
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!@file Gist/trainUtils.C training utility functions (not limited to FFN) */
00003 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00004 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit - Copyright (C) 2001 by the //
00005 // University of Southern California (USC) and the iLab at USC.         //
00006 // See for information about this project.          //
00007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00008 // Major portions of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit are protected //
00009 // under the U.S. patent ``Computation of Intrinsic Perceptual Saliency //
00010 // in Visual Environments, and Applications'' by Christof Koch and      //
00011 // Laurent Itti, California Institute of Technology, 2001 (patent       //
00012 // pending; application number 09/912,225 filed July 23, 2001; see      //
00013 // for current status).     //
00014 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00015 // This file is part of the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit.       //
00016 //                                                                      //
00017 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is free software; you can   //
00018 // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General  //
00019 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either  //
00020 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.     //
00021 //                                                                      //
00022 // The iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit is distributed in the hope  //
00023 // that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the   //
00024 // implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR      //
00025 // PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.       //
00026 //                                                                      //
00027 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    //
00028 // along with the iLab Neuromorphic Vision C++ Toolkit; if not, write   //
00029 // to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,   //
00030 // Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.                                           //
00031 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
00032 //
00033 // Primary maintainer for this file: Christian Siagian <>
00034 // $HeadURL: svn:// $
00035 // $Id: trainUtils.C 13712 2010-07-28 21:00:40Z itti $
00036 //
00038 #include "Image/DrawOps.H"
00039 #include "Image/MathOps.H"
00040 #include "Neuro/StdBrain.H"
00041 #include "Raster/Raster.H"
00042 #include "Gist/trainUtils.H"
00044 #include <cstdio>
00046 // ######################################################################
00047 //! Constructor
00048 FFNtrainInfo::FFNtrainInfo(std::string fName)
00049 {
00050   if(fName.length() != 0) reset(fName);
00051 }
00053 // ######################################################################
00054 //! Destructor
00055 FFNtrainInfo::~FFNtrainInfo()
00056 {}
00058 // ######################################################################
00059 //! reset the training info with a new file
00060 bool FFNtrainInfo::reset(std::string fName)
00061 {
00062   FILE *fp;  char inLine[100];  char comment[200]; char temp[200];
00064   // open a file that lists the training parameters
00065   if((fp = fopen(fName.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00066     {
00067       LINFO("training file: %s not found",fName.c_str());
00068       return false;
00069     }
00071   // get the location of the training folder
00072   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00073   trainFolder = std::string(temp);
00075   // get the location of the testing folder
00076   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00077   testFolder = std::string(temp);
00079   // get the number of categories
00080   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &nOutput, comment);
00082   // PCA option
00083   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00084   isPCA = (strcmp(temp,"PCA") == 0);
00085   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00086   evecFname = std::string(temp);
00088   // get the original and reduced number of features
00089   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &oriFeatSize, comment);
00090   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &redFeatSize, comment);
00092   // get the number of nodes at the 2 hidden layer
00093   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &h1size, comment);
00094   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%d %s", &h2size, comment);
00096   // the training learning rate
00097   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%f %s", &learnRate, comment);
00099   // get the training samples file
00100   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00101   trainSampleFile = std::string(temp);
00103   // get the testing samples file
00104   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00105  testSampleFile = std::string(temp);
00107   // get file name for the weights
00108   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00109   h1Name = trainFolder + std::string(temp);
00110   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00111   h2Name = trainFolder + std::string(temp);
00112   if (fgets(inLine, 1000, fp) == NULL) LFATAL("fgets() failed"); sscanf(inLine, "%s %s", temp, comment);
00113   oName = trainFolder + std::string(temp);
00115   fclose(fp);
00117   // some of the classifier parameter
00118   LINFO("Training folder: %s", trainFolder.c_str());
00119   LINFO("Testing  folder: %s", testFolder.c_str());
00120   LINFO("PCA?: %d (%s) %d -> %d",
00121         isPCA, evecFname.c_str(), oriFeatSize, redFeatSize);
00122   LINFO("NN: %d->%d->%d->%d  LR: %f",
00123         redFeatSize, h1size, h2size, nOutput, learnRate);
00124   LINFO("train: %s", trainSampleFile.c_str());
00125   LINFO("test : %s", testSampleFile.c_str());
00126   LINFO("h1 weight file name: %s", h1Name.c_str());
00127   LINFO("h2 weight file name: %s", h2Name.c_str());
00128   LINFO("o  weight file name: %s",  oName.c_str());
00130   return true;
00131 }
00133 // ######################################################################
00134 // functions for PCA/ICA reductions
00135 // ######################################################################
00136 // setup the PCA/ICA un-mixing matrix
00137 Image<double> setupPcaIcaMatrix(std::string inW, int oriSize, int redSize)
00138 {
00139   FILE *fp;
00140   // it's still a resSize x oriSize matrix,
00141   // but the image declaration is flipped
00142   Image<double> ret(oriSize, redSize, NO_INIT);
00144   // open the matrix-entries file
00145   if((fp = fopen(inW.c_str(),"rb")) == NULL)
00146     {
00147       LINFO("can't open pca file: %s fill with random values",
00148             inW.c_str());
00149       Image<double>::iterator aptr = ret.beginw();
00150       for(int i = 0; i < redSize; i++)
00151         {
00152           for(int j = 0; j < oriSize; j++)
00153             {
00154               *aptr++ = (-TUTILS_RW_RANGE/2.0) +
00155                 (rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0) * TUTILS_RW_RANGE);
00156             }
00157         }
00158     }
00159   else
00160     {
00161       Image<double>::iterator aptr = ret.beginw();
00162       for(int i = 0; i < redSize; i++)
00163         {
00164           for(int j = 0; j < oriSize; j++)
00165             { double val; if (fread(&val,sizeof(double),1,fp) != 1) LFATAL("fread error"); *aptr++ = val; }
00166         }
00167     }
00169   LINFO("PCA/ICA un-mixing matrix is set");
00170   return ret;
00171 }
00173 // ######################################################################
00174 // get the PCA feature vectors in image histogram
00175 Image<float> getPcaIcaFeatImage(Image<double> res, int w, int h, int s)
00176 {
00177   Image<float> img(w * s, h * s, ZEROS);
00179   for(int j = 0; j < h; j++)
00180       for(int i = 0; i < w; i++)
00181         drawPatch(img, Point2D<int>(i*s+s/2,j*s+s/2),s/2, float(res.getVal(j,i)));
00182   //j*w+i
00183   return img;
00184 }
00186 // ######################################################################
00187 /* So things look consistent in everyone's emacs... */
00188 /* Local Variables: */
00189 /* indent-tabs-mode: nil */
00190 /* End: */
Generated on Sun May 8 08:40:39 2011 for iLab Neuromorphic Vision Toolkit by  doxygen 1.6.3