Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file CINNIC/CINNIC.C CINNIC classes */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: T Nathan Mundhenk <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: CINNIC.C 9412 2008-03-10 23:10:15Z farhan $
00036 //
00038 #include "CINNIC/CINNIC.H"
00040 #include "Image/ColorOps.H"
00041 #include "Image/CutPaste.H"    // for inplacePaste()
00042 #include "Image/Kernels.H"     // for gaborFilter2()
00043 #include "Image/MathOps.H"
00044 #include "Image/Transforms.H"
00045 #include "Util/Timer.H"
00047 #include <cmath>
00048 #include <fstream>
00051 // ######################################################################
00052 //! Brute force, super inefficient 2D convolution (truncated filter boundary)
00053 /*! check for zero pixels and skip */
00054 template <class T> static
00055 Image<typename promote_trait<T, float>::TP>
00056 convolveCleanZero(const Image<T>& src, const Image<float>& filter)
00057 {
00058   return convolveCleanZero(src, filter.getArrayPtr(),
00059                        filter.getWidth(), filter.getHeight());
00060 }
00062 // ######################################################################
00063 //! Brute force, super inefficient 2D convolution (truncated filter boundary)
00064 /*! check for zero pixels and skip */
00065 template <class T> static
00066 Image<typename promote_trait<T, float>::TP>
00067 convolveCleanZero(const Image<T>& src, const float* filter,
00068               const int Nx, const int Ny)
00069 {
00070   ASSERT(src.initialized()); ASSERT((Nx & 1) && (Ny & 1));
00071   const int w = src.getWidth(), h = src.getHeight();
00072   // promote the source image to float if necessary, so that we do the
00073   // promotion only once for all, rather than many times as we access
00074   // the pixels of the image; if no promotion is necessary, "source"
00075   // will just point to the original data of "src" through the
00076   // copy-on-write/ref-counting behavior of Image:
00077   typedef typename promote_trait<T, float>::TP TF;
00078   const Image<TF> source = src;
00079   Image<TF> result(w, h, NO_INIT);
00080   typename Image<TF>::const_iterator sptr = source.begin();
00081   typename Image<TF>::iterator dptr = result.beginw();
00083   int kkk = Nx * Ny - 1;
00084   int Nx2 = (Nx - 1) / 2, Ny2 = (Ny - 1) / 2;
00086   const TF zero(0);
00088   // very inefficient implementation; one has to be crazy to use non
00089   // separable filters anyway...
00090   for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j)
00091     for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i)
00092       {
00093         if((src.getVal(i,j) > 0.001F) || (src.getVal(i,j) < -0.001F))
00094         {
00095           TF sum = TF(); float sumw = 0.0F;
00096           for (int kj = 0; kj < Ny; ++kj)
00097           {
00098             int kjj = kj + j - Ny2;
00099             if (kjj >= 0 && kjj < h)
00100               for (int ki = 0; ki < Nx; ++ki)
00101               {
00102                 int kii = ki + i - Nx2;
00103                 if (kii >= 0 && kii < w)
00104                 {
00105                   float fil = filter[kkk - ki - Nx*kj];
00106                   sum += sptr[kii + w * kjj] * fil;
00107                   sumw += fil;
00108                 }
00109               }
00110           }
00111           *dptr++ = sum / sumw;
00112         }
00113         else
00114           *dptr++ = zero;
00115       }
00116   return result;
00117 }
00120 // ############################################################
00121 // ############################################################
00122 // ##### ---CINNIC---
00123 // ##### Contour Integration:
00124 // ##### T. Nathan Mundhenk
00125 // ############################################################
00126 // ############################################################
00128 void CINNIC::viewNeuronTemplate(ContourNeuronCreate<float> &NeuronTemplate
00129                           ,readConfig &config)
00130 {
00132   max = 0;
00133   min = 0;
00134   avg = 0;
00135   float maxhold = 0,minhold = 0,avghold = 0;
00136   int n = AnglesUsed*AnglesUsed;
00138   for (int i = 0; i < AnglesUsed; i++)
00139   {
00140     for (int j = 0; j < AnglesUsed; j++)
00141     {
00142       output[i][j] = Image<float>(XSize+1,YSize+1, NO_INIT);
00143       for (int k = 0; k <= XSize; k++)
00144       {
00145         for (int l = 0; l <= YSize; l++)
00146         {
00147           output[i][j].setVal(k,l
00148             ,NeuronTemplate.FourDNeuralMap[i][j][k][l].angABD);
00149         }
00150       }
00151       getMinMaxAvg(output[i][j], min,max,avg);
00152       if(min < minhold){minhold = min;} //store total max value
00153       if(max > maxhold){maxhold = max;} //store total min value
00154       avghold += avg; //add to avg just for shits and grins
00155     }
00156   }
00157   Image<PixRGB<float> > theImage;
00158   theImage.resize(((XSize+1)*AnglesUsed),((YSize+1)*AnglesUsed));
00160   for (int i = 0; i < AnglesUsed; i++)
00161   {
00162     for (int j = 0; j < AnglesUsed; j++)
00163     {
00164       Poutput[i][j] = Image< PixRGB<float> >((XSize+1),(YSize+1), NO_INIT);
00165       Poutput[i][j] = normalizeRGPolar(output[i][j], max,min);
00166       inplacePaste(theImage, Poutput[i][j],Point2D<int>((i*XSize),(j*YSize)));
00167       //Raster::VisuRGB(Poutput[i][j], sformat("mask_out.%f.%f.ppm"
00168       //             ,NeuralAngles[i],NeuralAngles[j]));
00170     }
00171   }
00172   Raster::VisuRGB(theImage,"ANGLE_IMAGE.ppm");
00173   avg = avghold/n;
00174 }
00176 //*****************************************************************
00178 void CINNIC::convolveTest(ContourNeuronCreate<float> &NeuronTemplate
00179                            ,readConfig &config, Image<float> &testImage)
00180 {
00181   float total = 0.0F;
00182   float pos = 0.0F;
00183   float neg = 0.0F;
00184   int InspX, InspY;
00185   Image<float> output;
00186   output.resize(testImage.getWidth(),testImage.getHeight());
00187   for(int x = 0; x < testImage.getWidth(); x++)
00188   {
00189     for(int y = 0; y < testImage.getHeight(); y++)
00190     {
00191       output.setVal(x,y,0);
00192       for (int k = 0; k <= XSize; k++)
00193       {
00194         for (int l = 0; l <= YSize; l++)
00195         {
00196           float temp;
00197           InspX = x + (k-(int)XCenter);
00198           InspY = y - (l-(int)YCenter);
00199           if((InspX >= 0) && (InspY >= 0) && (InspX < testImage.getWidth()) &&
00200              (InspY < testImage.getHeight()))
00201           {
00202             temp = testImage.getVal(x,y)*
00203               testImage.getVal(InspX,InspY)*
00204               NeuronTemplate.FourDNeuralMap[0][0][k][l].angABD;
00205             float hold = output.getVal(x,y);
00206             hold += temp;
00207             output.setVal(x,y,hold);
00208             if(temp > 0)
00209               pos += temp;
00210             else
00211               neg += temp;
00212             total += temp;
00213           }
00214         }
00215       }
00216     }
00217   }
00218   LINFO("TOTAL VALUE IS %f, Pos %f, Neg %f",total,pos,neg);
00219   float pixTotal = 0.0F;
00220   for(int y = 0; y < testImage.getHeight(); y++)
00221   {
00222     for(int x = 0; x < testImage.getWidth(); x++)
00223     {
00224       if(output.getVal(x,y) > 0)
00225       {
00226         printf("%f ",output.getVal(x,y));
00227         pixTotal += output.getVal(x,y);
00228       }
00229       else
00230       {
00231         printf("%f ",output.getVal(x,y));
00232       }
00233     }
00234     printf("\n");
00235   }
00236     LINFO("TOTAL PIX VALUE IS %f",pixTotal);
00237 }
00239 //*****************************************************************
00241 void CINNIC::configLoad(readConfig &config)
00242 {
00243   iterations = (int)config.getItemValueF("iterations");
00244   edge = (int)config.getItemValueF("edgeAtten");
00245   Amp = (int)config.getItemValueF("edgeAmp");
00246   dev = config.getItemValueF("devMult");
00247   cheatVal = (int)config.getItemValueF("cheatVal");
00248   Gnum = (int)config.getItemValueF("Gnum");
00249   cheatNum = (int)config.getItemValueF("cheatNum");
00250   logto = config.getItemValueC("logOutDir");
00251   saveto = config.getItemValueC("imageOutDir");
00252   dumpImage = (int)config.getItemValueF("dumpImage");
00253   redOrder = (int)config.getItemValueF("redOrder");
00254   lPass = (int)config.getItemValueF("lPass");
00255   reduction = (int)config.getItemValueF("reduction");
00256   groupSize = (int)config.getItemValueF("groupSize");
00257   scalesNumber = (int)config.getItemValueF("scalesNumber");
00258   GroupTop = config.getItemValueF("GroupTop");
00259   lastIterOnly = (int)config.getItemValueF("lastIterOnly");
00260   addNoise = (int)config.getItemValueF("addNoise");
00261   preOrientFilterNoise = config.getItemValueF("preOrientFilterNoise");
00262   storeArraySize = (int)config.getItemValueF("storeArraySize");
00263   BiasDiff = config.getItemValueF("BiasDiff");
00264   GridBias = config.getItemValueF("GridBias");
00265   doNerdCam = (int)config.getItemValueF("doNerdCam");
00266   doBias = (int)config.getItemValueF("doBias");
00267   doGaborFilter = (int)config.getItemValueF("doGaborFilter");
00268   Gstddev = config.getItemValueF("Gstddev");
00269   Gperiod = config.getItemValueF("Gperiod");
00270   Gphase = config.getItemValueF("Gphase");
00271   GsigMod = config.getItemValueF("GsigMod");
00272   Gamplitude = config.getItemValueF("Gamplitude");
00273   doTableOnly = (int)config.getItemValueF("doTableOnly");
00274   compGain = config.getItemValueF("compGain");
00275   scale1 = config.getItemValueF("scale1");
00276   scale2 = config.getItemValueF("scale2");
00277   scale3 = config.getItemValueF("scale3");
00278 }
00280 /*! This is a simple ramp (up then down) function to bias the
00281   oriented images from vertical
00282   filter more then horizontal filter. This is to adjust and create a linear
00283   function observed on Polat and Sagi Spat. Vis. 1994
00284   ALSO: add a bias for 45 degree angles due to the effect of the images
00285   grid shape.
00286 */
00288 void CINNIC::findNeuralAnglesBias()
00289 {
00290   int lastAngle = 0;
00291   for(int i = 0; i < AnglesUsed/2; i++)
00292   {
00293     NeuralAnglesBias[i] =
00294       1-((BiasDiff/(AnglesUsed/2))*((AnglesUsed/2)-i));
00295     LINFO("BIAS1 %f",NeuralAnglesBias[i]);
00296     if(i <= (AnglesUsed/4))
00297       NeuralAnglesBias[i] += (GridBias/(AnglesUsed/4))*i;
00298     else
00299       NeuralAnglesBias[i] += (GridBias/(AnglesUsed/4))*((AnglesUsed/2)-i);
00300     LINFO("BIAS2 %f",NeuralAnglesBias[i]);
00301     lastAngle++;
00302   }
00303   for(int i = lastAngle; i < AnglesUsed; i++)
00304   {
00305     NeuralAnglesBias[i] = 1-((BiasDiff/(AnglesUsed/2))*(i-(AnglesUsed/2)));
00306     LINFO("BIAS1 %f",NeuralAnglesBias[i]);
00307     if(i <= ((3*AnglesUsed)/4))
00308       NeuralAnglesBias[i] += (GridBias/(AnglesUsed/4))*(i-(AnglesUsed/2));
00309     else
00310       NeuralAnglesBias[i] += (GridBias/(AnglesUsed/4))*(AnglesUsed-i);
00311     LINFO("BIAS2 %f",NeuralAnglesBias[i]);
00312   }
00313 }
00315 //*****************************************************************
00316 //*****************************************************************
00317 // START HERE
00318 //*****************************************************************
00319 //*****************************************************************
00321 void CINNIC::RunSimpleImage(ContourNeuronCreate<float> &NeuronTemplate,
00322                                    Image<byte> &input, readConfig &config)
00323 {
00324   origX = input.getWidth();origY = input.getHeight();
00325   orientComposite.resize(256,256,0.0F);
00326   Original = input;
00327   // Loads the config file for CINNIC params
00329   configLoad(config);
00330   std::ofstream outfile("CINNICtimer.log",std::ios::app);
00331   Timer tim;
00332   tim.reset();
00333   // resize and do orientation filtering on input image
00335   preProcessImage(NeuronTemplate,input,config);
00336   // set up image vectors and group sising
00337   LINFO("PRE-IMAGE");
00338   preImage(VFinput,config,input.getWidth(),input.getHeight());
00339   // actaully run the image for x number of iterations
00340   LINFO("RUN IMAGE");
00341   runImage(NeuronTemplate,VFinput,config,groupTopVec);
00342   uint64 t0 = tim.get();
00343   // get and output results
00345   getResults(config);
00347   printf("\n*************************************\n");
00348   printf("Time to convolve, %llums seconds\n",t0);
00349   printf("*************************************\n\n");
00350   outfile << t0 << "\t";
00351   outfile.close();
00352 }
00354 //*****************************************************************
00356 void CINNIC::preProcessImage(ContourNeuronCreate<float> &NeuronTemplate
00357                       ,Image<byte> &input,readConfig &config)
00358 {
00359   if(doGaborFilter == 0)
00360   {
00361     if((input.getWidth() > 256) || (input.getHeight() > 256))
00362       input = rescale(input,256,256);
00363   }
00365   floatImage = input;
00366   if(addNoise == 1)
00367   {
00368     LINFO("ADDING noise %f",preOrientFilterNoise);
00369     inplaceAddBGnoise2(input, preOrientFilterNoise);
00370     Raster::VisuGray(input, sformat("post_noise_image_in_%d.pgm", 0));
00371   }
00373   // Resize and filter image into oriented images
00375   if(doBias == 1)
00376     findNeuralAnglesBias();
00377   Finput.resize(AnglesUsed,input);
00378   VFinput.resize(scalesNumber,Finput);
00379   for(int i = 0; i < AnglesUsed; i++)
00380   {
00381     Finput[i] = Image<float>(input.getDims(),ZEROS);
00382     Finput[i] = input;  // convert input to float
00383     Image<float> i2 = Finput[i];
00384     if(redOrder == 0)
00385     {
00386       LINFO("REDUCTION USING decXY");
00387       while(Finput[i].getWidth() > reduction)
00388       {
00389         Finput[i] = decXY(Finput[i]);
00390       }
00391     }
00393     if(lPass == 0)
00394     {
00395       i2 = lowPass9(i2);
00396       Finput[i] -= i2;
00397     }
00398     if(lPass == 1)
00399     {
00400       i2 = lowPass5(i2);
00401       Finput[i] -= i2;
00402     }
00403     if(lPass == 2)
00404     {
00405       i2 = lowPass3(i2);
00406       Finput[i] -= i2;
00407     }
00409     if(doGaborFilter == 0)
00410     {
00411       float mpi =  M_PI / Gnum;
00412       Finput[i] = orientedFilter(Finput[i],mpi,NeuralAngles[i]);
00413       inplaceAttenuateBorders(Finput[i], edge);
00414     }
00415     else
00416     {
00417       LINFO("Using gabor filter");
00418       // use this is you want accuracy, but not speed
00419       Gtheta = NeuralAngles[i];
00420       Image<float> filter;
00421       filter = gaborFilter2<float>(Gstddev,
00422                                    Gperiod,Gphase,Gtheta,
00423                                    GsigMod,Gamplitude);
00424       // NOTE: added an extra 'i' at the end of sformat(), because
00425       // there were only three format parameters and the final %d was
00426       // unmatched.
00427       Raster::VisuFloat((filter+128),0,
00428                         sformat("%s%s.filter_bias.image_%f_%d.pgm",saveto
00429                                 ,savefilename,NeuralAngles[i], i));
00430       Finput[i] = convolveCleanZero(Finput[i],filter);
00431       // NOTE: added an extra 'i' at the end of sformat(), because
00432       // there were only three format parameters and the final %d was
00433       // unmatched.
00434       Raster::VisuFloat((Finput[i]+128),0,
00435                         sformat("%s%s.pre_bias.image_%f_%d.pgm",saveto
00436                                 ,savefilename,NeuralAngles[i], i));
00437       rescale(Finput[i],256,256);
00438     }
00439     Image<float> tempSizer = Finput[i];
00440     rescale(tempSizer,256,256); // <--- FIX HERE
00441     orientComposite += tempSizer;
00442     if(doBias == 1)
00443     {
00444       LINFO("NEURALANGLEBIAS %f",NeuralAnglesBias[i]);
00445       for(int x = 0; x < Finput[i].getWidth(); x++)
00446       {
00447         for(int y = 0; y < Finput[i].getHeight(); y++)
00448         {
00449           Finput[i].setVal(x,y,(Finput[i].getVal(x,y)*NeuralAnglesBias[i]));
00450         }
00451       }
00452     }
00454     // resize images into different scales
00456     if(redOrder == 1)
00457     {
00458       int WHold = Finput[i].getWidth();
00459       int HHold = Finput[i].getHeight();
00460       while((WHold >= ImageSizeX) || (HHold >= ImageSizeY))
00461       {
00462         WHold = WHold/2;
00463         HHold = HHold/2;
00464       }
00465       for(int s = 0; s < scalesNumber; s++)
00466       {
00467         VFinput[s][i] = Finput[i];
00468         LINFO("Image Scale %d %d", WHold, HHold);
00469         VFinput[s][i] = rescale(VFinput[s][i], WHold,HHold);
00470         WHold = WHold/2;
00471         HHold = HHold/2;
00472         //uncomment this line to see all scale maps
00473         //Raster::VisuFloat(VFinput[s][i], FLOAT_NORM_0_255, sformat("%s%s.image_%f_%d_%d.pgm"
00474         //  ,saveto,savefilename,NeuralAngles[i],s));
00475       }
00476     }
00478     //uncomment these three lines to view the oriented filter output
00479     //Raster::WriteGray(Finput[i],
00480     //          sformat("%s%s.image_%f_%d.pgm",saveto,savefilename
00481     //                  ,NeuralAngles[i]));
00482     SY = Finput[i].getHeight();
00483     SX = Finput[i].getWidth();
00484     mean = ::mean(Finput[i]);
00485     std = ::stdev(Finput[i]);
00486     getMinMaxAvg(Finput[i], min,max,avg);
00487   }
00488   if(doGaborFilter == 1)
00489   {
00490     if((input.getWidth() > 256) || (input.getHeight() > 256))
00491       input = rescale(input,256,256);
00492   }
00493 }
00495 //*****************************************************************
00497 void CINNIC::preImage(std::vector< std::vector<Image<float> > > &input
00498                       ,readConfig &config,int sizeX, int sizeY)
00499 {
00500   orientComposite = (orientComposite/AnglesUsed)*compGain;
00501   SIZEX = sizeX; SIZEY = sizeY;
00502   Image<float> foo(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00503   group.resize(scalesNumber,foo);
00504   groupCount.resize(scalesNumber);
00505   groupTopVec.resize(scalesNumber);
00507   contourRun *CR = new contourRun[scalesNumber]();
00509   RN = CR;
00511   combinedSalMap.resize(iterations,foo);
00512   combinedSalMapMax.resize(iterations,foo);
00513   combinedSalMapMin.resize(iterations,foo);
00514   //LINFO("Resizing combined sal map");
00515   for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
00516   {
00517     combinedSalMap[i] = Image<byte>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00518     combinedSalMapMax[i] = Image<byte>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00519     combinedSalMapMin[i] = Image<byte>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00520     //LINFO("RESIZED %d:%d at %d",SIZEX,SIZEY,i);
00521   }
00523   int GS = groupSize;
00524   int size = storeArraySize;
00526   // size and label groups
00528   for(int s = 0; s < scalesNumber; s++)
00529   {
00530     RN[s].setArraySize(size);
00531     size = size/4;
00532     if(s > 0)
00533     {
00534       GS = GS/2;
00535     }
00536     groupCount[s] = 0;
00537     groupTopVec[s] = GroupTop;
00538     GroupTop = GroupTop/4;
00540     group[s] = Image<float>(input[s][0].getDims(),ZEROS);
00541     int Hmod,Wmod;
00542     int Wtemp = input[s][0].getWidth()/GS;
00543     if((Wmod = (input[s][0].getWidth()%GS)) != 0){Wtemp++;}
00544     int Htemp = input[s][0].getHeight()/GS;
00545     if((Hmod = (input[s][0].getHeight()%GS)) != 0){Htemp++;}
00547     for(int x = 0; x < Wtemp; x++)
00548     {
00549       for(int y = 0; y < Htemp; y++)
00550       {
00551         for(int i = 0; i < GS; i++)
00552         {
00553           for(int j = 0; j < GS; j++)
00554           {
00555             int intx = i+(GS*x);
00556             int inty = j+(GS*y);
00557             if((intx < group[s].getWidth()) && (inty < group[s].getHeight()))
00558             {
00559               group[s].setVal(intx,inty,(float)groupCount[s]);
00560             }
00561           }
00562         }
00563         groupCount[s]++;
00564       }
00565     }
00566   }
00567 };
00569 //*****************************************************************
00571 void CINNIC::runImage(ContourNeuronCreate<float> &NeuronTemplate,
00572                       std::vector< std::vector<Image<float> > > &input
00573                       ,readConfig &config, std::vector<float> &GTV)
00574 {
00575   //SIZEX = SIZEX * 2; // <--- FIX HERE
00576   //SIZEY = SIZEY * 2; // <--- FIX HERE
00577   Image<float> floatTemp;
00578   Image<float> floatTemp2;
00579   Image<byte> floatByte;
00580   Image<float> temp;
00581   Image<float> tempT;
00582   Image<float> temp2;
00583   Image<float> tempMax;
00584   Image<float> tempMin;
00585   char avgFileName[100];
00586   sprintf(avgFileName,"%s%s.table.out.txt"
00587           ,saveto,savefilename);
00588   std::ofstream avgFile(avgFileName,std::ios::out);
00590   //optimize this dammit!!!!
00591   for(int t = 0; t < iterations; t++)
00592   {
00593     floatTemp2 = Image<float>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00594     temp2 = Image<float>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00595     tempMax = Image<float>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00596     tempMin = Image<float>(SIZEX,SIZEY,ZEROS);
00597     for(int s = 0; s < scalesNumber; s++)
00598     {
00599       // weighted average bias for scales output
00600       float bias;
00601       switch(s)
00602       {
00603       case 0:
00604         bias = scale1;
00605         break;
00606       case 1:
00607         bias = scale2;
00608         break;
00609       case 2:
00610         bias = scale3;
00611         break;
00612       default:
00613         bias = 1.0F;
00614         break;
00615       }
00617       // **********************
00618       // ** Do the fun stuff **
00619       // **********************
00620       // see: contourRun.*
00621       RN[s].contourRunMain(VFinput[s],NeuronTemplate,config,group[s],
00622                         groupCount[s],t,GTV[s]);
00623       // **********************
00624       // Post process results for this iteration
00626       tempT = RN[s].getSMI(t);
00627       temp.resize(tempT.getWidth(),tempT.getHeight());
00629       // bump the sal map over a pixel
00630       for(int i = 0; i < tempT.getWidth(); i++)
00631       {
00632         for(int j = 0; j < tempT.getHeight(); j++)
00633         {
00634           if((j == 0) || (i == 0))
00635           {
00636             temp.setVal(i,j,0);
00637           }
00638           else
00639           {
00640             temp.setVal(i,j,tempT.getVal(i-1,j-1));
00641           }
00642         }
00643       }
00645       floatTemp = rescale(temp,SIZEX,SIZEY);
00646       temp = rescale(temp,SIZEX,SIZEY);
00649       //set a bias for scales if needed in avg map
00650       for(int i = 1; i < temp.getWidth(); i++)
00651       {
00652         for(int j = 1; j < temp.getHeight(); j++)
00653         {
00654           float foo = temp.getVal(i,j)*bias;
00655           temp.setVal(i,j,foo);
00656         }
00657       }
00658       if(t == (iterations - 1))
00659       {
00660         for(int i = 0; i < floatTemp.getWidth(); i++)
00661         {
00662           for(int j = 0; j < floatTemp.getHeight(); j++)
00663           {
00664             float foo = floatTemp.getVal(i,j)*bias;
00665             floatTemp.setVal(i,j,foo);
00666           }
00667         }
00668         floatByte = floatTemp;
00669         if(doTableOnly == 0)
00670         {
00671           Raster::WriteGray(floatByte,
00672                             sformat("%s%s.minimum.out.%d.pgm"
00673                                     ,saveto,savefilename,s));
00674         }
00675         floatTemp2 += floatTemp;
00676       }
00678       //set min or max for each scale
00679       //reset min matrix
00680       for(int i = 0; i < temp.getWidth(); i++)
00681       {
00682         for(int j = 0; j < temp.getHeight(); j++)
00683         {
00684           tempMin.setVal(i,j,255);
00685         }
00686       }
00688       for(int i = 0; i < temp.getWidth(); i++)
00689       {
00690         for(int j = 0; j < temp.getHeight(); j++)
00691         {
00692           if(temp.getVal(i,j) > tempMax.getVal(i,j))
00693           {
00694             //set max pixel
00695             tempMax.setVal(i,j,temp.getVal(i,j));
00696           }
00697           if(temp.getVal(i,j) < tempMin.getVal(i,j))
00698           {
00699             tempMin.setVal(i,j,temp.getVal(i,j));
00700           }
00701         }
00702       }
00703       temp2+=temp;
00704     }
00706     //divide image by group numbers so that the output fits in 256 greys
00707     double mint;
00709     if(t == (iterations - 1))
00710     {
00711       avgFile << floatTemp2.getWidth() << "\t" << floatTemp2.getHeight() << "\n";
00712       for(int i = 0; i < floatTemp2.getWidth(); i++)
00713       {
00714         for(int j = 0; j < floatTemp2.getHeight(); j++)
00715         {
00716           mint = floatTemp2.getVal(i,j)/scalesNumber;
00717           avgFile << mint << "\t";
00718           floatTemp2.setVal(i,j,mint);
00719         }
00720         avgFile << "\n";
00721       }
00722       floatByte = floatTemp2;
00723       if(doTableOnly == 0)
00724       {
00725         Raster::WriteGray(floatByte,
00726                           sformat("%s%s.minimumSize.out.pgm"
00727                                   ,saveto,savefilename));
00728       }
00729     }
00731     for(int i = 0; i < temp2.getWidth(); i++)
00732     {
00733       for(int j = 0; j < temp2.getHeight(); j++)
00734       {
00735         mint = temp2.getVal(i,j)/scalesNumber;
00736         temp2.setVal(i,j,mint);
00737       }
00738     }
00739     int xx = temp2.getWidth();
00740     int yy = temp2.getHeight();
00741     combinedSalMap[t] = temp2;
00742     combinedSalMapMax[t] = tempMax;
00743     combinedSalMapMin[t] = tempMin;
00744     if(((lastIterOnly == 0) || (t == (iterations - 1))) && (doTableOnly == 0))
00745     {
00746       //Raster::VisuGray(combinedSalMap[t],sformat("combined_map_%d.pgm",t));
00747       if(doNerdCam == 1)
00748       {
00749         combinedSalMap[t] = rescale(combinedSalMap[t],origX,origY);
00750         Image<float> nerd;
00751         nerd = combinedSalMap[t];
00752         char savename[100];
00753         sprintf(savename,"%s%s.sal.out.%d.%d.%d.%d",saveto,savefilename
00754                 ,0,t,xx,yy);
00755         cinnicStats.pointAndFloodImage(Original,nerd,6,savename,24.0F,48.0F);
00756         inplaceNormalize(combinedSalMap[t], byte(0), byte(255));
00757       }
00759       Raster::WriteRGB(Image<PixRGB<byte> >(combinedSalMap[t])
00760                        ,sformat("%s%s.avg.out.%d.%d.%d.%d.ppm"
00761                                     ,saveto,savefilename,0,t,xx,yy));
00763       if(doNerdCam == 0)
00764       {
00765         //Raster::WriteRGB(Image<PixRGB<byte> >(combinedSalMap[t]+orientComposite)
00766         //              ,sformat("%s%s.Compavg.out.%d.%d.%d.%d.ppm"
00767         //             ,saveto,savefilename,0,t,xx,yy));
00769         //Raster::VisuGray(combinedSalMapMax[t],sformat("max_map_%d.pgm",t));
00770         Raster::WriteRGB(Image<PixRGB<byte> >(combinedSalMapMax[t])
00771                          ,sformat("%s%s.max.out.%d.%d.%d.%d.ppm"
00772                                       ,saveto,savefilename,0,t,xx,yy));
00774         //Raster::VisuGray(combinedSalMapMin[t],sformat("min_map_%d.pgm",t));
00775         Raster::WriteRGB(Image<PixRGB<byte> >(combinedSalMapMin[t])
00776                          ,sformat("%s%s.min.out.%d.%d.%d.%d.ppm"
00777                                       ,saveto,savefilename,0,t,xx,yy));
00778         Image<float> floatTempT;
00779       }
00780     }
00781   }
00782   std::ofstream propFile("CINNIC2.prop",std::ios::out);
00783   propFile << "type avg\n";
00784   propFile << "type max\n";
00785   propFile << "type min\n";
00786   propFile.close();
00787   avgFile.close();
00788 };
00790 void CINNIC::getResults(readConfig &config)
00791 {
00793   for(int i = 0; i < scalesNumber; i++)
00794   {
00796     char holder[256];
00797     strcpy(holder,logto);
00798     RN[i].dumpEnergySigmoid(strcat(holder,"energy"),
00799                             savefilename,config,floatImage,i,scalesNumber);
00800     LINFO("Unique iterations at scale %d = %ld",i,RN[i].iterCounter);
00801   }
00802   LINFO("FINISHED");
00803 };
00805 // ######################################################################
00806 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00807 /* Local Variables: */
00808 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00809 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:22 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3