
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Transport/Stimulus2D.C generate stimulus from file */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: David Berg <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00036 #include "Transport/Stimulus2D.H"
00037 #include "Transport/TransportOpts.H"   // for MOC_INPUT
00038 #include "Component/ModelOptionDef.H"
00039 #include "Image/DrawOps.H"
00040 #include "Image/Normalize.H"          // for FLOAT_NORM_PRESERVE
00041 #include "Raster/GenericFrame.H"
00042 #include "Util/StringConversions.H"
00043 #include "Util/StringUtil.H"
00044 #include "Util/SimTime.H"
00045 #include <fstream>
00047 const ModelOptionDef OPT_Stimulus2DRadius =
00048   { MODOPT_ARG(int), "Stimulus2DRadius", &MOC_INPUT, OPTEXP_CORE,
00049     "The radius of the point to be drawn when reading from a stimulus "
00050     "2D file (.stim)",
00051     "stim2d-radius", '\0', "<integer>", "1" };
00053 //######################################################################
00054 /*!
00055 Class to read a text file of  2d time varying input
00057 File must have the following format:
00058 Sampling rate
00059 Image Size
00060 X Y VALUE ....repeat for multiple locations
00061 X Y VALUE ....
00062 .
00063 .
00065 The first line is the Sampling period (eg .001s). The
00066 second line is the image size (e.g. 640x480) Remaining lines are time
00067 steps. The number of columns in each line will be a multiple of
00068 three. Each triplit will represent the horizontal (integer), vertical
00069 (integer) and intensity (float) of a stimulus. So two triplets, or six
00070 columns, would represent 2 stimuli.
00071 */
00072 // ######################################################################
00073 Stimulus2D::Stimulus2D(OptionManager& mgr,
00074                        const std::string& descrName,
00075                        const std::string& tagName) :
00076   FrameIstream(mgr, descrName, tagName),
00077   itsRadius(&OPT_Stimulus2DRadius, this),
00078   itsStim(), itsSR(SimTime::ZERO()), itsT(SimTime::ZERO()), itsDims(0,0)
00079 { };
00081 // ######################################################################
00082 void Stimulus2D::setConfigInfo(const std::string& fileName)
00083 {
00084   //load our file
00085   std::ifstream *itsFile;
00086   itsFile = new std::ifstream(fileName.c_str());
00088   //error if no file
00089   if (itsFile->is_open() == false)
00090     LFATAL("Cannot open '%s' for reading",fileName.c_str());
00092   //get the number of samples
00093   std::string line;
00094   int linenum = 0;
00095   while (!itsFile->eof())
00096     {
00097       getline(*itsFile, line);
00098       ++linenum;
00099     }
00100   itsFile->clear();
00101   itsFile->seekg(0,std::ios_base::beg);
00102   linenum -= 3;
00104   //get sampling rate line 1
00105   if (getline(*itsFile, line) < 0)//kill if empty
00106     LFATAL("Bad Format '%s'",fileName.c_str());
00107   itsSR = SimTime(SimTime::SECS(fromStr<double>(line)));
00108   LINFO("Period:%3.8f",itsSR.secs());
00110   //get screen size line 2
00111   if (getline(*itsFile, line) < 0)//kill if empty
00112     LFATAL("Bad Format '%s'",fileName.c_str());
00113   std::vector<std::string> tmptok;//tokenizer
00114   split(line, "x", std::back_inserter(tmptok));
00115   if (tmptok.size() < 2)//kill if screen size wrong format
00116     LFATAL("Bad Format '%s', Screen size", fileName.c_str());
00118   //set image output dims
00119   itsDims = Dims(fromStr<int>(tmptok[0]),
00120                  fromStr<int>(tmptok[1]));
00121   LINFO("Image Size: %dx%d",itsDims.w(),itsDims.h());
00123   std::streampos strpos = itsFile->tellg();
00124   //read our first line for the number of stims
00125   getline(*itsFile, line);
00126   // let's tokenize it:
00127   std::vector<std::string> tok;
00128   split(line," ", std::back_inserter(tok));
00129   //crash if wrong format
00130   if ((tok.size() % 3) != 0)
00131     LFATAL("Error parsing '%s', line %d only %d columns",
00132            fileName.c_str(), 3, (int)tok.size());
00134   //store number of stims and reset file position pointer
00135   const int numstims = tok.size();
00136   itsStim = Image<float>(numstims,linenum,ZEROS);
00137   itsFile->seekg(strpos);
00139   //loop until end counting lines
00140   linenum = 0;
00141   while (!itsFile->eof())
00142     {
00143       // get a line
00144       getline(*itsFile, line);
00146       // let's tokenize it:
00147       std::vector<std::string> strtok;
00148       split(line, " ", std::back_inserter(strtok));
00149       //crash if wrong format
00150       if ((tok.size() % 3) != 0)
00151         LFATAL("Error parsing '%s', line %d only %d columns",
00152                fileName.c_str(), 3, (int)strtok.size());
00154       //valid line, so lets grab our data
00155       for (size_t jj = 0; jj < strtok.size(); jj++)
00156         itsStim.setVal(jj,linenum,fromStr<float>(strtok[jj]));
00158       linenum++;
00159     }
00160   itsFile->close();
00161 }
00163 // ######################################################################
00164 bool Stimulus2D::setFrameNumber(int n)
00165 {
00166   return skipTo(SimTime::SECS(n * itsSR.secs()));
00167 }
00169 // ######################################################################
00170 GenericFrameSpec Stimulus2D::peekFrameSpec()
00171 {
00172   if (itsStim.initialized())
00173     {
00174       GenericFrameSpec fs;
00175       fs.nativeType = GenericFrame::GRAY_F32;
00176       fs.videoFormat = VIDFMT_AUTO;
00177       fs.videoByteSwap = false;
00178       fs.dims = getDims();
00179       fs.floatFlags = FLOAT_NORM_PRESERVE;
00180       fs.frameRate = getSR().hertz();
00181       return fs;
00182     }
00183   else
00184     {
00185       LFATAL("Don't be greedy, you can't peek the next frame until"
00186              " you've loaded a file.");
00187       return GenericFrameSpec();
00188     }
00189 }
00191 // ######################################################################
00192 SimTime Stimulus2D::getNaturalFrameTime() const
00193 {
00194   return getSR();
00195 }
00197 // ######################################################################
00198 GenericFrame Stimulus2D::readFrame()
00199 {
00200   return GenericFrame( next(itsRadius.getVal()), FLOAT_NORM_PRESERVE);
00201 }
00203 // ######################################################################
00204 const SimTime Stimulus2D::getTime() const
00205 {
00206   return itsT;
00207 }
00209 // ######################################################################
00210 const SimTime Stimulus2D::getTotalTime() const
00211 {
00212   double time = ((double)itsStim.getDims().h()-1) * itsSR.secs();
00213   SimTime t(SimTime::SECS(time));
00214   return t;
00215 }
00217 // ######################################################################
00218 const SimTime Stimulus2D::getSR() const
00219 {
00220   return itsSR;
00221 }
00223 // ######################################################################
00224 const Dims Stimulus2D::getDims() const
00225 {
00226   return itsDims;
00227 }
00229 // ######################################################################
00230 Image<float> Stimulus2D::next(const int rad)
00231 {
00232   if (itsStim.initialized())
00233     {
00234       Image<float> retImage(itsDims,ZEROS);
00235       int pos = int(itsT.secs() / itsSR.secs());
00236       for (int jj = 0; jj < itsStim.getDims().w();jj+=3){
00237         int x,y;
00238         float in = itsStim.getVal(jj,pos);
00239         x = (int)itsStim.getVal(jj+1,pos);
00240         y = (int)itsStim.getVal(jj+2,pos);
00241         drawDisk(retImage,Point2D<int>(x,y),rad,in);
00242       }
00243       itsT+=itsSR;
00244       return retImage;
00245     }
00246   else
00247     {
00248       LFATAL("Must call setInputFile before requesting any data!");
00249       return Image<float>();//will never execute.
00250     }
00251 }
00253 // ######################################################################
00254 bool Stimulus2D::skipTo(const SimTime t)
00255 {
00256   if (t > getTotalTime())
00257     return false;
00258   else
00259     itsT = t;
00260   return true;
00261 }
00263 // ######################################################################
00264 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00265 /* Local Variables: */
00266 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00267 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:24 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3