Welcome to the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit (iNVT)!

The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit (iNVT, pronounced ``invent'') is a comprehensive set of C++ classes for the development of neuromorphic models of vision. Neuromorphic models are computational neuroscience algorithms whose architecture and function is closely inspired from biological brains. The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit comprises not only base classes for images, neurons, and brain areas, but also fully-developed models such as our model of bottom-up visual attention and of Bayesian surprise.

Last SVN commit:Mon Mar 3 10:07:56 2025
Last Forum post:Fri Dec 2 22:53:20 2016
Last publication:Mon Jan 13 15:04:23 2025

Features at a glance:

  • The source tree is maintained using the Subversion (SVN) revision control system.
  • The main development platform is Linux. However, the core programs also compile under Windows (using cygwin) and MacOS X.
  • All source code is distributed freely under the GNU General Public License. Registered users get access to our central SVN source code repository and hence receive updates in real-time, not only when we make major releases.
  • Low-level helper classes, including Point2D, Rectangle, PixRGB<T>, Range, Timer, XWindow, etc.
  • Template Image<T> and ImageSet<T> classes with hundreds of image processing functions and copy-on-write / ref-counting semantics.
  • Image I/O functions for read/write to image files (PNM or PNG) or video streams (various formats).
  • Low-level neural network simulation classes, such as LeakyInterator and LeakyIntFire neurons and backprop perceptron classes.
  • High-level neuromorphic classes, including a hierarchy of low-level visual feature Channels for the computation of neural maps responding to color, intensity, orientation, motion, corners, T-junctions, etc; a Winner-Take-All maximum selector network; a Saliency Map network to represent conspicuous locations in a visual scene; a Visual Buffer short-term visual memory endowed with internal competitive dynamics; a Visual Cortex class that orchestrates the computations of a variable collection of feature channels; a Brain class that holds a Visual Cortex, Saccade Controller for the simulation of eye/head movements, Task-Relevance Map to memorize locations of interest in a scene, Shape Estimator to roughly segment objects in a scene, a set of SIFT classes that implement David Lowe's Scale-Invariant Feature Transform model for object/scene recognition, etc.
  • Neuromorphic models of visual attention (to find locations in an image or video stream that are likely to attract the eyes of a human observer or to surprise the observer), contour integration (to simulate how elongated contours are strong attractors of attention in human observers), object recognition (using various strategies including matching feature vectors, backprop perceptrons, hierarchical feedforward feature extraction models, etc), intelligent knowledge-based vidual agents that perform high-level scene understanding, rapid computation of the ``gist'' or coarse semantic category of an entire scene (e.g., indoors vs. outdoors), and many more!
  • Hardware interfacing, to Video4Linux and IEEE-1394 (FireWire) cameras, audio/dsp, serial ports, serial servo controllers, GPS units, etc. This only works under Linux.
  • Parallel processing classes for the simulation of complex models over Beowulf clusters of computers.
  • Neuromorphic modeling environment which facilitates the run-time selection of plug-in model components, the management of persistent model tuning parameters, and the generation/parsing of command-line options for various models based on the collection of model components which they implement.
  • And much, much more...

The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is one of the many exciting neuromorphic vision research projects from the iLab at the University of Southern California.

Current Status

Recent SVN and Forum activity, ordered by last SVN commit date/time.

  UserLast SVN CommitLast iLab Forum Post
itti2025-03-03 at 10:08:03 M People/Itti-Laurent/detailed-cv/cv.tex 1089 Fri Oct 25 10:24:47 2013
rabrenne2019-03-19 at 17:50:56 A trunk/rabrenne/cifarLike/wide-resnet.pytorch/minimumExample.py 9427 ---
zmurdock2019-02-09 at 18:25:10 A trunk/zmurdock/FeatAtt/code/ 9404 ---
pohsuanh2019-01-09 at 14:40:14 M trunk/saliency/configure 15545 ---
chenz2018-10-14 at 08:24:27 A trunk/eyetracking/Main.m 9367 ---
jetanner2018-09-23 at 21:11:46 M trunk/jetanner/papers/SaliencyModels/SaliencyModels_rev2.pdf 9350 ---
shane2018-09-23 at 18:42:13 M trunk/shane/papers/Ambiguity/main.tex 9349 ---
dberg2018-07-05 at 10:30:44 A trunk/dberg/projects/monkey_sc/Experiments/work_script/embed_movie.sh 9215 ---
beobot2018-07-05 at 08:09:56 M trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-monkey.C 15543 ---
jiaping2017-10-10 at 01:06:17 M trunk/jiaping/projects/iLab-object-recognition/data/ 8789 ---
jayp2017-05-23 at 21:01:22 M trunk/rabrenne/Cascade correlation DNN/GPU/cnnbp.py 8587 ---
kai2016-04-24 at 15:23:39 M trunk/kai/papers/2015_Thesis/USCthesis.sty 7920 ---
jswt2015-11-19 at 14:02:00 A trunk/saliency/packages/ubuntu15.10-install.sh 15514 ---
dparks2015-07-18 at 17:10:04 M trunk/dparks/papers/autism/autismPaper.tex 7641 Mon Sep 1 10:18:18 2008
rand2015-07-01 at 16:58:44 M trunk/rand/papers/Thesis/FrontBackmatter/Contents.tex 7621 Tue May 12 22:57:00 2009
jianwei2014-10-28 at 19:39:04 M trunk/nrtbase/src/Algorithms/Neuro/Gist/GistFeatureExtractor.C 679 ---
borji2014-09-02 at 14:53:05 M trunk/dparks/papers/gazeModel/August24-ReviewResponse.docx 6905 ---
farhan2014-08-11 at 21:52:25 M trunk/farhan/papers/springerChapter2014/chapter.tex 6820 Mon Sep 25 10:30:51 2006
nnoori2014-07-08 at 01:13:32 M trunk/nnoori/papers/SWM/SWM-long-abstract.pdf 6715 Sun Feb 10 23:27:12 2008
siagian2013-12-05 at 12:45:42 M trunk/bibliography/biological_vision.bib 6220 ---
ilink2013-11-05 at 19:31:36 A trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/pscycho-triplecounting-onlychar.C 15480 ---
pohetsn2013-09-18 at 06:43:23 M trunk/bibliography/ilab.bib 6041 ---
lior2013-08-29 at 18:34:30 M trunk/lior/projects/EdgeLabeling/src/Journal 5987 ---
ilab192013-06-26 at 14:16:47 A trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-videogame.C 15477 ---
pez2013-05-29 at 17:36:55 A trunk/nrtbase/src/MacroModules/TATRC/TATRC_full_laptop.yaml 517 ---
kavi2013-05-16 at 11:24:45 A trunk/nrtilab/src/MacroModules/TATRC/VoiceCommand+Attention+Recog.yaml 922 ---
jshen2013-05-15 at 14:07:59 M trunk/nrtneo2/Apps/SimpleTests/test-CRFTrain.C 1175 ---
sophie2013-04-15 at 17:17:53 M trunk/nrtilab/src/Algorithms/Neuro/TopDownTask/TopDownTaskComponent.C 918 Tue Jul 13 11:17:54 2010
binh2013-03-07 at 10:56:54 M Accounts/Ledgers/53-7840 (NSF).xls 1047 ---
iroll2013-02-26 at 11:34:51 A trunk/shane/projects/SparseAttention/data/strategies/simple_pop_3000_filters_16 5478 ---
bella2013-02-09 at 22:22:49 A trunk/farhan/work/ssvep/searchAndProbeModulation.m 5424 ---
root2012-10-19 at 17:36:52 A branches/ 1 ---
masatoshi2012-05-21 at 17:28:04 A trunk/itti/papers/2010_Lesion/cover3.doc 4439 ---
tammt2012-04-04 at 17:02:33 M Reimbursements/Log.xlsx 1001 ---
dicky2012-03-30 at 15:26:41 A trunk/dicky/papers/Draft_Paper_1-LI.odt 4220 ---
debra2012-03-15 at 18:09:07 A trunk/debra/projects/2012_color_harmony/stimuli_pair.m 4108 ---
ekaszubski2012-02-13 at 22:51:41 M trunk/nrt/include/nrt/Robotics/TransformManager.H 1508 Wed Sep 23 16:22:44 2009
testsuite2011-12-13 at 18:00:12 M brown_classifiers/111110-heli_classifiers/files_extracted_from_800_chips_per_class/model.mat 181 ---
helga2011-11-29 at 23:51:14 A trunk/dberg/papers/adaptation_slice/model.png 3525 ---
ilab312011-11-09 at 18:22:01 M trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-triplecounting.C 15057 ---
igpu2011-11-03 at 13:58:31 M trunk/nrtneo2/Scripts/FinalScripts/tower.py 1005 ---
tbocs2011-10-17 at 23:30:17 M trunk/nrtilab/src/Messages/Robotics/LaserScanMessage.H 697 ---
igpu22011-10-12 at 21:22:53 A trunk/nrt/include/nrt/Core/Memory/Allocation.H 1385 ---
montalbo2011-08-17 at 15:56:23 D trunk/nrt/src/Apps/nrtDesigner/ModuleLibrary.C 1251 ---
irock2011-08-12 at 18:16:37 M trunk/nrtilab/src/Algorithms/ImageProc/cvBlobs/BlobDetectionComponent.C 523 ---
ekaszbuski2011-04-18 at 14:06:46 M trunk/nrt/src/nrt/ImageProc/IO/ImageSource/MgzJImageSource.C 633 ---
ehu2011-03-01 at 14:03:17 M trunk/saliency/Data/SamplesConfig.xml 14560 ---
manu2011-02-08 at 10:35:09 M trunk/mviswana/thesis/ 2524 ---
sreedhar2011-02-07 at 21:54:19 A trunk/nrt/include/nrt/ImageProc/IO/ImageSource/PfmImageSource.H 309 ---
beosub2011-01-20 at 13:51:30 A trunk/Electrical/Altium/Projects/Power_Board_rev2/ 253 ---
mviswana2010-12-08 at 16:11:01 M trunk/saliency/src/Robots/LoBot/control/LoOpenPath.C 14306 ---
lzc2010-11-23 at 21:20:40 A trunk/lzc/papers/TIP_targetDetection/doc/Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images_revise_R2.doc 2236 ---
sharat2010-08-25 at 09:09:48 M trunk/saliency/src/Neuro/SimulationViewerEyeRegion.C 13823 ---
josh2010-08-16 at 14:32:11 M trunk/saliency/src/Robots/BeoHawk/computer/HawkSlammer.C 13794 Tue Jun 16 22:58:23 2009
sychic2010-03-30 at 14:27:01 M trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-test-timing.C 13098 ---
archit2010-01-11 at 16:56:12 A trunk/saliency/src/CUDA/CudaHmaxFLSal.C 12536 ---
jmcinerney62010-01-07 at 18:20:27 M trunk/saliency/src/CUDASIFT/cudasift-server.C 12510 Fri Nov 13 20:53:57 2009
elno2009-12-28 at 20:15:22 M trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-foe.C 12425 Sun Apr 12 00:22:31 2009
tinachou2009-11-09 at 17:22:45 M trunk/saliency/src/Robots/IRobot/test-IRobotSaliency.C 11957 ---
icore2009-10-22 at 09:01:03 M trunk/saliency/src/Script/invt.C 11877 ---
mundhenk2009-06-07 at 21:21:26 M trunk/saliency/matlab/linear-classifier/matlab/linear_model_build_process_RSVP.m 12503 Mon Jun 15 16:34:32 2009
ibeo2009-05-21 at 09:40:18 M trunk/saliency/tests/benchmark.txt 12414 ---
Dberg2009-05-19 at 14:14:07 D trunk/dberg/papers/Human_Monkey/abstract.tex 665 ---
bruce2009-03-18 at 12:30:45 M trunk/saliency/src/Matlab/Simulink/CT2WS/test3channel_c.mdl 12174 ---
dhuber2009-01-30 at 11:34:52 M trunk/CT2WS/CT2WSGUI.C 201 ---
ilab242009-01-08 at 16:25:12 M trunk/saliency/src/Media/FfmpegPacketDecoder.C 11683 ---
crystal2008-08-22 at 15:31:10 M trunk/saliency/src/AppPsycho/psycho-spy2.C 11137 Tue Mar 9 17:16:12 2010
moulard2008-07-22 at 16:44:34 M trunk/saliency/src/Beobot/irobot-followColor.C 10954 ---
rjpeters2008-05-12 at 10:11:21 M trunk/saliency/src/NeovisionII/objRec-serverSift.C 10738 Mon May 5 13:22:24 2008
beo12008-02-08 at 14:22:46 M trunk/saliency/src/Gist/train-texton.C 10068 ---
abondada2007-07-30 at 12:41:42 M trunk/saliency/src/Audio/AudioWavFile.C 9347 ---
jbonaiuto2007-02-27 at 20:06:02 D nsl_models/BasalGangliaModels/rddr/rddr.nsls 892 Fri Nov 5 16:52:17 2004
harel2007-02-19 at 01:07:23 M trunk/saliency/src/INVT/neovision2.C 8351 Thu Jun 26 06:22:40 2008
ilab132006-11-15 at 14:49:56 A trunk/saliency/src/BeoSub/test-Skeleton.C 7722 ---
imaster2006-08-24 at 19:53:36 M trunk/saliency/src/AppMedia/app-parse-need-for-speed.C 7295 ---
kopanathi2006-06-16 at 11:59:10 A trunk/saliency/src/Psycho/Contgen.C 7011 ---
ranc2006-04-04 at 14:12:24 A trunk/SuperImposer/Makefile 6653 Sun May 28 02:57:55 2006
ilab152006-04-03 at 17:37:40 M trunk/saliency/src/BeoSub/BeoSubOneBal.C 6650 ---
vidhya2006-03-24 at 16:31:53 A trunk/saliency/perl/README_Optimal_Biasing 6616 Sun Jan 12 11:43:12 2003
ilab122006-02-22 at 19:48:03 M trunk/saliency/src/BeoSub/BeoSub.C 6544 ---
ilab162005-10-13 at 01:19:19 M trunk/saliency/Makefile.in 5932 ---
everist2005-08-22 at 11:42:29 M trunk/saliency/src/IRoom/CoverageMap.C 5585 Wed May 24 17:23:49 2006
zhanshi2005-07-15 at 17:00:17 M trunk/saliency/src/Qt/GrabQtMainForm.ui 5188 Mon May 8 12:22:59 2006
beo22005-01-31 at 13:49:45 M trunk/saliency/src3/psycho-obfba2.C 4152 ---
walther2004-10-20 at 11:12:05 A trunk/saliency/src3/mexDummy.C 3870 Mon Sep 17 21:16:05 2007
bosa2004-09-13 at 15:04:26 M trunk/saliency/src3/GAMPIvision.C 3577 Wed Apr 14 19:44:33 2004
beo32004-09-10 at 14:55:14 M trunk/saliency/src3/BeoSub-defs.H 3564 ---
dhavale2004-07-14 at 20:32:09 M trunk/saliency/src3/ContourChannel.C 3421 Fri Jul 16 13:02:42 2004
ilab2004-06-03 at 13:11:11 A trunk/saliency/src3/ModelFace.H 3337 ---
pradeep2004-03-17 at 17:37:59 M trunk/saliency/src3/CameraControl.C 3159 ---
beo52003-07-15 at 23:46:08 M trunk/saliency/src3/searcharray2.C 2745 ---
daesu2003-05-13 at 14:40:09 A trunk/saliency/src3/test-roadShape.C 2588 ---
hudson2003-04-22 at 15:08:57 M trunk/saliency/src3/PbmParser.C 2436 Mon Sep 8 11:34:21 2003
rhirata2002-10-23 at 14:54:27 M trunk/beobots/software/gyro/Gyro2.C 1886 ---
mehul2002-10-11 at 12:51:55 M trunk/saliency/src3/Makefile 1778 ---
arun2002-10-04 at 00:30:04 M trunk/saliency/src3/test-stereo.C 1765 ---
chuck2002-08-23 at 18:44:01 M trunk/saliency/src3/Makefile 1718 Fri Aug 23 16:42:15 2002
eric2001-12-19 at 19:15:00 M trunk/saliency/src2/beobot-master.C 657 ---
jsn2001-12-10 at 13:27:56 M trunk/saliency/src2/BeobotEffectors.C 529 ---
yooheesh2001-08-08 at 19:00:20 A trunk/saliency/src2/test-psycho.C 185 ---
ramona2001-08-07 at 17:05:55 M trunk/saliency/src2/vision.C 183 Tue Feb 21 13:49:37 2012
jinal2001-03-12 at 15:13:59 M trunk/saliency/src/V4Lgrabber.C 22 ---
aprilla ---   Mon Jun 3 01:53:33 2002

Copyright © 2002-2004 by the University of Southern California, iLab and Prof. Laurent Itti. Last updated Wednesday, 05-Oct-2016 16:20:31 PDT