DrawOps.H File Reference

#include "Util/Types.H"
#include "Image/SimpleFont.H"
#include "Image/Pixels.H"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
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struct  MeterInfo
 Simple struct to define a bargraph meter. More...




void drawTraj (Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const Point2D< int > *foas_begin, const Point2D< int > *foas_end)
 draw the trajectory for the points in foas onto img
Image< PixRGB< byte > > colGreyCombo (const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &colimg, const Image< float > &bwimg, const bool xcombo, const bool interp=true)
 build a combo between a color and greyscale image
Image< PixRGB< byte > > colColCombo (const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &colimg1, const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &colimg2, const bool xcombo, const bool interp=true)
 build a combo between a color and color image
Image< PixRGB< byte > > highlightRegions (const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const Image< byte > &mask, const int maxval=320)
 highlight an image in the regions given by a mask
Image< PixRGB< byte > > warp3Dmap (const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &img, const Image< float > &hmap, const float pitch, const float yaw, Dims &imdims)
 warp image onto height map
void inplaceSetValMask (Image< float > &dest, const Image< byte > &mask, const float val)
 Set values at all locations where mask is non-zero.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawDisk (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &center, const int radius, const T_or_RGB value)
 Draws a disk with color "value" in image.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawLine (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p1, const Point2D< int > &p2, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a line from p1 to p2 of color col and pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawLine (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &pos, float ori, float len, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a line at pos angle ori(rad) and length len.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCorner (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &pos, float ori, float ang, float len, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a corner at pos and ori with an ang.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRect (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Rectangle &rect, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a rectangle of color col and line width of rad*2, with rounded corners.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectSquareCorners (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Rectangle &r, const T_or_RGB color, const int linewidth)
 Draw a rectangle of the given color and line width, with square corners.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectOR (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Rectangle &rect, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1, const float ori=0.0F)
 Draw a rectangle of color col and pixel radius rad, rotate by ori.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectEZ (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Rectangle &rect, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a rectangle of color col and pixel radius rad, no size assertions.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawFilledRect (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Rectangle &rect, const T_or_RGB fillVal)
 Draw a filled rectangle with the given fill value.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCross (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const T_or_RGB col, const int siz=3, const int rad=1)
 Draw a cross of color col, half-size siz and pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCrossOR (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const T_or_RGB col, const int siz=3, const int rad=1, const float ori=0.0F)
 Draw a cross of color col, half-size siz and pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPatch (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const int siz, const T_or_RGB col)
 Draw a square patch of color col and size siz.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPatchBB (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const int siz, const T_or_RGB col, const T_or_RGB bgcol=T_or_RGB())
 Draw a square patch of color col and size siz, with a black border.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCircle (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const int radius, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a circle of color col and radius radius, with pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawEllipse (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const int radiusx, const int radiusy, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw a ellipse of color col and radius radiusx, radiusy, with pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawArrow (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p1, const Point2D< int > &p2, const T_or_RGB col, const int rad=1)
 Draw an arrow from p1 to p2 with pixel radius rad.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawGrid (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const int spacingX, const int spacingY, const int thickX, const int thickY, const T_or_RGB col)
 Draw a grid.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawGrid (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const uint nx, const uint ny, const int thick, const T_or_RGB col)
 Draw an nx * ny grid that exactly partitions the given image.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawSuperquadric (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &p, const float a, const float b, const float e, const T_or_RGB col, const float rot=0, const float k1=0, const float k2=0, const float thetai=-M_PI, const float thetaf=M_PI, const int rad=1, const int nSeg=40)
 Draw a superquadric shape. nSeg defines the quality of the shape. ie. how many line to draw.
template<class T , class T_or_RGB >
void drawContour2D (const Image< T > &src, Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const T_or_RGB &col, const byte rad)
 Draw a 2D contour.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void writeText (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, const Point2D< int > &pt, const char *text, const T_or_RGB col=T_or_RGB(), const T_or_RGB bgcol=T_or_RGB(255), const SimpleFont &f=SimpleFont::FIXED(10), const bool transparent_bg=false, const TextAnchor anchor=ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT)
 Write some text in normal font; only ASCII chars 32 .. 126 are supported.
template<class T_or_RGB >
Image< T_or_RGB > makeMultilineTextBox (const int w, const std::string *lines, const size_t nlines, const T_or_RGB col, const T_or_RGB bg=T_or_RGB(), const size_t max_chars_per_line=0, const int fontwidth=0)
 Make an image containing one or more lines of text.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPoint (Image< T_or_RGB > &dst, int X, int Y, T_or_RGB pix)
 draw a dot which is a point with 4 connected points
template<class T >
int drawDiskCheckTarget (Image< T > &dst, Image< T > &mask, const Point2D< int > &center, const int radius, const T value, const T targetval, const T floodval)
 Draws a disk in image and check if it hits a target.
template<class T >
Image< PixRGB< T > > warp3D (const Image< PixRGB< T > > &ima, const Image< float > &zmap, const float pitch, const float yaw, const float zMax, Dims &dims)
 Warp image in 3D onto z-map.
Image< PixRGB< byte > > formatMapForDisplay (const Image< float > &img, const float factor, const Dims &newdims, const bool useInterp, const ColorMap &cmap, const bool showColorScale, const char *label)
 Format a feature map for display.
template<typename T , class U >
Image< PixRGB< byte > > linePlot (const U &points, const int w, const int h, const T &minVal=T(), const T &maxVal=T(), const char *title="", const char *yLabel="", const char *xLabel="", const PixRGB< byte > &linecol=PixRGB< byte >(0, 0, 0), const PixRGB< byte > &bckcol=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255), const int numticks=4, const bool axisonright=false)
template<typename T >
Image< PixRGB< byte > > multilinePlot (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &lines, const int w, const int h, T minVal=T(), T maxVal=T(), const char *title="", const char *xLabel="", const char *yLabel="", const std::vector< PixRGB< byte > > &linescolor=std::vector< PixRGB< byte > >(0), const PixRGB< byte > &gridcolor=PixRGB< byte >(255, 0, 0), const PixRGB< byte > &bckcolor=PixRGB< byte >(255, 255, 255))
 Generate multiline plot from a vector of lines.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawOutlinedPolygon (Image< T_or_RGB > &img, const std::vector< Point2D< int > > &polygon, const T_or_RGB col, const Point2D< int > trans=Point2D< int >(0, 0), const float rot=0.0, const float scale=1.0, const float k1=0, const float k2=0, const int rad=1)
 Draw a polygon with outlined polygon, no change outside.
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawFilledPolygon (Image< T_or_RGB > &img, const std::vector< Point2D< int > > &polygon, const T_or_RGB col)
 Draw a filled polygon with color col inside the polygon, no change outside.
Image< PixRGB< byte > > drawMeters (const MeterInfo *infos, const size_t ninfo, const size_t nx, const Dims &meterdims)
 Draw some bargraph meters.
template<class T >
Image< T > drawHistogram (std::vector< float > hist, int width, int height, T lineVal, T fillVal)

Detailed Description

functions for drawing on images

Definition in file DrawOps.H.

Function Documentation

Image< PixRGB<byte> > colColCombo ( const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  colimg1,
const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  colimg2,
const bool  xcombo,
const bool  interp = true 

build a combo between a color and color image

colimg1 the color image (e.g., trajectory + saliency map)
colimg2 the second color image (e.g., the scene highlighted by TRM)
xcombo will combine horizontally if true, otherwise vertically
interp use bilinear interpolation for any image rescaling

Definition at line 95 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, concatX(), and concatY().

Referenced by SimulationViewerStd::getTraj().

Image< PixRGB<byte> > colGreyCombo ( const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  colimg,
const Image< float > &  bwimg,
const bool  xcombo,
const bool  interp = true 

build a combo between a color and greyscale image

colimg the color image (e.g., trajectory)
bwimg the greyscale image (e.g., saliency map)
xcombo will combine horizontally if true, otherwise vertically
interp use bilinear interpolation for any image rescaling

Definition at line 74 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, concatX(), concatY(), Image< T >::getDims(), Image< T >::initialized(), makeRGB(), and ZEROS.

Referenced by SimulationViewerStd::getTraj(), SimulationViewerCompress::getTraj(), main(), and SimulationViewerStats::save1().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawArrow ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p1,
const Point2D< int > &  p2,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCircle ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const int  radius,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]
template<class T , class T_or_RGB >
void drawContour2D ( const Image< T > &  src,
Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const T_or_RGB &  col,
const byte  rad 
) [inline]

Draw a 2D contour.

Will draw a disk of color col and radius rad in dst at every point where src is on a contour. dst should be initialized ahd have same dims as src. Nothing is drawn for point off contours.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCorner ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  pos,
float  ori,
float  ang,
float  len,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a corner at pos and ori with an ang.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCross ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  siz = 3,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a cross of color col, half-size siz and pixel radius rad.

Referenced by HippocampusI::displayMap(), ImageSpring< T >::getClusteredImage(), and main().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawCrossOR ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  siz = 3,
const int  rad = 1,
const float  ori = 0.0F 
) [inline]

Draw a cross of color col, half-size siz and pixel radius rad.

Referenced by main(), and StimMaker::SM_drawSingleTarget().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawDisk ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  center,
const int  radius,
const T_or_RGB  value 
) [inline]
template<class T >
int drawDiskCheckTarget ( Image< T > &  dst,
Image< T > &  mask,
const Point2D< int > &  center,
const int  radius,
const T  value,
const T  targetval,
const T  floodval 
) [inline]

Draws a disk in image and check if it hits a target.

mask input binary target mask to draw into
center coordinates of disk center
radius radisu of disk, in pixels
value pixel value used to draw the disk
targetval value with which the targets are represented
floodval value to flood target with if target hit
number of targets hit and flooded

Definition at line 888 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, Image< T >::coordsOk(), flood(), Image< T >::getVal(), Point2D< T >::i, Image< T >::initialized(), Image< T >::setVal(), sqrt(), and squareOf().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawEllipse ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const int  radiusx,
const int  radiusy,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a ellipse of color col and radius radiusx, radiusy, with pixel radius rad.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawFilledPolygon ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  img,
const std::vector< Point2D< int > > &  polygon,
const T_or_RGB  col 
) [inline]

Draw a filled polygon with color col inside the polygon, no change outside.

Referenced by TestImages::getObjMask(), and TaskRelevanceMapSocial::inputFrame().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawFilledRect ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Rectangle rect,
const T_or_RGB  fillVal 
) [inline]

Draw a filled rectangle with the given fill value.

Referenced by ArrayCreator::draw(), SDLdisplay::makeBlittableSurface(), POMDP::makeObservation(), and submain().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawGrid ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const uint  nx,
const uint  ny,
const int  thick,
const T_or_RGB  col 
) [inline]

Draw an nx * ny grid that exactly partitions the given image.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawGrid ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const int  spacingX,
const int  spacingY,
const int  thickX,
const int  thickY,
const T_or_RGB  col 
) [inline]

Draw a grid.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawLine ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  pos,
float  ori,
float  len,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a line at pos angle ori(rad) and length len.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawLine ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p1,
const Point2D< int > &  p2,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a line from p1 to p2 of color col and pixel radius rad.

Image<PixRGB<byte> > drawMeters ( const MeterInfo infos,
const size_t  ninfo,
const size_t  nx,
const Dims meterdims 

Draw some bargraph meters.

Definition at line 1570 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, clampValue(), SimpleFont::fixedMaxHeight(), Dims::h(), sformat(), SimpleFont::w(), Dims::w(), writeText(), and ZEROS.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawOutlinedPolygon ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  img,
const std::vector< Point2D< int > > &  polygon,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const Point2D< int >  trans = Point2D< int >(0, 0),
const float  rot = 0.0,
const float  scale = 1.0,
const float  k1 = 0,
const float  k2 = 0,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]

Draw a polygon with outlined polygon, no change outside.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPatch ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const int  siz,
const T_or_RGB  col 
) [inline]
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPatchBB ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const int  siz,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const T_or_RGB  bgcol = T_or_RGB() 
) [inline]

Draw a square patch of color col and size siz, with a black border.

Referenced by SimulationViewerEyeHand::drawHand(), SimulationViewerHand::drawHand(), and SimulationViewerCompress::getTraj().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawPoint ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
int  X,
int  Y,
T_or_RGB  pix 
) [inline]

draw a dot which is a point with 4 connected points

this is between the setVal method and drawCircle method for illustrating points

Referenced by vizDist().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRect ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Rectangle rect,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectEZ ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Rectangle rect,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1 
) [inline]
template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectOR ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Rectangle rect,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const int  rad = 1,
const float  ori = 0.0F 
) [inline]

Draw a rectangle of color col and pixel radius rad, rotate by ori.

Referenced by StimMaker::SM_drawSingleTarget().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawRectSquareCorners ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Rectangle r,
const T_or_RGB  color,
const int  linewidth 
) [inline]

Draw a rectangle of the given color and line width, with square corners.

template<class T_or_RGB >
void drawSuperquadric ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  p,
const float  a,
const float  b,
const float  e,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const float  rot = 0,
const float  k1 = 0,
const float  k2 = 0,
const float  thetai = -M_PI,
const float  thetaf = M_PI,
const int  rad = 1,
const int  nSeg = 40 
) [inline]

Draw a superquadric shape. nSeg defines the quality of the shape. ie. how many line to draw.

Definition at line 643 of file DrawOps.C.

References Point2D< T >::i.

void drawTraj ( Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  img,
const Point2D< int > *  foas_begin,
const Point2D< int > *  foas_end 

draw the trajectory for the points in foas onto img

Yellow circles and red arrows are drawn, connecting the points in foas.

foas a vector with the foci of attention ised for drawing

Definition at line 59 of file DrawOps.C.

References drawArrow(), and drawCircle().

Image< PixRGB<byte> > formatMapForDisplay ( const Image< float > &  img,
const float  factor,
const Dims newdims,
const bool  useInterp,
const ColorMap cmap,
const bool  showColorScale,
const char *  label 

Format a feature map for display.

Take an Image<float> feature map as input and convert it to PixRGB<byte> by either multiplying the values by a factor or by normalizing them to 0 .. 255 (if factor is 0.0), and then using a given color map (which will also be displayed if showColorScale is true). Then rescale to the specified dims, using interpolation if desired. Then write a descriptor label in the top-left corner using a large font, and finally show the original range of values in the bottom-right corner uing a tiny font.

Definition at line 1056 of file DrawOps.C.

References colorize(), drawRect(), SimpleFont::FIXED(), Image< T >::getHeight(), getMinMax(), Image< T >::getVal(), Image< T >::getWidth(), SimpleFont::h(), Image< T >::initialized(), inplaceNormalize(), Image< T >::resize(), sformat(), Rectangle::tlbrI(), SimpleFont::w(), and writeText().

Image< PixRGB<byte> > highlightRegions ( const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  img,
const Image< byte > &  mask,
const int  maxval = 320 

highlight an image in the regions given by a mask

Definition at line 124 of file DrawOps.C.

References binaryReverse(), chamfer34(), inplaceNormalize(), and Image< T >::setVal().

Referenced by SimulationViewerStd::getTraj().

void inplaceSetValMask ( Image< float > &  dest,
const Image< byte > &  mask,
const float  val 

Set values at all locations where mask is non-zero.

Definition at line 152 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, Image< T >::begin(), Image< T >::beginw(), Image< T >::endw(), and Image< T >::isSameSize().

template<typename T , class U >
Image< PixRGB<byte> > linePlot ( const U &  points,
const int  w,
const int  h,
const T &  minVal = T(),
const T &  maxVal = T(),
const char *  title = "",
const char *  yLabel = "",
const char *  xLabel = "",
const PixRGB< byte > &  linecol = PixRGBbyte >(0, 0, 0),
const PixRGB< byte > &  bckcol = PixRGBbyte >(255, 255, 255),
const int  numticks = 4,
const bool  axisonright = false 
) [inline]

Generate a plot from a vector of points. Choose numticks < 0 to disable x and y axes tick marks. class U should be a deque or vector

Definition at line 1132 of file DrawOps.C.

References SimpleFont::fixedMaxHeight(), flipVertic(), SimpleFont::h(), Point2D< T >::i, sformat(), Image< T >::size(), transpose(), SimpleFont::w(), writeText(), and ZEROS.

Referenced by SVEMNPlot::PlotBuf::draw(), and PlotBuffer::draw().

template<class T_or_RGB >
Image<T_or_RGB> makeMultilineTextBox ( const int  w,
const std::string lines,
const size_t  nlines,
const T_or_RGB  col,
const T_or_RGB  bg = T_or_RGB(),
const size_t  max_chars_per_line = 0,
const int  fontwidth = 0 
) [inline]

Make an image containing one or more lines of text.

The function will choose a font width that fits the desired image size.

w the desired width (in pixels) of the resulting image
lines an array of strings to be written in the result, one line per string
nlines the number of strings in the string array
col the foreground color for the written text
bg the background color for the written text
max_chars_per_line if non-zero, then each line of text will be truncated at this many characters
fontwidth the max font width unless it is zero, in which case it will be determined automatically to fit the text in the box.
template<typename T >
Image< PixRGB<byte> > multilinePlot ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  lines,
const int  w,
const int  h,
minVal = T(),
maxVal = T(),
const char *  title = "",
const char *  xLabel = "",
const char *  yLabel = "",
const std::vector< PixRGB< byte > > &  linescolor = std::vectorPixRGBbyte > >(0),
const PixRGB< byte > &  gridcolor = PixRGBbyte >(255, 0, 0),
const PixRGB< byte > &  bckcolor = PixRGBbyte >(255, 255, 255) 
) [inline]

Generate multiline plot from a vector of lines.

Definition at line 1299 of file DrawOps.C.

References SimpleFont::fixedMaxHeight(), flipVertic(), SimpleFont::h(), Point2D< T >::i, min(), sformat(), transpose(), SimpleFont::w(), writeText(), and ZEROS.

template<class T >
Image<PixRGB<T> > warp3D ( const Image< PixRGB< T > > &  ima,
const Image< float > &  zmap,
const float  pitch,
const float  yaw,
const float  zMax,
Dims dims 
) [inline]

Warp image in 3D onto z-map.

ima Input image
zmap Height map of same size as ima
pitch 3D pitch angle, in degrees
yaw 3D yaw angle, in degrees
dims The result will have these dimensions, unless the dimensions are empty (i.e. 0-by-0), in which case the result will be the best size computed from ima's size and the pitch and yaw angles.

Definition at line 922 of file DrawOps.C.

References ASSERT, clampValue(), Image< T >::getHeight(), Image< T >::getVal(), Image< T >::getWidth(), Dims::h(), Dims::isEmpty(), Image< T >::isSameSize(), max(), min(), Image< T >::setVal(), Dims::w(), and ZEROS.

Referenced by warp3Dmap().

Image< PixRGB<byte> > warp3Dmap ( const Image< PixRGB< byte > > &  img,
const Image< float > &  hmap,
const float  pitch,
const float  yaw,
Dims imdims 

warp image onto height map

Definition at line 137 of file DrawOps.C.

References Image< T >::getWidth(), inplaceClamp(), lowPass9(), rescale(), and warp3D().

Referenced by SimulationViewerStd::getTraj(), and SimulationViewerNerdCam::saveResults().

template<class T_or_RGB >
void writeText ( Image< T_or_RGB > &  dst,
const Point2D< int > &  pt,
const char *  text,
const T_or_RGB  col = T_or_RGB(),
const T_or_RGB  bgcol = T_or_RGB(255),
const SimpleFont f = SimpleFont::FIXED(10),
const bool  transparent_bg = false,
const TextAnchor  anchor = ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT 
) [inline]
Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:41 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3