
00001 /*!@file AppPsycho/psycho-skin-bsindexing.c Psychophysics main application for indexing experiment */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Laurent Itti <>
00034 //
00035 // 2008-02-20 16:14:27Z nnoori $
00036 //
00040 #include <cstdio>
00041 int main()
00042 {
00043   fprintf(stderr, "The SDL_image library must be installed to use this program\n");
00044   return 1;
00045 }
00047 #else
00051 /*
00052 Attention: SDL_image is needed for linking
00054 */
00056 #include "Component/ModelManager.H"
00057 #include "Image/Image.H"
00058 #include "Psycho/PsychoDisplay.H"
00059 #include "Psycho/EyeTrackerConfigurator.H"
00060 #include "Psycho/EyeTracker.H"
00061 #include "Psycho/PsychoOpts.H"
00062 #include "Component/EventLog.H"
00063 #include "Component/ComponentOpts.H"
00064 #include "Raster/Raster.H"
00065 #include "Util/MathFunctions.H"
00066 #include "Util/Types.H"
00067 #include <iostream>
00068 #include <fstream>
00069 #include <SDL/SDL.h>
00070 #include <SDL/SDL_image.h>
00071 #include "psycho-skin-resize.h"
00072 #include <stdio.h>
00073 #include <stdlib.h>
00074 #include <map>
00075 #include <time.h>
00076 #include "psycho-skin-mapgenerator.h"
00077 #include <sstream>
00080 using namespace std;
00082 ModelManager manager("Psycho Skin");
00083 nub::soft_ref<PsychoDisplay> d(new PsychoDisplay(manager));
00084 bool programQuit = false ;
00085 map<string,string> skinFileMap ;
00086 const int NUMBER_OF_CLASSES = 6;
00087 const int IMAGE_WIDTH = 128 ;
00088 const string classes[NUMBER_OF_CLASSES]={"class1","class2","class3","class4","class5","class6"};
00089 int targetExposure ;
00090 int emptyTime ;
00091 //////////////////////////////////////////
00092 int emergencyExit(){
00093         time_t rawtime;
00094         time ( &rawtime );
00095         LINFO("...emergencyExit called @%s .", ctime( &rawtime ));
00096         d->pushEvent(std::string("experiment ended at ")+ ctime( &rawtime ) );
00097         manager.stop();
00098         return -1;
00099 }
00102 //////////////////////////////////////////
00103 // Here we collect subjects response
00104 uint getResponse(){
00106         int c = -1;
00107         int conf = -1 ;
00108         int quit = -1 ;
00109         do{
00110                 d-> displayText("Press 1 for 'yes', 2 for 'no'");
00111                 c = -1 ;
00112                 while( c!=49 && c!=50 ){
00113                         c = d->waitForKey();
00114                 }
00115                 if( c == 49){
00116                         d-> displayText("You chose 'yes' press space-bar to confirm");
00117                 } else {
00118                         d-> displayText("You chose 'no' press space-bar to confirm");
00119                 }
00120                 conf = d-> waitForKey() ;
00121                 if( conf == 127){
00122                         quit =  d-> waitForKey() ;
00123                         if( quit == 127 ){
00124                                 emergencyExit() ;
00125                         }
00126                 }
00127         }while(conf!=32) ;
00129         if( c == 49 ){
00130                 d->pushEvent("positive identification confirmed");
00131                 return 1 ;
00132         } else {
00133                 d->pushEvent("negative identification confirmed");
00134                 return 0 ;
00135         }
00136 }
00138 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00139 SDL_Surface *load_image( string filename )
00140 {
00141         //The image that's loaded
00142         SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL;
00144         //The optimized image that will be used
00145         SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL;
00147         //Load the image
00148         loadedImage = IMG_Load( filename.c_str() );
00150         //If the image loaded
00151         if( loadedImage != NULL )
00152         {
00153         //Create an optimized image
00154         optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat( loadedImage );
00156         //Free the old image
00157         SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage );
00159         //If the image was optimized just fine
00160         if( optimizedImage != NULL )
00161         {
00162                 //Map the color key
00163                 Uint32 colorkey = SDL_MapRGB( optimizedImage->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF );
00165                 //Set all pixels of color R 0, G 0xFF, B 0xFF to be transparent
00166                 SDL_SetColorKey( optimizedImage, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, colorkey );
00167         }
00168         }else{
00169                 emergencyExit() ;
00170         }
00172         //Return the optimized image
00173         return optimizedImage;
00174 }
00175 ///////////////////////////////////
00177 SDL_Surface *getAFreshSurface(int w ,  int h){
00179         SDL_Surface *sur = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32,
00180                                         0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);
00182         return sur ;
00184 }
00185 ////////////////////////////////////
00187 template <class T>
00188 string stringify(T &i)
00189 {
00190         ostringstream o ;
00191         o << i ;
00192         return o.str();
00193 }
00195 ///////////////////////////////////
00196 void dumpSurface(SDL_Surface& surface){
00197         SDL_FreeSurface( &surface );
00198 }
00199 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00200 void apply_surface( int x, int y, SDL_Surface& source, SDL_Surface& destination , SDL_Rect& clip )
00201 {
00202         //Make a temporary rectangle to hold the offsets
00203         SDL_Rect offset;
00205         //Give the offsets to the rectangle
00206         offset.x = x;
00207         offset.y = y;
00209         //Blit the surface
00210         SDL_BlitSurface( &source, &clip, &destination, &offset );
00211 }
00212 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00213 int readTop(ifstream& inFile){
00214         char ch[1000] ;
00215         while( inFile.getline(ch , 1000) ){
00216                 string line  = ch ;
00217                 LINFO("reads : %s" , line.c_str()) ;
00218                 if("end_top") == 0 ) break;
00219                 if( line.substr(0,4).compare("skin")==0 ){
00220                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00221                         string skinName = line.substr(0,position) ;
00222                         string path = line.substr(position+1) ;
00223                         skinFileMap[skinName] = path ;
00224                 }
00225                 if( line.substr(0,15).compare("target_exposure")==0 ){
00226                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00227                         char rf[10] ;
00228                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00229                         targetExposure = atoi(rf);
00230                         d->pushEvent(line.c_str());
00231                 }
00232                 if( line.substr(0,10).compare("empty_time")==0 ){
00233                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00234                         char rf[10] ;
00235                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00236                         emptyTime = atoi(rf);
00237                 }
00239         }
00240         return 0 ;
00241 }
00242 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00243 void showStaticTarget(Matrix& pattern , SDL_Surface* classSkin){
00244         int pw = classSkin->w;
00245         int ph = classSkin->h ;
00246         SDL_Rect theClip ;
00247         theClip.x = 0 ;
00248         theClip.y = 0 ;
00249         theClip.w = pw ;
00250         theClip.h = pw ;
00251         SDL_Surface* blankSurface = getAFreshSurface(pw*pattern.getNumOfColumns(),pw*pattern.getNumOfRows());
00252         int nv = ph / pw ;
00253         for( int r = 0 ; r < pattern.getNumOfRows() ; r++){
00254                 for( int c = 0 ; c < pattern.getNumOfColumns() ; c++){
00255                         if( pattern.get(r,c)== 1 ){
00256                                 theClip.y = (rand()%nv)*pw ;
00257                                 apply_surface(c*pw,r*pw, *classSkin , *blankSurface ,theClip)        ;
00258                         }
00259                 }
00260         }
00261         d->clearScreen();
00262         SDL_Rect offset;
00264                     //Give the offsets to the rectangle
00265         offset.x = (d->getWidth() - blankSurface->w) /2;
00266         offset.y = (d-> getHeight() - blankSurface->h) /2;
00267         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(blankSurface , &offset,NULL , -2,false, true);
00268         d->waitFrames(targetExposure);
00269         SDL_FreeSurface(blankSurface);
00270         theClip.~SDL_Rect();
00271 }
00272 /////////////////////////////////////////
00273 void showDynamicTarget(Matrix& pattern , SDL_Surface* classSkin){
00274         int pw = classSkin->w;
00275         int ph = classSkin->h ;
00276         SDL_Rect theClip ;
00277         theClip.x = 0 ;
00278         theClip.y = 0 ;
00279         theClip.w = pw ;
00280         theClip.h = pw ;
00281         SDL_Surface* blankSurface = getAFreshSurface(pw*pattern.getNumOfColumns(),pw*pattern.getNumOfRows());
00282         int nv = ph / pw ;
00283         Matrix* phaseMatrix = getARandomMap(pattern.getNumOfRows(),pattern.getNumOfColumns(),nv) ;
00284         int counter = 0 ;
00285         while(counter < targetExposure  ){
00286                 for( int r = 0 ; r < pattern.getNumOfRows() ; r++){
00287                         for( int c = 0 ; c < pattern.getNumOfColumns() ; c++){
00288                                 if( pattern.get(r,c)== 1 ){
00289                                         theClip.y = ((counter+phaseMatrix->get(r,c)) %nv)*pw ;
00290                                         apply_surface(c*pw,r*pw, *classSkin , *blankSurface ,theClip)        ;
00291                                 }
00292                         }
00293                 }
00296                 SDL_Rect offset;
00298                     //Give the offsets to the rectangle
00299                 offset.x = (d->getWidth() - blankSurface->w) /2;
00300                 offset.y = (d-> getHeight() - blankSurface->h) /2;
00301                 d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(blankSurface , &offset,NULL , -2,true, true);
00302                 counter++;
00303         }
00305         SDL_FreeSurface(blankSurface);
00306         phaseMatrix->~Matrix();
00307         theClip.~SDL_Rect();
00308 }
00309 /////////////////////////////////////////
00310 void showDynamicSlide(Matrix& theMap , map<string,SDL_Surface*>& cmap, int sT ){
00311         int cs = theMap.getNumOfColumns();
00312         int rs = theMap.getNumOfRows() ;
00313         map<string , int> clipNumMap;
00314         int imageWidth = -1 ;
00315         int imageHeigth = -1 ;
00316         int pw = 0 ;
00317         int maxForPhase = 0;
00319         for( map<string,SDL_Surface*>:: iterator it = cmap.begin() ; it != cmap.end() ; ++it ){
00320                 string clName = it->first ;
00321                 SDL_Surface* surf = it->second;
00322                 int numOfClips = (surf->h) / (surf->w);
00323                 clipNumMap[clName] = numOfClips;
00324                 maxForPhase = max(maxForPhase,numOfClips);
00325                 if(imageWidth == -1){
00326                         pw = surf->w ;
00327                         imageWidth = theMap.getNumOfColumns()*pw ;
00328                         imageHeigth = theMap.getNumOfRows()*pw ;
00329                 }
00331         }
00332         Matrix* phaseMatrix = getARandomMap(rs,cs,maxForPhase) ;
00334         SDL_Rect* theClip = new SDL_Rect();
00335         theClip->x = 0 ;
00336         theClip->y = 0 ;
00337         theClip->w = pw ;
00338         theClip->h = pw ;
00339         //
00340         SDL_Surface* nbg = getAFreshSurface(imageWidth,imageHeigth);
00341         int counter = 0 ;
00342         string cname("") ;
00343         while( counter < sT ){
00344                 for( int r = 0 ; r < rs ; r++){
00345                         for( int c = 0 ; c < cs ; c++){
00346                                 switch( theMap.get(r,c) ){
00347                                         case 1 : cname = "class1" ;break ;
00348                                         case 2 : cname = "class2" ; break ;
00349                                         case 3 : cname = "class3" ; break ;
00350                                         case 4 : cname = "class4" ; break ;
00351                                         case 5 : cname = "class5" ; break ;
00352                                         case 6 : cname = "class6" ; break ;
00353                                 }
00354                                 SDL_Surface* csurf = cmap[cname] ;
00355                                 int y = ( (counter+phaseMatrix->get(r,c)) % clipNumMap[cname])*pw;
00356                                 theClip->y = y ;
00357                                 apply_surface(c*pw,r*pw, *csurf , *nbg ,*theClip)        ;
00358                         }
00359                 }
00360                 //d->clearScreen();
00361                 SDL_Rect offset;
00362                 offset.x = (d->getWidth() - nbg->w) /2;
00363                 offset.y = (d-> getHeight() - nbg->h) /2;
00364                 d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(nbg , &offset,NULL , -2,true, true);
00365                 counter++ ;
00366         }
00368         phaseMatrix->~Matrix();
00369         theClip->~SDL_Rect();
00370         SDL_FreeSurface(nbg);
00372 }
00374 /////////////////////////////////////////
00375 void showStaticSlide(Matrix& theMap , map<string,SDL_Surface*>& cmap, int sT ){
00376         d->pushEvent("exposure time will be "+stringify(sT));
00377         int cs = theMap.getNumOfColumns();
00378         int rs = theMap.getNumOfRows() ;
00379         map<string , int> clipNumMap;
00380         int imageWidth = -1 ;
00381         int imageHeigth = -1 ;
00382         int pw = 0 ;
00384         for( map<string,SDL_Surface*>:: iterator it = cmap.begin() ; it != cmap.end() ; ++it ){
00385                 string clName = it->first ;
00386                 SDL_Surface* surf = it->second;
00387                 int numOfClips = (surf->h) / (surf->w);
00388                 clipNumMap[clName] = numOfClips;
00389                 if(imageWidth == -1){
00390                         pw = surf->w ;
00391                         imageWidth = theMap.getNumOfColumns()*pw ;
00392                         imageHeigth = theMap.getNumOfRows()*pw ;
00394                 }
00396         }
00397         SDL_Rect* theClip = new SDL_Rect();
00398         theClip->x = 0 ;
00399         theClip->y = 0 ;
00400         theClip->w = pw ;
00401         theClip->h = pw ;
00402         //
00403         SDL_Surface* nbg = getAFreshSurface(imageWidth,imageHeigth);
00404         for( int r = 0 ; r < rs ; r++){
00405                 for( int c = 0 ; c < cs ; c++){
00406                         const int ti = theMap.get(r,c);
00407                         string cname = "class"+stringify(ti);
00408                         SDL_Surface* csurf = cmap[cname] ;
00409                         int y = (rand() % clipNumMap[cname])*pw;
00410                         theClip->y = y ;
00411                         apply_surface(c*pw,r*pw, *csurf , *nbg ,*theClip)        ;
00412                 }
00413         }
00414         d->clearScreen();
00415         SDL_Rect offset;
00416         offset.x = (d->getWidth() - nbg->w) /2;
00417         offset.y = (d-> getHeight() - nbg->h) /2;
00418         d->clearScreen();
00419         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(nbg , &offset,NULL , -2,false, true);
00420         d->waitFrames(sT);
00421         SDL_FreeSurface(nbg);
00422         theClip->~SDL_Rect();
00423 }
00424 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00425 void doStaticTraining( map<string,SDL_Surface*>& cmap,vector<string>& messages){
00426         d->pushEvent("training starts") ;
00427         d->displayText("Training Time! Press any key to start");
00428         d->showCursor(true);
00429         d->waitForKey() ;
00430         //////
00431         for( uint i = 0 ; i< messages.size() ; i++){
00432                 d->displayText(messages[i]);
00433                 d->pushEvent("displayed training message : " + messages[i]);
00434                 d->waitFrames(300);
00435         }
00437         /////
00438         d->pushEvent("training ends");
00439         //d->pushEvent("Congradulations! You are ready for the real test");
00440         d->waitFrames(45);
00441         d->displayText("Press any key to start!") ;
00442         d->waitForKey();
00443         //d->showCursor(false);
00444 }
00446 void doDynamicTraining( map<string,SDL_Surface*>& cmap,vector<string>& messages){
00447         d->pushEvent("training starts") ;
00448         d->displayText("Training Time! Press any key to start");
00449         d->showCursor(true);
00450         d->waitForKey() ;
00451         //////
00452         for( uint i = 0 ; i< messages.size() ; i++){
00453                 d->pushEvent(messages[i]);
00454         }
00456         /////
00457         d->pushEvent("training ends");
00458         //d->pushEvent("Congradulations! You are ready for the real test");
00459         d->waitFrames(45);
00460         d->displayText("Press any key to start!") ;
00461         d->waitForKey();
00462         d->showCursor(false);
00463 }
00464 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00465 int readBlock(ifstream& inFile){
00466         string block_name("") ;
00467         string pattern("") ;
00468         string skin_name("") ;
00469         int px = 0 ;
00470         int py = 0 ;
00471         int rows = 0 ;
00472         int columns = 0 ;
00473         float rf = 1.0f ;
00474         float prb = 0.5f ;
00475         int block_size = 20 ;
00476         int ie = 60 ;
00477         int skip_by = 100 ;
00478         bool staticFlag = true ;
00479         char ch[1000];
00480         float maxSen = 0.0f;
00481         float maxAcc = 0.0f;
00482         bool trainingFlag = false ;
00483         string trainingMessage("") ;
00484         vector<string>* messages = new vector<string>() ;
00485         vector<string>* exclusionList = new vector<string>();
00487         /*let's read attributes of the block*/
00488         while( inFile.getline(ch , 1000) ){
00489                 string line = ch ;
00490                 LINFO("reads : %s" , line.c_str()) ;
00492                 if("dynamic")==0) {
00493                         staticFlag = false ;
00494                 }
00495                 if("end_block")==0) {
00496                         d -> pushEvent("ended reading block "+ block_name);
00497                         break ;
00498                 }
00499                 if( line.substr(0,10).compare("block_name") == 0 ){
00500                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00501                         block_name = line.substr(position+1) ;
00502                         d -> pushEvent("started reading block "+block_name) ;
00503                 }
00505                 if( line.substr(0,14).compare("target_pattern") == 0 ){
00506                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00507                         pattern = line.substr(position+1) ;
00508                         d -> pushEvent("target pattern "+pattern) ;
00509                 }
00511                 if( line.substr(0,16).compare("excluded_pattern") == 0 ){
00512                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00513                         string exPattern = line.substr(position+1);
00514                         exclusionList->push_back(exPattern ) ;
00515                         d -> pushEvent("excluded pattern "+exPattern) ;
00516                 }
00518                 if( line.substr(0,4).compare("skin") == 0 ){
00519                         string::size_type position = line.find("=") ;
00520                         skin_name = line.substr(position+1) ;
00521                 }
00523                 if(line.substr(0,2).compare("rf")==0){
00524                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00525                         char x[10] ;
00526                         strcpy(x,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00527                         rf = atof(x);
00528                 }
00529                 if(line.substr(0,11).compare("probability")==0){
00530                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00531                         char rf[10] ;
00532                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00533                         prb = atof(rf);
00534                 }
00535                 if(line.substr(0,2).compare("px")==0){
00536                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00537                         char rf[10] ;
00538                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00539                         px = atoi(rf);
00540                 }
00541                 if(line.substr(0,2).compare("py")==0){
00542                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00543                         char rf[10] ;
00544                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00545                         py = atoi(rf);
00546                 }
00547                 if(line.substr(0,2).compare("rs")==0){
00548                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00549                         char rf[10] ;
00550                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00551                         rows = atoi(rf);
00552                 }
00553                 if(line.substr(0,2).compare("cs")==0){
00554                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00555                         char rf[10] ;
00556                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00557                         columns = atoi(rf);
00558                 }
00559                 if(line.substr(0,16).compare("initial_exposure")==0){
00560                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00561                         char rf[10] ;
00562                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00563                         ie = atoi(rf);
00564                 }
00565                 if(line.substr(0,8).compare("skip_exp")==0){
00566                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00567                         char rf[10] ;
00568                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00569                         skip_by = atoi(rf);
00570                 }
00571                 if(line.substr(0,10).compare("block_size")==0){
00572                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00573                         char rf[10] ;
00574                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position+1).c_str());
00575                         block_size = atoi(rf);
00576                 }
00577                 if( line.substr(0,15).compare("max_sensitivity")==0 ){
00578                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00579                         char rf[10] ;
00580                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position + 1 ).c_str());
00581                         maxSen = atof(rf);
00582                 }
00583                 if( line.substr(0,12).compare("max_accuracy")==0 ){
00584                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00585                         char rf[10] ;
00586                         strcpy(rf,line.substr(position + 1 ).c_str());
00587                         maxAcc = atof(rf);
00588                 }
00589                 if( line.substr(0,16).compare("training_message")==0 ){
00590                         string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00591                         trainingFlag = true ;
00592                         trainingMessage = line.substr(position +1) ;
00593                         messages->push_back(trainingMessage);
00594                 }
00596         }
00598         /*let's load up the sprites associated with the skin and resize them and store them in a map*/
00599         map<string,SDL_Surface*>* classesMap = new map<string,SDL_Surface*>();
00600         for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ ){
00601                 string filepath ;
00602                 filepath += skinFileMap[skin_name]+"/"+classes[i]+"/ball.png" ;
00603                 SDL_Surface* tmpSurface = load_image(filepath) ;
00604                 tmpSurface = SDL_Resize(tmpSurface , rf , 6 );
00605                 (*classesMap)[classes[i]] = tmpSurface;
00606         }
00608         /*now we find all Euclidean transormations of the patten and store them in a vector
00609         in every trial one of these pattens will be used (either included or excluded)
00610         */
00611         Matrix *rawPattenMatrix = getPattenByString(pattern) ;
00612         vector<Matrix*>* vars = getAllVariations(*rawPattenMatrix);
00613         int vs = vars->size() ;
00615         float maxSensitivity = 0.0f ;
00616         float maxAccuracy = 0.0f ;
00617         int exposureTime = ie ;
00619         /*Let's start training the subject*/
00620         d->displayText("Press any key to start!") ;
00621         d->waitForKey() ;
00622         if( trainingFlag ){
00623                 if( staticFlag ){
00624                         doStaticTraining(*classesMap,*messages) ;
00625                 } else {
00626                         doDynamicTraining(*classesMap,*messages) ;
00627                 }
00629         }
00631         /*the real test starts here and unless the required sensitivity is reached or prbability of having
00632         positive cases it will continue
00633         */
00634         do{
00635                 float sensitivity = 0.0f ;
00636                 float accuracy = 0.0f ;
00637                 int* experiment = new int[block_size] ;
00638                 int* report = new int[block_size] ;
00640                 /*here we start different trials and we will have as many as block_size trials*/
00641                 for( int i = 0 ; i < block_size ; i++ ){
00642                         d->clearScreen();
00643                         d->displayText("Please wait!") ;
00644                         srand ( time(NULL) );
00645                         int patternChannel = rand()%NUMBER_OF_CLASSES ;
00646                         string targetClass = classes[patternChannel];
00647                         srand ( time(NULL) );
00648                         /*here we pick one of the transformed pattern to be used*/
00649                         Matrix *patternMatrix = (*vars)[rand()%vs] ;
00650                         vector<Matrix*>* mapsVector ;
00651                         bool positiveFalg = true ;
00653                         /*here we filp a coin to see if we include the pattern or exclude it*/
00654                         if( rand()%10000 < prb*10000 ){
00655                                 mapsVector =  getMapsWithExactPattenAndExactChannel(rows,columns,NUMBER_OF_CLASSES , patternChannel+1,*patternMatrix,1,1);
00656                                 /*we keep in mind that we chose to include the target in the board*/
00657                                 experiment[i] = 1 ;
00658                         }else{
00659                                 mapsVector =  getMapsWithExactPattenAndExactChannel(rows,columns,NUMBER_OF_CLASSES , patternChannel+1,*patternMatrix,0,1);
00660                                 /*we keep in mind that we chose to exclude the target from the board*/
00661                                 experiment[i] = 0 ;
00662                                 positiveFalg = false ;
00663                         }
00665                         Matrix *map = (*mapsVector)[0] ;
00666                         d->pushEvent("class picked : " + targetClass) ;
00667                         d->pushEvent("pattern picked : "+patternMatrix->toFormattedString()) ;
00668                         d->pushEvent("map picked :" +map->toFormattedString());
00670                         /*now that we have picked the target patten and the board map let's start showing the
00671                         target
00672                         */
00673                         d->clearScreen();
00674                         d->pushEvent("started showing target image");
00675                         if( staticFlag ){
00676                                 showStaticTarget(*patternMatrix,(*classesMap)[targetClass]) ;
00677                         } else {
00678                                 showDynamicTarget(*patternMatrix,(*classesMap)[targetClass]) ;
00679                         }
00680                         /*we let's delay showing the board after the target*/
00681                         d->pushEvent("started showing blink");
00682                         d->displayFixationBlink(-1, -1, emptyTime/2, 2);
00683                         /*now that the target is shown we can show the board*/
00684                         d->pushEvent("started showing the test image");
00685                         if( staticFlag ){
00686                                 showStaticSlide(*map,*classesMap , exposureTime );
00687                         } else {
00688                                 showDynamicSlide(*map,*classesMap , exposureTime );
00689                         }
00690                         d->pushEvent("ended showing the test image");
00691                         /*let's ask the subject if s/he identified the target*/
00692                         report[i] = getResponse();
00693                         d->clearScreen();
00694                 }
00696                 /*now that we are done with trials let's do some book keeping and see what was subject's sensitivity and
00697                 accuracy
00698                 */
00699                 float truePositives = 0.0f ;
00700                 float trueNegatives = 0.0f ;
00701                 float falsePositives = 0.0f ;
00702                 float falseNegatives = 0.0f ;
00703                 float positives = 0.0f ;
00704                 float negatives = 0.0f ;
00705                 string reportString("");
00706                 string experimentString("");
00707                 for( int i = 0 ; i < block_size ; i++ ){
00708                         reportString += stringify(report[i]) ;
00709                         experimentString += stringify( experiment[i]) ;
00710                         if( experiment[i]==1 && report[i]==1 ) {truePositives++ ; positives++ ; }
00711                         if( experiment[i]==1 && report[i]==0 ) {falseNegatives++ ; positives++ ; }
00712                         if( experiment[i]==0 && report[i]==1 ) {falsePositives++ ;negatives++ ; }
00713                         if( experiment[i]==0 && report[i]==0 ) {trueNegatives++ ; negatives++ ;}
00714                 }
00715                 if( positives != 0 ){
00716                         sensitivity = truePositives / positives ;
00717                 }
00718                 accuracy = (truePositives + trueNegatives) / (positives+negatives) ;
00719                 maxSensitivity = max(sensitivity,maxSensitivity) ;
00720                 maxAccuracy = max(accuracy,maxAccuracy);
00721                 exposureTime += skip_by ;
00722                 d->pushEvent("experiment srting : " + experimentString);
00723                 d->pushEvent("report string : " + reportString);
00724                 d->pushEvent("sensitivity : "+ stringify(sensitivity)) ;
00725                 d->pushEvent("accuracy : " + stringify(accuracy));
00726         }while( maxSensitivity < maxSen || maxAccuracy < maxAcc  );
00729         /*and here we do necessary cleanups before finishing up the block*/
00730         for( map<string,SDL_Surface*>::iterator it=classesMap->begin() ; it!= classesMap->end() ; ++it){
00731                 SDL_FreeSurface(it->second);
00732         }
00733         classesMap->~map<string,SDL_Surface*>();
00734         rawPattenMatrix->~Matrix();
00735         vars->~vector<Matrix*>() ;
00736         messages->~vector<string>() ;
00737         exclusionList->~vector<string>() ;
00738         d-> displayText("You may take a short break!") ;
00739         d->waitForKey() ;
00740         return 0 ;
00741 }
00742 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00743 int readprofile(const char* filename){
00744         ifstream inFile(filename, ios::in);
00745         if (! inFile)
00746    {
00747            LINFO("profile '%s' not found!" , filename);
00748       return -1;
00749    }
00751    char ch[1000];
00752    while (inFile.getline(ch , 1000)){
00753            string line = ch;
00754            LINFO("reads : %s", line.c_str());
00755            if( line.substr(0,11).compare("profilename") == 0 ){
00756                    string::size_type position = line.find("=");
00757                    d -> pushEvent("profile  "+line.substr(position+1)+" started reading" ) ;
00758            }
00759            if("start_top")==0 ) readTop(inFile);
00760            if("start_block")==0) readBlock(inFile);
00761            if(programQuit == true) break ;
00762         }
00764         return 0 ;
00765 }
00766 /////////////////////////////////////////////
00769 extern "C" int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
00771 {
00773         MYLOGVERB = LOG_INFO;  // suppress debug messages
00775         manager.addSubComponent(d);
00776         nub::soft_ref<EventLog> el(new EventLog(manager));
00777         manager.addSubComponent(el);
00778         d->setEventLog(el);
00779           // Parse command-line:
00780         if (manager.parseCommandLine(argc, argv,"<profile.prf> <logfileName.psy>", 2, 2)==false)
00781         return(1);
00782          manager.setOptionValString(&OPT_EventLogFileName,manager.getExtraArg(1).c_str() );
00783         manager.start();
00784         d->clearScreen() ;
00785         readprofile(manager.getExtraArg(0).c_str());
00786         d->displayText("Experiment is done! Thanks for participating! ") ;
00787         d->waitForKey() ;
00788         manager.stop();
00789         return(0) ;
00790 //         time_t rawtime;
00791 //         time ( &rawtime );
00792 //         LINFO("@%s psycho-skin-bsindexing started:...", ctime(&rawtime));
00793 //         manager.start();
00794 //         d->pushEvent(std::string("started the experiment at ")+ ctime( &rawtime ) );
00795 //         SDL_Surface* free = getAFreshSurface(40,80) ;
00796 //         SDL_Rect offset;
00797 //             //Give the offsets to the rectangle
00798 //         d->clearScreen();
00799 //             offset.x = 100;
00800 //             offset.y = 60;
00801 //         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(free,&offset,NULL , -2,false, true);
00802 //         d->waitFrames(10);
00803 //         ////////////////////////////
00804 //         d->clearScreen();
00805 //         offset.x = 100;
00806 //             offset.y = 160;
00807 //         d->displaySDLSurfacePatch(free , &offset,NULL , -2,false, true);
00808 //         d->waitFrames(10);
00809 //           d->displayText("Experiment complete. Thank you!");
00810 //         //d->waitFrames(1);
00811 //           //d->waitForKey();
00812 //         time ( &rawtime );
00813 //         LINFO("...psycho-skin-bsindexing ended @%s .", ctime( &rawtime ));
00814 //         d->pushEvent(std::string("experiment ended at ")+ ctime( &rawtime ) );
00815 //         manager.stop();
00816 //
00817 //         return 0 ;
00818 }
00820 #endif // INVT_HAVE_LIBSDL_IMAGE
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:09 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3