PsychoOpts.C File Reference

#include "Psycho/PsychoOpts.H"
#include "Component/ModelOptionDef.H"
#include "Image/Dims.H"
#include "Image/Range.H"
#include "Util/SimTime.H"
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const ModelOptionCateg MOC_PSYCHODISP
 Command-line options for PsychoDisplay et al.
const ModelOptionCateg MOC_EYETRACK
 Command-line options for EyeTracker et al.
const ModelOptionCateg MOC_PSYCHOPROG
 Command-line options for some psycho programs.
const ModelOptionDef OPT_IscanSerialPortDevice
const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerType
const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerParTrig
const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerSerDev
const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerParDev
const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerEDFfname
const ModelOptionDef OPT_Hflip
const ModelOptionDef OPT_FixSize
const ModelOptionDef OPT_Ppd
const ModelOptionDef OPT_KeepFix
const ModelOptionDef OPT_DisplayTime
const ModelOptionDef OPT_TrialWait
const ModelOptionDef OPT_Testrun
const ModelOptionDef OPT_GrayFramePrcnt
const ModelOptionDef OPT_GrayFrameRange

Detailed Description

Definition in file PsychoOpts.C.

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
  MOC_SORTPRI_2, "EyeTracker-Related Options" }

Command-line options for EyeTracker et al.

EyeTracker options

Definition at line 51 of file PsychoOpts.C.

Initial value:
  MOC_SORTPRI_2, "PsychoDisplay-Related Options" }

Command-line options for PsychoDisplay et al.

PsychoDisplay options

Definition at line 48 of file PsychoOpts.C.

Initial value:
  MOC_SORTPRI_2, "psycho physics programs related Options" }

Command-line options for some psycho programs.

Psycho program options

Definition at line 54 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_DisplayTime
Initial value:
    "The amount of time to display the stimulus. Append"
    "a time <s, ms> to indicate the units", "displaytime", '\0',
    "<SimTime>", "1s" }

Definition at line 153 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerEDFfname
Initial value:
    "Name of EDF file to use for EyeLink data collection.",
    "et-edf-fname", '\0', "<filename>", "" }

Definition at line 123 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerParDev
Initial value:
    "Device file for parallel-port connection to the eye tracker.",
    "et-pardev", '\0', "<devicefile>", "/dev/parport0" }

Definition at line 117 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerParTrig
Initial value:
    "Use parallel trigger mode. If this option is selected, the ISCAN "
    "tracker will be started/stopped by sending it signals over the "
    "parallel port, while the serial port will be reserved for "
    "streaming eye position data back to us. Otherwise, the tracker "
    "will be started/stopped over the serial line, and no data "
    "streaming will be possible.",
    "et-partrig", '\0', "<bool>", "true" }

Definition at line 100 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerSerDev
Initial value:
    "Device file for serial-port connection to the eye tracker.",
    "et-serdev", '\0', "<devicefile>", "/dev/ttyS0" }

Definition at line 111 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_EyeTrackerType
Initial value:
    "Type of EyeTracker to use. ISCAN has been tested with an ISCAN, "
    "Inc. model RK-464, 240Hz video-based eye-tracker (trigger can be "
    "over serial or parallel ports, see available options after you "
    "have selected this tracker type). DML is the monkey eye-tracker "
    "model used in Doug Munoz' Lab at Queen's University, Kingston, ON, "
    "Canada, based on a scleral search coil (Trigger is over the parallel "
    "port, no data streaming). TIL is the monkey eye-tracker model used in "
    "Tadashi Isa's Lab at the National Institute for Physiological Science, "
    "Okazaki, Japan, also based on a scleral search coil. EL is for "
    "et-type", '\0', "<None|ISCAN|DML|UDP|TIL|EL>", "None" }

Definition at line 85 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_FixSize
Initial value:
    "fixation point size in degrees of visual angle",
    "fixsize", '\0', "<float>", "1" }

Definition at line 135 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_GrayFramePrcnt
Initial value:
    "If this value is set to greater than 0, that percentage of the total "
    "clip count will be added back into the movie queue as gray "
    "movies. Also see --gray-frame-range", "gray-frame-percent", '\0', "<int>", 
    "0" }

Definition at line 173 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_GrayFrameRange
Initial value:
  { MODOPT_ARG(Range<int>), "GrayFrameRange", &MOC_PSYCHOPROG, OPTEXP_CORE,
    "Gray frame durations will be uniform randomly distributed between "
    "these values in milliseconds. Also see --gray-frame-percent", 
    "gray-frame-range", '\0', "<int>-<int>", "3000-5000" }

Definition at line 180 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_Hflip
Initial value:
    "Flip input images horizontally.",
    "hflip", '\0', "<bool>", "false" }

Definition at line 129 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_IscanSerialPortDevice
Initial value:
    "Device file for serial-port connection to the ISCAN eyetracker",
    "iscan-serial-port", '\0', "<devicefile>", "/dev/ttyS0" }

Definition at line 79 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_KeepFix
Initial value:
    "keep the fixation point on during the movie",
    "keepfix", '\0', "<bool>", "false" }

Definition at line 147 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_Ppd
Initial value:
    "pixels per degree of visual angle",
    "ppd", '\0', "<float>", "11" }

Definition at line 141 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_Testrun
Initial value:
    "This option will disable user input while running psychophysics "
    "programs so that we can test our experiments without waiting for "
    "trial triggers . ", "testrun", '\0', "<bool>", "false" }

Definition at line 167 of file PsychoOpts.C.

const ModelOptionDef OPT_TrialWait
Initial value:
  { MODOPT_ARG(Range<int>), "TrialWait", &MOC_PSYCHOPROG, OPTEXP_CORE,
    "Wait a random amount of time (in ms) before the start of the next"
    "trial", "waittime", '\0',
    "<min>-<max>", "0-0" }

Definition at line 160 of file PsychoOpts.C.

Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:47 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3