
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Beowulf/TCPmessage.H Direct message passing over TCP connections */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: TCPmessage.H 9412 2008-03-10 23:10:15Z farhan $
00036 //
00041 #include "Util/log.H"
00042 #include "Util/Types.H"  // for int32, etc
00043 #include "Image/ArrayData.H"
00044 #include "Image/Point2D.H"
00046 #include <string.h>
00047 #include <stdlib.h>
00048 #include <sys/shm.h>
00050 template <class T> class Image;
00051 template <class T> class ImageSet;
00052 template <class T> class PixRGB;
00054 //! types of possible message fields:
00055 #define TCPMSG_END             0
00056 #define TCPMSG_SHMINFO         1
00057 #define TCPMSG_SHMDONE         2
00059 #define TCPMSG_COLBYTEIMA      100
00060 #define TCPMSG_FIXATION        101
00061 #define TCPMSG_STRING          102
00062 #define TCPMSG_BYTEIMA         103
00063 #define TCPMSG_FLOATIMA        104
00064 #define TCPMSG_FLOATIMASET     105
00065 #define TCPMSG_INT32           106
00066 #define TCPMSG_FLOAT           107
00067 #define TCPMSG_DOUBLE          108
00068 #define TCPMSG_INT64           109
00070 struct Fixation
00071 {
00072   Fixation() : i(-1), j(-1), frame(-1) {}
00074   Fixation(const Point2D<int>& p, int f) : i(p.i), j(p.j), frame(f) {}
00076   int32 i;
00077   int32 j;
00078   int32 frame;
00079 };
00081 //! This class defines a modular message to be passed over TCP connections.
00082 /*! The basic message structure is as follows:
00083   - one TCPmessageHeader (see private section of TCPmessage definition)
00084   - [repeat as needed:]
00085   - field type (int32)
00086   - field data (size and type depending on field type)
00087   - field type = TCPMSG_END
00088   CAUTION: to optimize speed, there is no semaphore when modifying
00089   the contents of the message (e.g., adding fields) or when parsing it.
00090   So, be careful with multi-threaded uses!
00091 */
00092 class TCPmessage
00093 {
00094 public:
00095   //! uninitialized constructor (for pointers)
00096   TCPmessage();
00098   //! constructor with empty message body
00099   /*! @param msgid a message identification (user-defined)
00100     @param msgaction additional field where users can specify an
00101     action to be executed when this message is received
00102     @param msgeti estimated time to idle, in seconds. This is used for
00103     automatic load balancing, where the Beowulf class will dispatch
00104     processing to nodes with shorter eti's in priority, when a
00105     load-balanced send is requested. If you are not doing load
00106     balancing, just use the default of 0.0. */
00107   TCPmessage(const int32 msgid, const int32 msgaction,
00108              const float msgeti = 0.0F);
00110   //! constructor with copy of given message body
00111   /*! NOTE: we do a deep copy of the given buffer, so that it can be
00112     freed immediately upon return from this constructor */
00113   TCPmessage(const int32 msgid, const int32 msgaction, const float msgeti,
00114              const void *buf, const int bufsize);
00116   //! copy constructor
00117   TCPmessage(const TCPmessage& m);
00119   //! assignment
00120   TCPmessage& operator=(const TCPmessage& m);
00122   //! destructor
00123   ~TCPmessage();
00125   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00126   void addImage(const Image< PixRGB<byte> >& im);
00127   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00128   void addImage(const Image<byte>& im);
00129   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00130   void addImage(const Image<float>& im);
00131   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00132   void addImageSet(const ImageSet<float>& im);
00133   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00134   void addFixation(const Fixation& fix);
00135   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00136   void addString(const char* str);
00137   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00138   void addInt32(const int32 val);
00139   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00140   void addFloat(const float val);
00141   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00142   void addDouble(const double val);
00143   //! method to add elements into a message to be sent out
00144   void addInt64(const int64 val);
00146   //! modify message ID
00147   inline void setID(const int32 id);
00148   //! get message ID
00149   inline int32 getID() const;
00151   //! modify message action
00152   inline void setAction(const int32 ac);
00153   //! get message action
00154   inline int32 getAction() const;
00156   //! modify message eti (estimated time to idle)
00157   inline void setETI(const float eti);
00158   //! get message eti (estimated time to idle)
00159   inline float getETI() const;
00161   //! get total message size (mostly for debuging purposes)
00162   inline int32 getSize() const;
00164   //! check whether message is busy (sending or receiving data):
00165   inline bool isBusy() const;
00167   //! empty old contents and get ready for a re-use:
00168   void reset(const int32 msgid, const int32 msgaction,
00169              const float msgeti = 0.0F);
00171   //! free memory:
00172   void freeMem();
00174   //! DONT'T USE THIS; use one of the type-specific getElement functions below
00175   /*! OK, only use this function if you need to handle multiple
00176       possible message types; if you know for sure which type of
00177       element you expect, then it is safer and more efficient to call
00178       one of the type-specific functions like getElementByteIma() or
00179       getElementInt32(); see below.
00181       If you do need to use this raw function, then after calling it,
00182       typ will contain TCPMSG_xxx so that the type of elem can be
00183       inferred. CAUTION: object will be allocated with new; you must
00184       delete it when done with it!
00185   */
00186   void getElementRaw(void **elem, int32& typ);
00188   //! Get a color byte image from the message stream
00189   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_COLBYTEIMA */
00190   Image<PixRGB<byte> > getElementColByteIma();
00192   //! Get a byte image from the message stream
00193   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_BYTEIMA */
00194   Image<byte> getElementByteIma();
00196   //! Get a float image from the message stream
00197   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_FLOATIMA */
00198   Image<float> getElementFloatIma();
00200   //! Get a float image set from the message stream
00201   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_FLOATIMASET */
00202   ImageSet<float> getElementFloatImaSet();
00204   //! Get an int32 value from the message stream
00205   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_INT32 */
00206   int32 getElementInt32();
00208   //! Get an int64 value from the message stream
00209   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_INT64 */
00210   int64 getElementInt64();
00212   //! Get a double value from the message stream
00213   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_DOUBLE */
00214   double getElementDouble();
00216   //! Get a float value from the message stream
00217   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_FLOAT */
00218   float getElementFloat();
00220   //! Get a Fixation from the message stream
00221   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_FIXATION */
00222   Fixation getElementFixation();
00224   //! Get a string value from the message stream
00225   /*! The current message element must have type TCPMSG_STRING */
00226   std::string getElementString();
00228 private:
00229   //! This private struct is the common header in all TCPmessage objects
00230   struct TCPmessageHeader
00231   {
00232     int32 itsId;      //!< user-defined message ID
00233     int32 itsAction;  //!< user-defined message action
00234     float itsETI;     //!< user-defined estimated time to idle
00235     int32 itsSize;    //!< total size of message data, not including header
00236   };
00238   //! pack some data into message:
00239   template <class T> inline void pack(const T *data, const int nitem);
00241   //! resize message to new size:
00242   inline void resize(const int target_size, const bool do_copy = true);
00244   //! unpack some data from message (memory must be pre-allocated):
00245 public:
00246   template <class T> inline void unpack(const T *data, const int nitem);
00247 private:
00249   //! get a type field from the buffer and make sure it's what we expected
00250   /*! will generate an LFATAL() if the type doesn't match expected_type */
00251   void unpackAndVerifyType(int32 expected_type);
00253   //! decode a color byte image from the message buffer
00254   /*! this assumes that you have already extracted the message type
00255       and verified that it is TCPMSG_COLBYTEIMA */
00256   Image<PixRGB<byte> > decodeColByteIma();
00258   //! decode a byte image from the message buffer
00259   /*! this assumes that you have already extracted the message type
00260       and verified that it is TCPMSG_BYTEIMA */
00261   Image<byte> decodeByteIma();
00263   //! decode a float image from the message buffer
00264   /*! this assumes that you have already extracted the message type
00265       and verified that it is TCPMSG_FLOATIMA */
00266   Image<float> decodeFloatIma();
00268   //! decode a float image from the message buffer
00269   /*! this assumes that you have already extracted the message type
00270       and verified that it is TCPMSG_FLOATIMASET */
00271   ImageSet<float> decodeFloatImaSet();
00273   //! decode a Fixation from the message buffer
00274   /*! this assumes that you have already extracted the message type
00275       and verified that it is TCPMSG_FIXATION */
00276   Fixation decodeFixation();
00278   //! read header in from a socket:
00279   int readHeaderFrom(const int fd);
00281   //! read more data in from a socket:
00282   int readFrom(const int fd);
00284   //! write header to a socket:
00285   int writeHeaderTo(const int fd);
00287   //! write more data to a socket:
00288   int writeTo(const int fd);
00290   //! make our private methods accessible to TCPcliServ:
00291   friend class TCPcliServ;
00293   //! add shared memory segment info into message
00294   void addShmInfo(const int shmid, const int siz);
00296   //! add shared memory segment release order into message
00297   void addShmDone(const int shmid);
00299   //! check if message refers to a shared memory segment (true if so)
00300   bool checkShmInfo(int& shmid, int& siz) const;
00302   //! check if message refers to a shared memory segment (true if so)
00303   bool checkShmDone(int& shmid) const;
00305   //! get pointer to message body (dangerous!)
00306   inline const char *getMsg() const;
00308   //! get pointer to message body (dangerous!)
00309   inline char *getMsg();
00311   //! attach to an existing message buffer
00312   /*! CAUTION: you need to detach() before going out of scope
00313     otherwise your buffer will be free'd. CAUTION: msgbuf must contain
00314     a valid finalized message size. */
00315   void attach(char *msgbuf, const int siz);
00317   //! detach from attached message buffer (no memory freeing)
00318   void detach();
00320   bool itsBusy;             //!< being sent/received
00321   int itsUpkidx;            //!< index for unpacking message contents
00322   int itsHeadIdx;           //!< index for receiving header data
00323   TCPmessageHeader itsHead; //!< message header
00324   ArrayHandle<char> itsMsg; //!< message data (ref-counted)
00325 };
00327 // ######################################################################
00328 // ##### INLINED METHODS:
00329 // ######################################################################
00331 // ######################################################################
00332 inline void TCPmessage::setID(const int32 id)
00333 { itsHead.itsId = id; }
00335 // ######################################################################
00336 inline int32 TCPmessage::getID() const
00337 { return itsHead.itsId; }
00339 // ######################################################################
00340 inline void TCPmessage::setAction(const int32 action)
00341 { itsHead.itsAction = action; }
00343 // ######################################################################
00344 inline int32 TCPmessage::getAction() const
00345 { return itsHead.itsAction; }
00347 // ######################################################################
00348 inline void TCPmessage::setETI(const float eti)
00349 { itsHead.itsETI = eti; }
00351 // ######################################################################
00352 inline float TCPmessage::getETI() const
00353 { return itsHead.itsETI; }
00355 // ######################################################################
00356 inline int32 TCPmessage::getSize() const
00357 { return itsHead.itsSize; }
00359 // ######################################################################
00360 inline bool TCPmessage::isBusy() const
00361 { return itsBusy; }
00363 // ######################################################################
00364 template <class T> inline
00365 void TCPmessage::pack(const T *data, const int nitem)
00366 {
00367   if (nitem == 0) return;  // nothing to do
00368   resize(itsHead.itsSize + nitem * sizeof(T));
00369   memcpy((void *)(getMsg() + itsHead.itsSize),
00370          (const void *)data, nitem * sizeof(T));
00371   itsHead.itsSize += nitem * sizeof(T);
00372 }
00374 // ######################################################################
00375 inline void TCPmessage::resize(const int target_size, const bool do_copy)
00376 {
00377   if (itsBusy) LFATAL("Attempted to resize() busy TCPmessage!");
00378   int siz = itsMsg.get().w() * itsMsg.get().h(); // current allocation
00380   // do a reallocation of memory if necessary:
00381   if (siz < target_size) {
00382     // use exponential size growth to ensure that append operations are
00383     // amortized in O(N):
00384     int newsiz = (siz * 3) / 2 + 2048;
00385     if (newsiz < target_size + 2048) newsiz = target_size + 2048;
00386     Dims newdims(newsiz, 1);
00387     ArrayData<char> *a = new ArrayData<char>(newdims);
00388     ArrayHandle<char> h(a); itsMsg.swap(h);
00390     // now copy the data if there was any:
00391     if (do_copy && itsHead.itsSize > 0)
00392       memcpy(getMsg(), h.get().data(), itsHead.itsSize);
00393   }
00394 }
00396 // ######################################################################
00397 template <class T> inline
00398 void TCPmessage::unpack(const T *data, const int nitem)
00399 {
00400   if (nitem == 0) return;  // nothing to do
00401   memcpy((void *)data, (const void *)(getMsg() + itsUpkidx),
00402          nitem * sizeof(T));
00403   itsUpkidx += nitem * sizeof(T);
00404 }
00406 // ######################################################################
00407 inline const char* TCPmessage::getMsg() const
00408 { return itsMsg.get().data(); }
00410 // ######################################################################
00411 inline char* TCPmessage::getMsg()
00412 { return itsMsg.uniq().dataw(); }
00414 #endif
00416 // ######################################################################
00417 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00418 /* Local Variables: */
00419 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00420 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:20 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3