IceDelegateD::Robots::Gumbot Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for IceDelegateD::Robots::Gumbot:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for IceDelegateD::Robots::Gumbot:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ::Ice::Float getSpeed (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short setSpeed (::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Float getSteering (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short setSteering (::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::ImageIceMod::ImageIce getImageSensor (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::ImageIceMod::DimsIce getImageSensorDims (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short getSensorValue (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void motorsOff (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setMotor (::Ice::Short,::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short sendRawCmd (const ::std::string &, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void playSong (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void sendStart (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setMode (::Robots::GumbotModes, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setDemo (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setLED (::Ice::Short,::Ice::Short,::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void shutdown (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Float getSpeed (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short setSpeed (::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Float getSteering (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short setSteering (::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::ImageIceMod::ImageIce getImageSensor (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::ImageIceMod::DimsIce getImageSensorDims (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short getSensorValue (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void motorsOff (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setMotor (::Ice::Short,::Ice::Float, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual ::Ice::Short sendRawCmd (const ::std::string &, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void playSong (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void sendStart (const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setMode (::Robots::GumbotModes, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setDemo (::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void setLED (::Ice::Short,::Ice::Short,::Ice::Short, const ::Ice::Context *)
virtual void shutdown (const ::Ice::Context *)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 653 of file

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