LometMain.C File Reference

Robolocust metrics log analyzer. More...

#include <iostream>
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int main ()

Detailed Description

Robolocust metrics log analyzer.

This file defines the main function for a multithreaded analysis program that loads all the Robolocust metrics logs associated with an experiment and then combines the information contained in these logs to produce average trajectory information, exploiting parallelism wherever possible.

Here's the background for this program: the Robolocust project aims to use locusts for robot navigation. Specifically, the locust sports a visual interneuron known as the Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) that spikes preferentially in response to objects moving toward the animal on collisional trajectories. Robolocust's goal is to use an array of locusts, each looking in a different direction. As the robot moves, we expect to receive greater spiking activity from the locusts looking in the direction in which obstacles are approaching (or being approached) and use this information to veer the robot away.

Before we mount actual locusts on a robot, we would like to first simulate this LGMD-based navigation. Toward that end, we use a laser range finder (LRF) mounted on an iRobot Create driven by a quad-core mini-ITX computer. A computational model of the LGMD developed by Gabbiani, et al. takes the LRF distance readings and the Create's odometry as input and produces artificial LGMD spikes based on the time-to-impact of approaching objects. We simulate multiple virtual locusts by using different angular portions of the LRF's field of view. To simulate reality a little better, we inject Gaussian noise into the artificial spikes.

We have devised three different LGMD-based obstacle avoidance algorithms:

1. EMD: pairs of adjacent LGMD's are fed into Reichardt motion detectors to determine the dominant direction of spiking activity and steer the robot away from that direction;

2. VFF: a spike rate threshold is used to "convert" each virtual locust's spike into an attractive or repulsive virtual force; all the force vectors are combined to produce the final steering vector;

3. TTI: each locust's spike rate is fed into a Bayesian state estimator that computes the time-to-impact given a spike rate; these TTI estimates are then used to determine distances to approaching objects, thereby effecting the LGMD array's use as a kind of range sensor; the distances are compared against a threshold to produce attractive and repulsive forces, with the sum of the force field vectors determining the final steering direction.

We also implemented a very simple algorithm that just steers the robot towards the direction of least spiking activity. However, although it functioned reasonably well as an obstacle avoidance technique, it was found to be quite unsuitable for navigation tasks. Therefore, we did not pursue formal tests for this algorithm, focusing instead on the three algorithms mentioned above.

To evaluate the relative merits of the above algorithms, we designed a slalom course in an approximately 12'x6' enclosure. One end of this obstacle course was designated the start and the other end the goal. The robot's task was to drive autonomously from start to goal, keeping track of itself using Monte Carlo Localization. As it drove, it would collect trajectory and other pertinent information in a metrics log.

For each algorithm, we used four noise profiles: no noise, 25Hz Gaussian noise in the LGMD spikes, 50Hz, and 100Hz. For each noise profile, we conducted 25 individual runs. We refer to an individual run from start to goal as an "experiment" and a set of 25 experiments as a "dataset."

The objective of this program is to load an entire dataset and then perform the necessary computations to produce an "average" trajectory from start to goal. Other useful metrics are also computed such as average forward driving speed, total number of collisions across all experiments, etc.

Since the above computations can take a while, this analysis program uses multiple threads to speed up various subtasks. Therefore, it would be best to run it on a multiprocessor machine (as there are 25 experiments per dataset, something with 24 to 32 CPU's would provide maximal benefit).

Definition in file LometMain.C.

Generated on Sun May 8 08:42:49 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3