
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file VFAT/NPclassify2.H  Test the nonparametric classifier
00002  */
00004 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00005 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00006 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00007 // See for information about this project.          //
00008 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00009 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00010 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00011 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00012 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00013 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00014 // for current status).     //
00015 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00016 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00017 //                                                                      //
00018 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00019 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00020 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00021 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00022 //                                                                      //
00023 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00024 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00025 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00026 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00027 //                                                                      //
00028 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00029 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00030 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00031 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00032 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00033 //
00034 // Primary maintainer for this file: T Nathan Mundhenk <>
00035 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00036 // $Id: NPclassify2.H 6182 2006-01-31 18:41:41Z rjpeters $
00037 //
00039 // ############################################################
00040 // ############################################################
00041 // ##### --- VFAT ---
00042 // ##### Vision Feature Analysis Tool:
00043 // ##### T. Nathan Mundhenk
00044 // ##### Laurent Itt
00045 // #####
00046 // ############################################################
00047 // ############################################################
00052 #include <vector>
00053 #include "Util/readConfig.H"
00054 #include "Image/All.H"
00055 #include "Image/Pixels.H"
00056 #include "Image/Point2D.H"
00057 #include "VFAT/covEstimate.H"
00059 //! Non parametric classifier version 2.0
00060 /*! When called this class will attempt to classify all data provided
00061     into an unknown number of classed. Thus, NPclassify is ment to
00062     work the same as other classifiers such as EM and Kmeans
00063     but without strong priors about class number or size.
00064     Soft parameters are used and are either provied at command line
00065     or in a configuration file
00066 */
00068 template <class FLOAT> class NPclassify2
00069 {
00070 private:
00071   // Adjustable parameters from config file
00072   // see config file for details
00073   FLOAT NP_Con1, NP_Con2, NP_Con3;
00074   FLOAT NP_DWeight1, NP_DWeight2, NP_CWeight1, NP_CWeight2;
00075   FLOAT NP_IDWeight1, NP_IDWeight2, NP_ICWeight1, NP_ICWeight2;
00076   FLOAT NP_DenWeight1, NP_DenWeight2;
00077   FLOAT NP_preDenWeight1, NP_preDenWeight2;
00078   FLOAT NP_entDWeight1, NP_entDWeight2, NP_entCWeight1, NP_entCWeight2;
00079   FLOAT NP_entIDWeight1, NP_entIDWeight2, NP_entICWeight1, NP_entICWeight2;
00080   FLOAT NP_entDenWeight1, NP_entDenWeight2;
00081   FLOAT NP_entpreDenWeight1, NP_entpreDenWeight2;
00082   FLOAT NP_trainChildWeight;
00083   int    NP_defaultSize;
00084   int    NP_hardClassSize, NP_hardLinkSize;
00085   FLOAT NP_enthardClassSize, NP_enthardLinkSize;
00086   bool   NP_CLS;
00087   bool   NP_useIter;
00088   bool   NP_useBias;
00090   FLOAT NP_polyDensObjectCut1,NP_polyDensObjectCut2,NP_polyDensObjectCut3;
00091   FLOAT NP_polySpaceChildCut1,NP_polySpaceChildCut2,NP_polySpaceChildCut3;
00092   FLOAT NP_fZERO;
00093   int   NP_ZERO;
00095   // Internal Variables used by NPclassify
00096   //! Holds space of samples, is the input in essense
00097   typename std::vector<std::vector<FLOAT> > *NP_Space;
00098   //! The distance between any two nodes in space
00099   typename std::vector<std::vector<FLOAT> > NP_Dis;
00100   //! Used with k-means
00101   typename std::vector<std::vector<FLOAT> > NP_Kmean;
00102   //! Pointer reverse map to NP_Dis for use with iterators
00103   typename std::vector<std::vector<FLOAT*> > NP_reverseDisMap;
00105   //! holds the measure from metaclassify for a train
00106   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_trainMeasure;
00107   //! Holds the distance from a node to its parent node
00108   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_distance;
00109   //! the density of this node
00110   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_density;
00111   //! general measure of entropy for samples
00112   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_entropy;
00113   //! this is the mean distance within a class
00114   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_meanInterDistance;
00115   //! The standard deviation for meanInterDistance
00116   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_stdInterDistance;
00117   //! Mean number of decendants per node inter class
00118   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_meanInterChild;
00119   //! the standard deviation for meanInterClass
00120   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_stdInterChild;
00121   //! Mean density for nodes inter class
00122   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_meanInterDensity;
00123   //! Sum density for nodes inter class (used in entropy computation)
00124   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_sumInterDensity;
00125   //! Standard deviation for meanInterDensity
00126   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_stdInterDensity;
00127   //! Entropy measure for intercalss
00128   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_interEntropy;
00129   //! Final mean density per class
00130   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_meanClassDensity;
00131   //! Final Standard deviation per class
00132   std::vector<FLOAT> NP_stdClassDensity;
00136   // POINTER MAPS to KEY NODE reference
00138   //! Holds class membership for nodes
00139   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_Class;
00140   //! Holds a list of all children for a node
00141   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_childMap;
00142   //! Holds a list of all of nodes decendants
00143   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_decend;
00144   //! Holds a list of all my predecessors
00145   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_pred;
00146   //! List of all nodes I am master of
00147   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_masterIndex;
00148   //! list of all nodes which have a lower density
00149   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NP_lessDensity;
00151   //! the list of covariance features for biasing densities
00152   typename std::vector<covHolder<double> > *NP_covHolder;
00154   //! holds the node ID of each stem for each class
00155   std::vector<int*> NP_stem;
00156   //! holds parent for a sample in cluster space
00157   std::vector<int*> NP_parent;
00158   //! lists who a nodes master is
00159   std::vector<int*> NP_master;
00160   //! lists the index to the class I am in (this is the count value for stem)
00161   std::vector<int*> NP_classIndex;
00162   //! reverse index to the stem for which I am a master
00163   std::vector<int*> NP_revStemVal;
00165   //! lists the key number for any given node
00166   std::vector<int> NP_keyVal;
00167   //! Returns the number of samples in each class
00168   std::vector<int> NP_classSize;
00169   //! Holds the total number of decendants for a node
00170   std::vector<int> NP_decCount;
00171   //! Tells which links would have been ideal in the meta-classifier
00172   std::vector<int> NP_idealLinks;
00173   //! number of children for a given node
00174   std::vector<int> NP_children;
00175   //! tells how many predecessors I have
00176   std::vector<int> NP_predCount;
00177   //! counts how many nodes I am master of
00178   std::vector<int> NP_masterIndexCount;
00179   //! Holds the total number of decendants for a node in this class
00180   std::vector<int> NP_subDecCount;
00181   //! Tracks how many nodes have a lower density than me
00182   std::vector<int> NP_lessDensityCount;
00184   //! Returns if the sample has a low density in the map
00185   std::vector<bool> NP_lowDensity;
00186   //! tells if this node has a stem attached to it
00187   std::vector<bool> NP_revStem;
00188   //! Tells if this node has been selected or not
00189   std::vector<bool> NP_selected;
00191   //! returns the max density value from metaclassify
00192   FLOAT NP_maxDensity;
00193   //! the total entropy in this system as measured against density
00194   FLOAT NP_totalEntropy;
00195   //! The distance at which to cut a link between two nodes
00196   FLOAT NP_distanceCut;
00197   //! the cut off point for children
00198   FLOAT NP_childCut;
00199   //! the total mean distance between nodes in the set
00200   FLOAT NP_meanDistance;
00201   //! the total standard deviation between all nodes in the set
00202   FLOAT NP_stdDistance;
00203   //! total mean density of space
00204   FLOAT NP_meanDensity;
00205   //! total sum density of space (used in entropy computation)
00206   FLOAT NP_sumDensity;
00207   //! total standard deviation of all node density
00208   FLOAT NP_stdDensity;
00209   //! this is the mean number of children for nodes
00210   FLOAT NP_meanChild;
00211   //! this is the standard deviation for children
00212   FLOAT NP_stdChildren;
00213   //! The mean number of decendents per node
00214   FLOAT NP_meanDecCount;
00215   //! the standard deviation for meanDecCount
00216   FLOAT NP_stdDecCount;
00217   //! the weight to give to biasing if used
00218   FLOAT NP_biasWeight;
00220   //! Simple holder for space size, for faster access
00221   int NP_spaceSize;
00222   //! dimensions in this space
00223   int NP_dimSize;
00224   //! Simple holder for space size, for faster access (unsigned)
00225   unsigned int NP_uspaceSize;
00226   //! dimensions in this space (unsigned)
00227   unsigned int NP_udimSize;
00228   //! holds the number of root nodes (stems) for each class
00229   int NP_stems;
00230   //! Holds the number of roots
00231   int NP_roots;
00232   //! minumum distance between two nodes
00233   int NP_minDist;
00234   //! minimum number of decentants for a node
00235   int NP_minChild;
00236   //! counts how many nodes have been removed due to low density
00237   int NP_lowDensCount;
00238   //! new sample size minus the low density guys
00239   int NP_newSampleSize;
00240   //! size of the covHolder in NP_covHolder
00241   int NP_covHolderSize;
00243   // *****************************************
00245   // *****************************************
00246   //! convolve your space (first method)  void NPconvolveSpace();
00247   //! convolve your space, use Euclidian distance (revision 1)
00248   void NPconvolveSpace();
00249   //! convolve your space (revision 1) when adding a single point to space
00250   void NPconvolveSpace(long item);
00251   //! bias the densities of clustering with prior densities
00252   void NPbiasConvolveSpace();
00253   //! find the basic mean for density of nodes
00254   void NPbasicMeanDensity();
00255   //! compute entropy using density as a rough estimate as P
00256   void NPcomputeEntropy();
00257   //! link your points together
00258   void NPlinkSpace();
00259   //! link your points together incrementally
00260   void NPlinkSpaceIncr();
00261   //! link your points together called from NPlinkSpace, used for single runs
00262   void NPdoLinkSpace();
00263   //! link your points together called from NPlinkSpace, used for incremental
00264   void NPdoLinkSpace(long item);
00265   //! map space. Who is below me
00266   void NPmapSpace();
00267   //! run your analisys on the space group based upon group weights, on length
00268   void NPanalizeSpace();
00269   //! cut lengths, link groups, traverse tree
00270   void NPevolveSpace();
00271   //! find interclass variance
00272   void NPanalizeInterSpace();
00273   //! evolve space again using interclass variance
00274   void NPevolveInterSpace();
00275   //! computer the final class densities
00276   void NPanalizeClassDensity();
00277   //! computes the master lists of all points in classes
00278   void NPcomputeMasters();
00279   //! resets space size parameters
00280   void NPparamSpace(int samples, int dim);
00281   //! create a reverse mapping for NP_Dis for use with iterators
00282   void NPreverseMap();
00284 public:
00285   int NP_doLinkMap,NP_doDensityMap,NP_doClassMap,NP_usePolySet;
00286   // *****************************************
00288   // *****************************************
00289   //! create object with readConfig as defaults
00290   NPclassify2(readConfig &settings, readConfig &polySet,
00291              bool commandLineSettings = false);
00292   NPclassify2();
00293   ~NPclassify2();
00294   //! input command line settings for some variables insted of using .conf
00295   void NPsetup(readConfig &settings, readConfig &polySet,
00296              bool commandLineSettings = false);
00298   void NPinputCommandLineSettings(FLOAT inVals[31]);
00299   //! resizes all vectors if more space is added
00300   void NPresizeSpace(int samples, int dim);
00302   //! add a point to the space
00303   void NPaddPoint(std::vector<int> point);
00304   //! add whole space (concatinates if data is there)
00305   /*!
00306     @param space This is a set of feature vectors as a vector of vectors
00307     @param sSize This is how many elements you are adding leave blank if \
00308     the number of elements equals the vector size
00309   */
00310   void NPaddSpace(typename std::vector<std::vector<FLOAT> > &space);
00311   //! echo the space you are working in
00312   void NPechoSpace();
00313   //! reset the dataset to empty (does not resize vectors)
00314   void NPresetSpace(int features, int dims);
00315   //! reset the dataset to empty (does not resize vectors)
00316   void NPresetSpace();
00317   //! bias the convolution of space with prior densities
00318   void NPsetConvolveBias(std::vector<covHolder<double> > *ch,
00319                          int listSize,
00320                          FLOAT bias);
00321   //! classify space based upon rules given, for the first time
00322   void NPclassifySpaceNew(bool doBias);
00323   //! ulternativly use Kmeans to classify space, return error
00324   /*!
00325     @param K the number of classes to find
00326     @param minDiff the minimum difference between errors on which to stop
00327     @param stopIter the maximum number of iterations to run
00328   */
00329   FLOAT NPclassifySpaceKmeans(unsigned int *K, FLOAT *minDiff,
00330                                unsigned int *stopIter);
00332   //! classify space in subsequent iterations
00333   void NPclassifySpacePartial();
00334   //! return how many stems there are (how many classes)
00335   int NPgetStemNumber();
00336   //! return how many stems there are (how many classes)
00337   /*! account for classes that are too small */
00338   int NPgetStemNumberEdit();
00339   //! return the max density value
00340   FLOAT NPgetMaxDensity();
00341   //! return the mean density
00342   FLOAT NPgetMeanDensity();
00343   //! get the Standard Deviation of density
00344   FLOAT NPgetStdDensity();
00345   //! return the Mean Density per inter group
00346   typename std::vector<FLOAT>* NPgetMeanClassDensity();
00347   //! return the Standard Deviation per inter group
00348   typename std::vector<FLOAT>* NPgetStdClassDensity();
00349   //! get a measure of entropy as measured with density as P
00350   FLOAT NPgetEntropy();
00351   //! return if this point is a low density point
00352   bool NPisLowDensity(int item);
00353   //! returns if this item is a stem
00354   bool NPisStem(int item);
00355   //! return density weight map (linear)
00356   typename std::vector<FLOAT> NPgetDensity();
00357   //! return density weight map (linear)
00358   typename std::vector<FLOAT>* NPgetDensityPtr();
00359   //! Returns a vector of all class parents
00360   std::vector<int*> NPgetStems();
00361   //! Return how many points/vectors are in class n (1... n)
00362   int NPgetClassSize(int _Class);
00363   //! return what is set as the minimum class size
00364   int NPgetMinClassSize();
00365   //! Return the who map for the class list as a FLOAT nested vector
00366   std::vector<std::vector<int*> >* NPgetClass();
00367   //! Return class n as a vector (Set of all points/vectors in this class)
00368   std::vector<int*> NPgetClass(int _Class);
00369   //! Return item n from class m
00370   int NPgetClass(int _Class, int item);
00371   //! Return feature m of vector n
00372   FLOAT NPgetFeature(int m_feature_index, int n_vector_index);
00373   //! returns parents
00374   std::vector<int*> NPgetParents();
00375   //! Returns a vector of all decendants (children, grandchildren) or all nodes
00376   std::vector<std::vector<int*> > NPgetChildren();
00377   //! calculate and return simple bounding boxes for classes
00378   std::vector<std::vector<int> > NPgetBoundingBoxes(bool ignore);
00379   //! draw the bounding boxes to an image for you from NPgetBoundingBoxes
00380   void NPdrawBoundingBoxes(std::vector<std::vector<int> > *BB,
00381                            Image<PixRGB<FLOAT> > *ibox,
00382                            int offsetX, int offsetY,
00383                            PixRGB<FLOAT> pix, bool ignorMin);
00384   //! analyze classification stratagy. create meta classifier
00385   void NPmetaClassify(int objects);
00386   //! dump stats to files about the links for analysis purposes
00387   void NPdumpLinkInfo(std::string fileName);
00388   //! gaussian kernel
00389   inline FLOAT NPgaussKernel(FLOAT x, FLOAT mu, FLOAT sig) const;
00390   //! gaussian kernel with mu = 0 and sig = 1.0
00391   inline FLOAT NPgaussKernel(FLOAT z) const;
00392   //! sigmoid kernel
00393   inline FLOAT NPsigmoidKernel(FLOAT beta, FLOAT v) const;
00395 };
00397 #endif
00400 // ######################################################################
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Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:34 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3