GlxWrapper Member List

This is the complete list of members for GlxWrapper, including all inherited members.

bindWindow(Window win)GlxWrapper [inline]
bitsPerPixel() const GlxWrapper [virtual]
context() const GlxWrapper [inline]
display() const GlxWrapper [inline]
isDirect() const GlxWrapper [inline, virtual]
isDoubleBuffered() const GlxWrapper [virtual]
make(Display *dpy, GlxOpts &opts, GlxWrapper *share=0)GlxWrapper [static]
makeCurrent()GlxWrapper [virtual]
onReshape(int width, int height)GlxWrapper [virtual]
swapBuffers() const GlxWrapper [virtual]
visInfo() const GlxWrapper [inline]
window() const GlxWrapper [inline]
~GlWindowInterface()GlWindowInterface [virtual]
~GlxWrapper()GlxWrapper [virtual]

The software described here is Copyright (c) 1998-2005, Rob Peters.
This page was generated Wed Dec 3 06:54:33 2008 by Doxygen version 1.5.5.