Indicates whether the last operation was a read or write operation.
00242                 This value is used to check whether or not a seek is required to perform a 
00243                 requested read or write operation.
00244         */
00245         bool m_reading;
00246                 //! Indicates if the file was opened in read-only mode
00247         bool m_readOnly;
00248                 //! Change from writing to reading mode
00249         void gotoRead(void);
00250                 //! Change from reading to writing mode
00251         void gotoWrite(void);
00252 public:
00253                 //! Default constructor, initializes all members to their default values.
00254         Cmt1f();
00255                 //! Destructor.
00256         ~Cmt1f();
00257         /*! \brief Write data to the end of the file.
00259                 The function writes the given data to the file at the end. The current write
00260                 position is also moved to the end of the file.
00261         */
00262         XsensResultValue appendData(const uint32_t length,  const void* data);
00263                 //! Close the file.
00264         XsensResultValue close(void);
00265                 //! Close the file and delete it.
00266         XsensResultValue closeAndDelete(void);
00267                 //! Open an empty file.
00268         XsensResultValue create(const char* filename);
00269                 //! Open an empty file using a unicode path + filename.
00270         XsensResultValue create(const wchar_t* filename);
00271         /*! \brief Delete the given data from the file.
00273                 The function erases the given data from the file at the given write position. This
00274                 operation may take a while to complete, but is faster than insertData.
00276                 The write position is not changed and the read position        is checked for validity.
00277         */
00278         XsensResultValue deleteData(const CmtFilePos start, const uint32_t length);
00279         /*! \brief Find a string of bytes in the file
00281                 The function searches from the current read position until the given \c needle is 
00282                 found. If the needle is not found, XsensResultValue::NOT_FOUND is returned. The function
00283                 will update the seek position to the first character of the found needle.
00284                 \param needle                The byte string to find.
00285                 \param needleLength        The length of the byte string.
00286                 \param pos                        Out: The position where the needle was found. This will point
00287                                                         to the first character of the found needle.
00288         */
00289         XsensResultValue find(const void* needle, const uint32_t needleLength, CmtFilePos& pos);
00290         /*! \brief Flush all data to be written.
00291                 This function writes any remaining data immediately and does not return
00292                 until this is done.
00293         */
00294         XsensResultValue flushData(void);
00295                 //! Return the size of the file.
00296         CmtFilePos getFileSize(void) const { return m_fileSize; }
00297                 //! Return the result code of the last operation.
00298         XsensResultValue getLastResult(void) const        { return m_lastResult; }
00299         /*! \brief Retrieve the filename that was last successfully opened.
00301                 \param filename        A buffer for storing the filename. The buffer should be able 
00302                                 to hold the filename. A safe size is to make it at least 256 bytes.
00303         */
00304         XsensResultValue getName(char* filename) const;
00305         /*! \brief Retrieve the filename that was last successfully opened in unicode.
00307                 \param filename        A buffer for storing the filename. The buffer should be able 
00308                                 to hold the filename. A safe size is to make it at least 256 wide characters.
00309         */
00310         XsensResultValue getName(wchar_t* filename) const;
00311                 //! Return the current read position.
00312         CmtFilePos getReadPos(void) const { return m_readPos; }
00313                 //! Return the current write position.
00314         CmtFilePos getWritePos(void) const { return m_writePos; }
00315         /*! \brief Insert the given data into the file.
00317                 The function writes the given data to the file at the current write position. This
00318                 operation may take a while to complete.
00320                 The write position is placed at the end of the inserted data.
00321         */
00322         XsensResultValue insertData(const CmtFilePos start, const uint32_t length,
00323                                                                 const void* data);
00324                 //! Return whether the file is open or not.
00325         bool isOpen(void) const { return m_isOpen; }
00326                 //! Return whether the file is readonly or not.
00327         bool isReadOnly(void) const { return !m_isOpen || m_readOnly; }
00328                 //! Open a file.
00329         XsensResultValue open(const char* filename, const bool create, const bool readOnly);
00330                 //! Open a file using a unicode filename.
00331         XsensResultValue open(const wchar_t* filename, const bool create, const bool readOnly);
00332         /*! \brief Read data from the file and put it into the data buffer.
00334                 This function reads exactly the number of bytes as requested from the file.
00335                 \param maxLength        The amount of data that will be read.
00336                 \param data                        Pointer to a buffer that will store the read data.
00337                 \param length                pointer to a variable that will store the number of bytes
00338                                                         that were actually read. The parameter may be NULL.
00339         */
00340         XsensResultValue readData(const uint32_t maxLength, void* data, uint32_t* length);
00341         /*! \brief Read data from the file and put it into the data buffer.
00343                 This function reads upp to the number of bytes as requested from the file.
00344                 The function will also stop if the given terminator character is encountered.
00345                 The terminator is included in the output buffer.
00346                 \param maxLength        The amount of data that will be read.
00347                 \param data                        Pointer to a buffer that will store the read data.
00348                 \param terminator        A character that will end the read operation if encountered.
00349                 \param length                The actual number of bytes read, including the terminator
00350                                                         character, if encountered.
00351         */
00352         XsensResultValue readData(const uint32_t maxLength, const char terminator, void* data, uint32_t* length);
00353         /*! \brief Set the new absolute read position
00355                 The read position is checked against the filesize before committing.
00356         */
00357         XsensResultValue setReadPos(const CmtFilePos pos);
00358         /*! \brief Set the new absolute write position
00360                 The write position is checked against the filesize before committing.
00361         */
00362         XsensResultValue setWritePos(const CmtFilePos pos = -1);
00364         /*! \brief Write data to the file.
00366                 The function writes the given data to the file at the current write position.
00367         */
00368         XsensResultValue writeData(const uint32_t length,  const void* data);
00369 };
00371 }        // end of xsens namespace
00373 #endif        // _CMT1_H_2006_04_12
Generated on Sun May 8 08:41:32 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3